My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1383 Extra chapter, where is the man?

Chapter 1384: Extra chapter, where is the man?

Even if we turn the entire Minluo City upside down, we still have to find the person who drugged it.

Chu Yuan believes that his young master can definitely do it if he says it, not to mention that this incident is related to Ji Rou.

Ji Rou has attracted all the attention of his young master since she first appeared, just because Ji Rou has a slight resemblance to their young lady.

Just because of this slight resemblance, it got out of control. The young master quietly helped her for more than two years. More than two years is not a long time, but for someone like his young master who has never been around It definitely takes a long time for people who spend their time on useless things.

In Chu Yuan's view, once a man or a woman falls into the pit of love, even the most rational person will lose their reason and even their normal judgment.

Qin Yinze didn't hear Chu Yuan's response: "Didn't you hear it?"

Chu Yuan just came back to his senses and said hurriedly: "Yes."

Qin Yinze added: "Send some more people to keep an eye on Xiang Lingfeng in the hospital to prevent him from playing childish tricks again."

Chu Yuan: "Yes."

Qin Yinze said again: "That person in Pengshan doesn't know how to turn around when doing things. You should remind him more often."

Although Pengshan is not smart enough, fortunately he is loyal to Qin Yinze. No matter how dissatisfied Qin Yinze is with such a subordinate, he is still willing to stay by his side.

Smart subordinates are readily available, but loyal subordinates are rare in a thousand years. If Pengshan doesn't make him angry, he will take Pengshan with him wherever he goes.

Qin Yinze didn't know that Pengshan had been blowing cold wind in the airport parking lot for several hours today because he didn't get his instructions.

If anyone else had been blown by the cold wind at the airport for so long, they would probably have resented their master. But except for a few nagging words, Pengshan didn't have any dissatisfaction with his master in his heart.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Yinze looked into the distance with heavy eyes. In the evening, the snow was still falling lightly, but now it has fallen heavily, and it seems that there should be another snowstorm in this weather.

After the nurse injected Xiang Lingfeng with a sedative, Xiang Lingfeng's mood finally stabilized.

Xie Meimei brought him a glass of hot water: "Senior Feng, drink a glass of water to moisten your throat."

Xiang Lingfeng stared at the ceiling dully, as if he couldn't feel everything in the outside world and Xie Meimei beside him.

Xie Meimei's movement of handing out water was already stiff, but Xiang Lingfeng still ignored him. She was a little annoyed: "Xiang Lingfeng, Ji Rou has left. She can't see you without eating or drinking. . If you are really capable, you will defeat Qin Yinze and take Ji Rou back in an open and honest manner."

"Xiang Lingfeng, you have the courage to harm yourself. Don't you have the courage to confront Qin Yinze?" After holding back for too long, Xie Meimei also felt a fire in her heart. Once the fire broke out, it was out of control. Xie Meimei was so angry that she threw the cup on the ground, "Xiang Lingfeng, look at your whole body. Wherever you look like a man."

"I can't even keep the woman I love. I've long lost what a man should be like." Xiang Lingfeng finally withdrew his gaze and looked at Xie Meimei blankly, "Call Ji Rou right away."

Xie Meimei's heart ached when she saw that he didn't look like a human or a ghost. She felt sorry for him: "Senior Feng, Ji Rou is gone. Do you think she will come back if I call her?"

Xiang Lingfeng: "Hit!"

"Okay. I'll call you." Xie Meimei grabbed Xiang Lingfeng's cell phone angrily and dialed Jirou's phone number. Within two rings, the other end of the phone answered the call.

Xie Meimei pressed the speaker button, but the person on the other end of the phone didn't speak. She glanced at Xiang Lingfeng, and then said after receiving Xiang Lingfeng's instructions: "Jirou, Senior Feng wants to see you."

"Ji Rou is already asleep." Xie Meimei never thought that Qin Yinze would be on the other end of the phone. She was so scared that her heart trembled. Then she heard Qin Yinze say, "Xiang Lingfeng, I don't want to see him again." Until you harass her."

Just listening to Qin Yinze's gloomy voice, Xie Meimei was already too scared to speak. Just when she was so frightened and at a loss, Xiang Lingfeng spoke: "Qin Yinze, since Xiaorou has fallen asleep. , then I will tell you a few more things."

"Xiaorou is my wife. I know everything about her, so I won't bother you." After saying that, Qin Yinze on the other end of the phone hung up the phone decisively.

Listening to the beeping busy tone on the phone, Xiang Lingfeng's face darkened again and again, so dark that it was scary. Xie Meimei stepped back unconsciously after looking at it, trying to put some distance between her and him, but Xiang Lingfeng looked at her with a look. Come, and abruptly stopped retreating.

Xie Meimei said tremblingly: "Senior Feng, I..."

Xiang Lingfeng: "Pour me another glass of water and bring me the medicine."

Xie Meimei said in surprise: "You...are you willing to take medicine?"

Xiang Lingfeng said: "If you don't eat, are you waiting here to die?"

Xie Meimei said excitedly: "Well, I'll get it right away."

After hanging up the call from Xiang Lingfeng, Qin Yinze returned to the room and looked at Ji Rou who was not sleeping well. He couldn't help but reached out and touched her forehead: "Ji Rou, who is this?" You haven’t had your first love yet. Isn’t it good to forget the past, forget the people in the past, and start a new life with the people who are by your side now?”

Unable to wait for Ji Rou's answer, Qin Yinze smiled bitterly: "I once thought I would never be tempted by any woman in my life. I thought I would never forget the person I shouldn't like in the first place, so I understand Knowing that my gunshot wound had not healed, I stopped treating it, so I was left with the old disease. Thinking about it, I was quite stupid at that time.”

Qin Yinze shook his head, feeling unworthy of the stupid things he had done before: "It wasn't until you came to me later that I suddenly realized what it felt like to be truly heartbroken, not because I thought I liked it, but because I felt like it. I want to love someone in my heart, and my body and mind are so eager to have you.”

Thinking of the throbbing feeling when facing Jirou, Qin Yinze also has endless aftertaste: "Jirou, you definitely don't know that my heart that I thought was dead will beat violently because of your approach, and it will beat because of your closeness." Staying away from worrying about gains and losses also makes me doubt myself... I think this feeling is love. "

Qin Yinze caressed Jirou's forehead and continued: "I grew up with Ranran. I am used to giving her all the good things and treating her well, so I don't want others to take my place and treat her well." . In the past, I thought that my love for Ranran was just a man’s love for a woman. It wasn’t until I met you that I realized that it was just a brother’s love for his sister, not a man’s love for a woman.”

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