My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1378: Extra chapter, leave him and come back to me

Chapter 1379: Extra chapter, leave him and come back to me

operating room.

With Jirou by his side, Xiang Lingfeng's condition improved a lot, which surprised all the doctors. But now is not the time for them to be surprised. They have to perform a second operation on the injured.

"Xiaorou, Xiaorou..." Xiang Lingfeng wakes up from time to time. When he wakes up, the word "Xiaorou" must be out of his mouth. Not only is this the case today, but it has always been like this these days.

Jirou half-crouched next to the operating table and tried not to disturb the doctors' work: "Brother Feng, I'm Xiaorou, and I'm here to accompany you. Don't worry about the operation now, everything will be fine."

"Xiaorou..." Xiang Lingfeng suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Jirou, "Xiaorou, can you leave Qin Yinze and come back to me? I love you and I can't live without you."

"Brother Feng, let's not talk about this for now. Can you cooperate with the doctor for the operation first?" Things have developed to this point. None of them can go back to the past. Why can't Brother Feng understand it?

"Xiaorou, answer me first. If you don't answer me, I won't do the operation." This is Xiang Lingfeng's last bargaining chip. If Jirou can't let Jirou leave Qin Yinze this time, then he will completely Opportunity lost. So even if he threatened her with such means, he would not hesitate. For him, nothing was more painful than losing her.

"Brother Feng, Qin Yinze and I are married. I am his wife now. It is impossible for me to leave him. I hope you get better soon and find someone who can grow old together with you as soon as possible. We have already If we miss it, let's let it continue to go wrong. "Ji Rou knows that such words are hurtful, but if she doesn't make it clear, Brother Feng will definitely have illusions about her, and that's not what she wants to see.

"Xiaorou, do you really don't have me in your heart?" Xiang Lingfeng never believed that Jirou didn't have him in her heart, never believed it unless she told him personally.

"Brother Feng, I have you in my heart, but I just regard you as my brother. I have no other thoughts about you." In Ji Rou's view, if some people miss it, they have missed it. No matter who it is, don't live in the past. , we have to look forward.

"You really don't have me in your heart anymore..." Xiang Lingfeng asked again. His emotions suddenly became more excited. He was so excited that he reached out and grabbed the infusion needle inserted on the back of his hand. "Xiaorou, it doesn't matter whether you love me or not." , but you must remember, I love you!”

"Brother Feng, what are you doing?" Jirou screamed in fright, and she was at a loss what to do, but she heard Xiang Lingfeng say, "Xiaorou, I told you before, it doesn't matter who you are with, those The words are all lies. In fact, I care a lot. I just want you to be with me. When I said those words to you, my heart hurt like a knife. "

Jirou was so frightened that she cried: "Brother Feng, please stop talking and cooperate with the doctor to get the acupuncture first, can you do the surgery first?"

Xiang Lingfeng waved his hand to keep the doctor away: "Xiaorou, it was you who said you would marry me when you grow up. It was you who said you would hold my hand and walk with me all the way. What you said, I I remember everything, so when I almost died, I gritted my teeth and fought through it, because I always thought that there was someone waiting for me. What would she do if I was gone? "

The injured person was very emotional. Several medical staff could not control him, and they could not even inject him with a sedative. It would be very detrimental to the injured person if he was operated on under such self-abandonment conditions.

Dr. Li said: "Ms. Ji, you are the patient's only motivation and hope for survival. If you don't agree to this, the patient will have no reason to live. Then our operation will have failed before it even starts."

Xiang Lingfeng is still saying: "Xiaorou, without you, what is the meaning of my life?"

Xiang Lingfeng on the operating table called her name one after another, but Jirou could no longer feel the slightest affection from the past, and could no longer see the gentle smile like the spring sun on his face. .

Brother Feng is still her Brother Feng, but it seems that he is no longer her Brother Feng.

Perhaps the reason is that both she and him have changed. After so many things, he is no longer the sunny boy Xiang Lingfeng before, and she is no longer the Ji Rou who fought all day long.

"Brother Feng, stop talking. I promise you. I promise you whatever you say." Even if she is unwilling to do so, there is only one way Jirou can go at this moment.

She was the one who felt ashamed of Xiang Lingfeng. She couldn't let anything happen to Xiang Lingfeng...

Xiang Lingfeng's eyes lit up: "Xiaorou, are you willing to leave Qin Yinze?"

"Yeah." Ji Rou nodded heavily.

"Then Xiaorou, are you willing to come back to me?" Xiang Lingfeng asked, determined to get her answer.

"Brother Feng, we can't go back. We two can't go back. I can leave Qin Yinze, but I can't come back to you." This is the only thing Ji Rou can hold on to at this moment.


"Brother Feng, don't say anything else and just do the surgery first, okay?"

"Okay." Xiang Lingfeng firmly believed that as long as Ji Rou left Qin Yinze, she would definitely come back to him, so he didn't insist anymore.

Xiang Lingfeng's operation was successful and the accumulated blood congestion in his abdominal cavity was cleared. He was considered to have passed the critical period, but the doctor still recommended that he should be observed in the intensive care unit for two more days.

Xiang Lingfeng's operation was successful and others were awake. Ji Rou should have been happy, but she is not happy at all now because she doesn't know how to face Qin Yinze and how to break up with him. .

She clearly didn't want to leave Qin Yinze at all. She wanted to be with him and be with him forever, but she had to leave her. It was difficult to breathe just thinking about it.

"Ji Rou..." Ji Rou was lost in thought when she suddenly heard Qin Yinze calling her name. She looked up and saw Qin Yinze's worried eyes, "Xiang Lingfeng's operation was successful, why don't you look happy? ?”

Ji Rou pursed her lips and hesitated for a while before speaking: "Qin Yinze...if, if I want to break up with you."

Qin Yinze: "Xiang Lingfeng made a request to you?"

"You, how do you know?" Jirou was extremely surprised. She looked at Qin Yinze with wide eyes, hoping that he would give her an answer. However, he did not give her an answer, but directly gave her a solution, "Promise If Xiang Lingfeng leaves me, that's your business. As for whether I let you leave, that's my business."


"Nothing but, I just ask you, do you want to leave me?"

Jirou shook her head desperately: "I don't want to."

Qin Yinze said again: "If you don't want to, then be obedient."

Ji Rou is still worried: "But I'm afraid of hurting Brother Feng."

Qin Yinze's face darkened: "You are afraid of hurting him, aren't you afraid of hurting me?"

Jirou murmured: "I'm afraid too."

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