My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1381: Extra chapter, lie with me for a while

Chapter 1382: Extra chapter, lie with me for a while

Ji Rou also wants to forget that relationship in the past, but every time she sees and thinks that she broke her original promise to Xiang Lingfeng, she feels extremely guilty in her heart.

Especially now that Xiang Lingfeng was injured again, and the injury was so serious, she was even more worried.

"It's snowing heavily, let's go back first." Qin Yinze knew that Ji Rou's stubborn temper could not be explained for a while, and he had to give her some time to figure it out on her own.

Ji Rou escapes from his arms and shakes her head: "Qin Yinze, you go back to your home, and I'll go back to mine."

"Your mother is in Xishan Villa now. Where do you want to go back alone?" Qin Yinze grabbed her and walked to the car parked aside, and forced her into the car. "Now you go back to Xishan Villa with you, other places You don't want to go anywhere."

Ji Rou said anxiously: "Qin Yinze, can you stop being so domineering?"

Qin Yinze: "No."

Jirou: "..."

In the end, Ji Rou followed Qin Yinze back to Xishan Villa.

Qin Yinze called home before going home. Ji's mother knew that they were coming back, so she was so happy that she personally cooked and prepared two dishes that Ji Rou and Qin Yinze liked to eat.

After the hot pot vegetables were cooked, Qin Yinze and Ji Rou hadn't arrived home yet. Ji's mother stood at the door of the courtyard, stretched her neck and looked over and over again, and finally saw a car coming this way.

Seeing the car getting closer, Ji's mother finally saw clearly that the people in the car were her daughter and son-in-law, whom she had been looking forward to for a long time. She hurriedly ran over: "Xiao Qin, Xiao Rou, you are finally back."

Jirou got out of the car and gave Ji's mother a big hug: "Mom... I made you worry about me again."

Ji's mother pushed Ji Rou away, looked at her carefully, and made sure that her daughter was well in front of her. She just felt relieved and said, "Well, it's good that you come back safely."

Ji Rou hugs Ji's mother again: "Mom... I feel so happy to have my mother by my side. Mom, don't dislike me, just let me hold you for a while."

Ji's mother smiled and said: "Oh, you are already married, but you are still so childish, and you are not afraid of others laughing at you."

Ji Rou said: "As long as you don't laugh at me, no one will laugh at me."

Qin Yinze also got out of the car: "Jirou, the snow is getting heavier and heavier. Let's go back to the house with mom first."

Ji Rou then remembered that there was still snow falling on their heads: "Mom, let's go back first."

"Okay." When she returned to the house, Ji's mother couldn't take her eyes away from Ji Rou, "Xiaorou, you must have lost weight. I think you must have lost five pounds like this."

"Mom, I eat so much every day, how can I lose weight?" Ji Rou knows best whether she is thin or not. The pants she wore before are now empty. She must have lost a lot of weight, but whose weight does not fluctuate? , she didn't pay much attention, and Qin Yinze didn't notice it either, but her mother had sharp eyes and could see it at a glance.

Therefore, the people who love their daughters most in the world must still be their parents, and their own men can’t compare to them.

"I made soup today. You will drink two more bowls later." Mother Ji turned to look at Qin Yinze, who was silent. "Xiao Qin, I think you don't look very good. You will have two more bowls soon." "

Ji's mother mentioned Qin Yinze's complexion. Ji Rou just noticed that Qin Yinze's complexion was really bad. She worriedly asked: "Qin Yinze, are you feeling unwell again?"

The weather in Jiangbei is really different from that in Minluocheng. Qin Yinze's old illness has not recovered yet. He will definitely not be able to bear the temperature difference when he comes back this time.

"I'm fine." Now the mother-in-law is still here. No matter how uncomfortable Qin Yinze is, he has to hold on. He can't let the mother-in-law think that her daughter is married to a useless man.

Qin Yinze said it was okay, but Ji Rou was still worried: "Qin Yinze, you eat something first, and then go back to the house later. I'll call Dr. Yang to come and take a look."

Ji's mother: "What's wrong with Xiao Qin?"

Jirou said: "He is prone to catching colds when the weather changes, so it's not a big deal. Mom, I will ask the doctor to come and take a look at him. Don't worry."

Ji's mother looked at Ji Rou with suspicion: "Really?"

Ji Rou hugs Ji's mother: "What's the benefit of me lying to you?"

Mother Ji smiled: "Yes."

After dinner, Ji Rou asked Qin Yinze to go back to the room first, and she called Dr. Yang.

Qin Yinze's condition was indeed not good. He had a fever again, but the fever was not high. To prevent Qin Yinze's temperature from rising further, Yang Shicheng immediately gave him an antipyretic injection.

"Qin Yinze, are you dizzy? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?" Ji Rou was so worried that Qin Yinze was unconscious again that her little heart in her chest almost jumped out of her throat.

"I'm a little dizzy, but it's not a big problem. Don't worry." Qin Yinze touched her head and gave her a reassuring smile, "Yang Shicheng gave me a fever-reducing injection, and the fever went away in a while. You haven't seen me for a long time. I’ve met my mother-in-law. She must have a lot to say to you. You go and talk to her for a while.”

"It's okay. I can talk to my mother at any time. I will stay here with you now." Now, he is what she is most worried about. She is afraid that his condition will be serious and he will have to be taken back to Jiangbei like last time. Go to therapy.

Qin Yinze is a really willful man. The weather in Jiangbei is so good, which is helpful for his recovery, but he ignores her and chases her back to Minluo City.

Does he know that if something unexpected happens, his life may not be guaranteed.

Qin Yinze stroked her head and said, "I said I'm fine, but you still have this expression on your face, so people who don't know it really think something big happened to me."

"Qin Yinze, don't talk nonsense!" Jirou stretched out her hand to block his mouth to stop him from talking nonsense. "I'm telling you, just take good care of yourself. You don't need to comfort me."

His situation was so bad, and he still wanted to comfort her. Ji Rou really didn't know whether to call this man stupid.

Qin Yinze grabbed her hand, put it to his lips and kissed it. Ji Rou quickly pulled her hand away and warned in a low voice: "Qin Yinze, there are others here, please pay attention, okay?"

Yang Shicheng, who was preparing medicine for Qin Yinze, suddenly said: "Sir, madam, you can do whatever you want and ignore me. I have my professional ethics. I will not look at anything I shouldn't."

Jirou: "..."

Could this man not be so direct in his speech? There really are just as many subordinates as there are masters.

Looking at Ji Rou's red face, Qin Yinze found it very funny and couldn't help but want to tease her: "Okay, I won't move my hands or feet. Then sit down and lie with me for a while."

"You lie down, I'll stay with you." In addition to being embarrassed to lie with him when a third person is present, Ji Rou also thinks that she will have to take his temperature later. What if he falls asleep while lying with him? manage?

However, Qin Yinze is not such a gentle person. He stretches out his long arm to grab Ji Rou and presses her into his bed: "Okay, sleep!"

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