My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1372: Extra chapter, who is the most important person to her?

Chapter 1373: Extra chapter, who is the most important person to her

However, Xie Meimei never forgot Xiang Lingfeng's instructions. If she messed up at this time, everything they had done during this period would be in vain.

She can't! Don't even dare!

Xie Meimei tried to control her emotions: "Master Qin, since you are not willing to have a good talk with me, then I have no choice but to hand over the evidence in my hand to the police."

"Pengshan!" Qin Yinze didn't want to hear a word of this disgusting woman's nonsense. He wanted Pengshan to get her away. Only then did he realize that he came to the hospital alone and that stupid Pengshan was still at the airport. Blow cold air.

After finally needing that stupid thing, the stupid thing was not around. Qin Yinze frowned, turned around and strode to the infirmary. No matter how Xie Meimei behind him howled, he still ignored it.

"Qin Yinze?" Suddenly, a familiar, crisp and pleasant female voice came from behind, which instantly stopped Qin Yinze. He looked back and saw Ji Rou for the first time.

She was standing at the door of the ward wearing a blue antibacterial suit. Her eyes were red and the left side of her face was swollen. Her eyes were red because she was worried about Xiang Lingfeng crying. He could understand it, but why was the left side of her face swollen?

Qin Yinze walked back and came to Ji Rou. Without saying anything, he pulled her into his arms and held her tightly in his arms as if declaring ownership. His eyes fell down to her slightly swollen left side. Face: "What's wrong with your face?"

"I was beaten. But I'm fine now." It seems that Qin Yinze's appearance here has been expected by Ji Rou, and she is not surprised at all. With him by her side, no matter how many fears and worries she had, they were gone, as if he was her exclusive tranquilizer.

"Who?" Qin Yinze raised his head slightly and glanced at Xie Meimei. Xie Meimei took two steps back with a guilty conscience, and then he understood who hit Ji Rou.

He couldn't bear to touch her at all, how could he let those people bully him, but Qin Yinze's emotions were not exposed. He rubbed Ji Rou's head: "How is Xiang Lingfeng's situation?"

"It's very bad." Ji Rou bit her lip and rubbed herself in Qin Yinze's arms like a child, trying to get rid of the pain and uneasiness in her heart. "Brother Feng woke up in a daze not long ago and asked me He said a few words, but the doctor said his condition was still not improving."

"I have called a few doctors over. They are all experienced experts. I plan to ask them to help take a look." Qin Yinze will bring the doctor. First, he does not believe that Xiang Lingfeng was injured so coincidentally, and secondly, how Xiang Lingfeng was really injured, and he also wanted Xiang Lingfeng to get better as soon as possible to reduce Ji Rou's inner guilt.

"I want a senior doctor to check Brother Feng's injury, but now I have no say in this matter." Ji Rou looked up at Xie Meimei, "Now she has the final say in everything about Brother Feng."

In the past, when she was in love with Brother Feng, Brother Feng's guardians were his parents. She had never been Brother Feng's guardian. Now that Xie Meimei was in control of everything about Brother Feng, Ji Rou felt very uncomfortable.

Qin Yinze's eyes followed the direction of Jirou's fingers and looked at Xie Meimei again. This time his eyes were no longer indifferent or sharp, but with a condescending contempt.

It turns out that this man can’t speak!

It turns out that this man is not gentle!

It's just that the person he wants to talk to is Jirou.

The person he is willing to show tenderness to is Jirou.

Ji Rou, this woman...

Xie Meimei gritted her teeth with hatred. She hated that the slap she just slapped Jirou was not hard enough. It would be great if she had a knife in her hand. She would definitely cut Jirou's face severely, and there would be no one at this time. Show affection in front of her and it won't sting her eyes.

Just as Xie Meimei was staring at Ji Rou's vicious imagination, Ji Rou and Qin Yinze looked over. Ji Rou's eyes are still calm, but the eyes of the man next to her seem calm but are turbulent.

Under Qin Yinze's contemptuous gaze, Xie Meimei was so frightened that she took two steps back: "As long as you don't hurt Xiang Lingfeng anymore, you can come at me if you want to kill or chop him."

Qin Yinze still didn't say a word to Ji Meimei. He looked back at Jirou again. He took her hand and left: "Jirou, follow me."

"Qin Yinze, brother Feng hasn't woken up yet. I will stay with him here and wait for him to wake up. I promised him." Ji Rou wanted to get rid of Qin Yinze, but she didn't. This man became domineering. At that time, he was so domineering that he seemed to be the only one in the world.

Qin Yinze pulled her forward: "Do you want to lose your appearance?"

Ji Rou was startled: "What is Po Xiang? How does this have anything to do with Po Xiang?"

Qin Yinze stopped and looked at her slightly swollen left face worriedly: "My face is swollen, but I'm not afraid of losing my appearance. Follow me, and I'll find a doctor to give you some medicine."

It turned out that he was not trying to snatch her away, but was worried about her face. What this man had done recently was really getting more and more heart-warming, and with his concern, her face no longer hurt at all: "Okay, I listen. Yours, go apply the medicine first."

"Why didn't you fight back?" She was beaten but didn't fight back. This was not the Ji Rou that Qin Yinze knew.

Qin Yinze deliberately slowed down his pace to cooperate with Ji Rou, and Ji Rou also felt it. She smiled and said: "At that time, my instinct was to fight back, but Brother Feng was injured and lying in the ward. Xie Meimei took care of him. She did it because she was worried about Brother Feng for so long, but I warned her that there won't be another time."

"Ji Rou, are you really willing to do anything for Xiang Lingfeng?" Involuntarily, Qin Yinze increased his voice. She didn't fight back when she was beaten for another man, but he was the man who felt sorry for her.

"No." Ji Rou shook her head, "Brother Feng is very good to me and thinks of me in everything. If he is injured, of course I have to take care of him. I hope he gets better soon and that he can find his lover."

Qin Yinze asked: "If he can't be found for the rest of his life, will you take care of him for the rest of his life?"

Ji Rou shook her head again and said extremely firmly: "No."

Qin Yinze raised his eyebrows: "No?"

Ji Rou smiled softly: "Because there are people who are more important to me who need me to take care of them."

For example, her mother, Qin Yinze around her, and the children she and Qin Yinze will have in the future, they are the very important people in her life.

The matter between her and Xiang Lingfeng is in the past, and she and he should have a new life of their own in the future.

Ji Rou also firmly believes that such an excellent Xiang Lingfeng will be able to find a woman who loves him deeply, who he also loves deeply, and who can share the good times with him in the future.

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