My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1387 Extra chapter, your style of robbery

Chapter 1388: Extra chapter, your style of robbery

Ji Rou hugged Dai Li distressedly: "Sister Dai Li, please don't be so sad, okay? If you still want to be with him, then let's be brave and take the initiative to find him."

Dai Li shook her head: "You don't know, the relationship between me and him is not about whether I am willing to go to him or not, but whether he is willing to come back to me."

Ji Rou tried her best to persuade: "How do you know he doesn't want to come back to you if you haven't tried it? Maybe he thinks the same as you and thinks you don't want him to come back."

Dai Li didn't want to take the initiative, but what happened in the past just happened. No matter how hard she tried, it was useless, because the man didn't want to look at her.

Ji Rou: "Sister Dai Li..."

Ji Rou has finally realized that love is something that only those in authority can see clearly. Thinking about it, when Dai Li persuaded her in the past, she analyzed the principles very thoroughly. However, now that the same thing happened to Dai Li herself, she was confused.


Youyuan Teahouse.

This teahouse is located on the top floor of the business center in the bustling area of ​​the city. It occupies such an important position, but it is never open to the public and only entertains the "friends" of the teahouse owner.

Qin Yinze is one of the friends of the teahouse owner. After sending Jirou to Dai Li's house, Qin Yinze did not go home, but asked the driver to take him here.

He has been here for a while and has finished a cup of tea, but the person he is waiting for has not arrived yet. Fortunately, the view position here is excellent. Sitting alone in a quiet private room, he can enjoy the 360-degree view of Minluo City. The scenery is different from other cities.

Minluo City is divided into two parts, the old and new city. One side is the old city, which maintains the historical and cultural relics of Minluo City for thousands of years. Walking in the city makes people feel as if they have returned to a thousand years ago. Minluo City's new urban area is full of modern high-rise buildings. The high-rise buildings that tower into the clouds also show the rapid urban development of Minluo City.

Three years ago, Qin Yinze walked through several cities and finally chose to stay in Minluo City because he was attracted by the unique charm of this city. Now he will stay here without hesitation, just because there is someone here who will love him all his life. People who can’t let go.

"Thinking of your woman again." The door was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and a tall man walked in. He saw Qin Yinze looking at the scenery downstairs and said this jokingly.

"I never thought that the woman who hurt you so deeply was that Dai Li." Hearing the man's voice, Qin Yinze replied without looking back.

The man sat down next to Qin Yinze, leaned against the back of the sofa, and put his long legs on the coffee table: "You and I haven't seen each other for so long. When we meet, we should have a good time catching up. Why are you teasing me?"

Qin Yinze slowly turned around and frowned when he saw the man's sitting posture: "After so many years, you still can't change your stinky problems. It's very frustrating to see."

The man smiled mischievously: "Ha... My father talked to me like this when I was a child. I imitated him and learned all his bad habits. It's not like you, the eldest young master of the Qin family, who grew up in the Qin family. He has a good family and a good education, and he always looks well-dressed and dignified in front of outsiders.”

Qin Yinze said in a deep voice: "Say one more thing, be careful I seal your mouth."

The man raised his hands in surrender and put his feet back at the same time: "Okay, let's get down to business."

Qin Yinze: "Yeah."

The man added: "I found out what you asked me to investigate for you. The person behind the instigation of instructing the doctor to add medicine to the traditional Chinese medicine is the one with the last name that your woman has been obsessed with."

After listening to the man's words, Qin Yinze's face didn't change much, but his eyes changed. Upon closer inspection, he looked like a man-eating bloodthirsty demon, shooting out a cold dark light.

Qin Yinze did not respond. The man did not stop and continued: "As far as I know, the doctor named Tong knew that your woman was taking warming Chinese medicine, so he lied and told Xiang that your woman was pregnant. , so that’s what happened next.”

The man paused and then said: "Old classmate, I'm not talking about you. It's true that Xiang was pitiful when that thing happened, but he can't blame it on you without finding out the truth of the matter. , so there is no need for you to keep his good impression in the heart of your woman."

"I, Qin Yinze, am not a savior. The image of others has nothing to do with me." Qin Yinze only cares about Jirou in his family. If he doesn't tell Jirou the truth, does he want Jirou to be sad instead of thinking about it? What good impression can be left on Xiang Lingfeng?

The man picked up the tea cup, drank a cup of tea in one gulp, and then said: "Then if you don't tell her anything, she won't know the truth, and she will continue to feel guilty about that person."

"Don't worry about this matter. I have my own way of dealing with it." Qin Yinze turned to look out the window again. It was still snowing outside. The scattered light snow was intermittent and could not stop for a while, and there was no snow. big.

He was in the same mood at this moment. He could be cruel and tell Jirou all the truth, but he couldn't. He was unwilling to do anything that might hurt Jirou.

The man said: "You really don't look like the one I knew before. The Qin Yinze I knew before was clean and decisive and never sloppy. Look at you now?"

Qin Yinze: "Li Yingnan!"

Li Yingnan shrugged: "Are you angry from embarrassment?"

Qin Yinze said angrily: "Can you just shut your mouth when I'm not allowed to speak? You can't even handle your own fucking trouble. What qualifications do you have to criticize me?"

Li Yingnan: "..."

Qin Yinze added: "Since you miss that woman in your heart, then go and get her back. No matter whether she has you in her heart or not, just find a way to make her only pretend to be you."

Speaking of Dai Li, Li Yingnan was instantly discouraged: "That woman would rather indulge herself, would rather degrade herself, would rather live under someone else's roof... But she just doesn't want to come back to me."

Qin Yinze said: "Is this your style? The young leader of the Qing Gang, who kills people without blinking an eye, can't even kill a woman. Is this the same Li Yingnan I know?"

When mentioning this, Li Yingnan became even more annoyed: "Damn it, that woman even changed her name in order to completely break away from me. How do you think I can get her back?"

Qin Yinze said: "Isn't it your style to take things by force? If you continue to carry forward your style, can the woman you want escape your grasp?"

Li Yingnan scratched his hair and waved his hands extremely irritably: "I can do evil to everyone, but damn, I just can't do evil to that woman."

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