My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1370 Extra chapter, Xiaorou, don’t leave me

Chapter 1371: Extra chapter, Xiaorou, don’t leave me

"I..." Ji Rou said, that's because the murderer who hurt Xiang Lingfeng was not Qin Yinze, and Qin Yinze also personally promised her that he would not hurt Brother Feng again, "Xie Meimei, you didn't Please don’t speak nonsense before any evidence.”

"Evidence? You ask me for evidence?" Xie Meimei smiled and then cried. She cried that Xiang Lingfeng was stupid and that Xiang Lingfeng would even risk his own life for a woman. "He is lying here. You still have the nerve to ask me for evidence?"

"Xie Meimei, I don't want to quarrel with you." Ji Rou turned to look at the prince, "Prince, can you contact the doctor and let me go see Brother Feng first? I want to talk to him."

The prince said helplessly: "Now Xie Meimei is Senior Feng's only guardian. Only with her consent can the doctor allow you to visit Senior Feng in the intensive care unit."

Ji Rou's eyes turned to Xie Meimei again, and Xie Meimei gave her a cold look: "If you want to see him, he has seen it. Now you can get out of here. Get as far away as possible, and don't appear in front of him again. Because your appearance will only bring him endless misfortune. As long as you are here, he will not be able to let it go. "

Ji Rou said sincerely: "Xie Meimei, brother Feng wants to see me, maybe I can wake him up."

Xie Meimei was unmoved: "If you let him wake up, your Young Master Qin will let others hurt him again. You powerful people like to play such games, but I beg you not to hurt him anymore, okay?" ? He is scarred and can no longer stand your torture. If he continues like this, he will die. He will really die. "

The prince advised: "Xie Meimei, the doctor said that if Senior Feng wants to see the boss, he should ask the boss to meet him. Maybe the boss can awaken his consciousness and wake him up."

To be honest, Xie Meimei didn't want Ji Rou to see Xiang Lingfeng at all, but she didn't dare to go against Xiang Lingfeng's wishes, and she had to have a degree of resistance: "I can let you see him, but you have to agree to one condition. "

"What conditions?" Ji Rou is willing to agree to ten conditions, not to mention one condition, as long as she can see Xiang Lingfeng and Xiang Lingfeng's situation improves.

Xie Meimei stretched out her hand: "Give me your phone."

Jirou is puzzled: "Why do you want my phone?"

Xie Meimei said: "Of course it is to prevent you from tipping off Young Master Qin Yin again. You are alone in the ward, who knows what you will do."

Ji Rou gritted her teeth and said, "Xie Meimei, it is impossible for Qin Yinze to hurt Brother Feng. He definitely did not do this. You let me see Brother Feng first, and then we will find the murderer."

Xie Meimei: "Don't talk so much, give me the phone."

Ji Rou took out her mobile phone and handed it to Xie Meimei: "Can I go see him now?"

Xie Meimei turned off Jirou's cell phone, and a cold and cruel light flashed in her eyes: "You wait here, I'll go find the doctor now."

Ji Rou saw Xiang Lingfeng. The last time she saw Xiang Lingfeng, Xiang Lingfeng looked very haggard, which already made her feel distressed. This time, Xiang Lingfeng's body was covered with gauze, revealing only a bloodless face, which almost made Ji Rou heartbroken.

She wanted to grab his hand, but his hand was also wrapped in gauze. She could only hold it together with the gauze: "Brother Feng, I am Xiaorou. Haven't you been thinking about me? I'm here to see you. You Open your eyes, look at me, and talk to me, okay?"

However, no matter what she said, the person on the hospital bed never gave her an answer. Ji Rou was so distressed that she burst into tears: "Brother Feng, I already know who the murderer is. Wake up and let's go together to bring the murderer to justice." ,OK?"

"You used to often tell me that no matter how you live, you should live well, because only living can have hope. You said these words to me, have you forgotten?"

"No, I know. You will never forget what you said, especially what you said to me. I believe you will survive and stand up again. Because you are not someone else, you are as warm as the sun Same as Xiang Lingfeng."

I don't know which of Ji Rou's words touched Xiang Lingfeng's heart. His hand moved slightly. Although it was just a slight move, Ji Rou still noticed it.

She said in surprise: "Brother Feng, you can hear me, right?"

Xiang Lingfeng opened his mouth and said weakly: "Xiao, Rou..."

Although it was just two words that were inaudible, Jirou still heard it. Brother Feng was calling her, and he was calling her. No matter what she did, he always put her first.

Thinking of his single-mindedness and persistence, and then thinking of her own transference, Ji Rou was so sad that she burst into tears: "Brother Feng, I am Xiaorou, I am here, I am by your side."

"Xiaorou, don't, don't go... don't leave me... I can't live without you." Intermittent words came out of Xiang Lingfeng's mouth, and each word hit Jirou's heart like a hammer.

"Brother Feng, I..." Ji Rou knew that it was impossible for Brother Feng not to care about her betrayal. He had been pretending these days, pretending not to care at all, but in fact he should be heartbroken.

But for her own good, he said nothing when he was sober.

"'s so dark and I'm so scared. Don't leave. Just stay with me for a while, just a little while..." He added, and every word was like a drop of tears from his eyes.

"Brother Feng, I'm not leaving. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here with you. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid." Jirou wanted to hold his hand tighter, but she was afraid of touching his injury. , but fortunately Xiang Lingfeng was not so excited after hearing her comfort, but he still failed to open his eyes and look at her.

Perhaps, he was afraid that the Jirou he saw when he opened his eyes was no longer the Jirou he wanted to see, but a Jirou so strange that he didn't recognize him at all.

Minluocheng International Airport.

Pengshan had been waiting at the international arrivals exit of the airport for nearly an hour, and he was getting anxious. Finally, he saw his master approaching in a hurry. He hurriedly greeted him: "Mr."

Qin Yinze didn't even say anything to answer him. He didn't even look at him. He walked straight towards the parking lot outside the airport. However, when he walked out of the airport, he was hit by cold air, which was so cold that Qin Yinze's blood was not flowing smoothly. , he immediately pulled his coat.

Pengshan knew that he was not in good health. Now that he was returning to Minluo City from the warm climate of Jiangbei, he would definitely not be able to bear such a big temperature change: "Sir, the car is just a few steps ahead."

Qin Yinze still ignored Pengshan, strode forward and got into the car. Fortunately, Pengshan was smarter. He got out of the car but did not turn off the engine. The heating in the car was turned on fully. Qin Yinze felt better after getting in the car.

Pengshan hurriedly got into the driver's seat: "Sir, where are we going now?"

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