My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1398 Extra chapter, Li Yingnan (2)

Chapter 1399: Extra chapter, Li Yingnan (2)

Dai Li held back the turbulence in her heart and allowed Li Yingnan to hold her and do what he wanted to do again and again. He didn't know how long it took before he finally stopped.

Before Dai Li could recover from her passion, he pushed her away with such force that she hit the back of the sofa hard, causing severe pain in her back.

When he left, she instinctively wanted him to come closer, but he stood up decisively, straightened his slightly disheveled clothes, left one sentence and turned away: "Come to Orange Heart at eight o'clock tomorrow night."


The door was slammed shut, and there was even an echo.

The room was empty, and there was still the smell of passion in the air, but the man left gracefully, and Dai Li's body curled up on the sofa also trembled slightly.

He left, so decisively and simply, and her heart became empty as he left, as if she could no longer find a stable position, a heart that clearly wanted to love but did not dare to hope for love anymore.

Before he left, he asked her to go to Orange Heart at eight o'clock tomorrow night.

Cheng Xin, a name that sounds very literary, but everyone who knows it knows that it is the territory of the Qing Gang, and most people dare not approach it. Dai Li vaguely knew what Li Yingnan wanted to do when he asked her to go there, but she pretended not to know. None of it happened.

But she also understood that it didn't mean that it didn't happen just because she pretended it didn't happen. Some things happened but they didn't happen before, and they could never go back to the past. For example, she and Li Yingnan, Ji Rou and Xiang Lingfeng.

At eight o'clock the next day, although she was very reluctant to come to Chengxin, Dai Li came anyway and dressed up specially. She usually doesn't go out without dressing up, but today she has other purposes. No matter at any time, she hopes that she can appear brightly in front of Li Yingnan, and she will never let him look down on her again.

There was always someone guarding the gate of the Qing Gang's territory. When she was about to sign up, the gatekeeper signaled that she could go in. Apparently, the gatekeeper had received instructions from above.

"Miss Dai, please come with me." Someone from the Green Gang came to lead the way. Dai Li recognized this man. He was Huang Han who used to follow Li Yingnan.

Dai Li followed the man into the elevator and arrived at the top floor of Chengxin. Before she reached her destination, she heard a burst of noise: "Damn it, that boy Niu Hua dares to steal business from our Qinggang. It seems that he I don’t want to mess around anymore.”

After one man yelled sharply, someone else answered: "That boy dares to fight us head-on. As long as the eagle says a few words, I will bring him to be used as an ox for everyone to ride on."

The man's words made everyone present burst into laughter, but with Li Yingnan's slight cough, everyone stopped laughing and looked at Li Yingnan: "Young Master Ying."

Qin Yinze took a long drag on his cigarette and pressed the cigarette butt on the thigh of a man sitting next to him: "When did our Qing Gang raise a bunch of trash like you who can only talk but not do anything?"

The man was burned by the cigarette butt, and his body was twitching in pain, but he did not dare to show it, and kept smiling: "Young Master Ying, brothers are not just talking, everyone is waiting for your order. As long as you give an order, We can get the person over right away.”

Li Yingnan raised his brows and scanned the people present one by one with his sharp eyes: "I have to give orders for everything, so what do I need you people to do? Feed you for free? Do you think I, Li Ying, Nan is a philanthropist?”

Everyone was silent, no one dared to answer any more, but a pretty woman sitting on Li Yingnan's left side leaned towards him delicately: "Young Master Ying, I'd like to offer you a drink. Don’t let your anger ruin your health.”

The strong and pungent smell of powder rushed into Li Yingnan's breath. He instinctively wanted to push away this disgusting woman, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Dai Li being led to the door.

At this moment, Li Yingnan immediately changed his pushing action to pulling, and pulled the delicate woman into his arms: "Baby, it's good that you are here. I will find a way to make this young master happy tonight. I’ll give you whatever you want.”

The woman was so focused on how to please Li Yingnan that she naturally didn't notice Li Yingnan's subtle psychological changes. She thought she was favored by this distinguished man, and felt a burst of ecstasy in her heart.

Before coming here, someone told her that Li Yingnan was a man who was uncertain and difficult to get close to, but now it seemed that he was no different from an ordinary man, and he was not unable to escape her grasp.

The fact that those women couldn't get close to him in the past only meant that those women were not beautiful enough. As long as she was beautiful enough and gentle enough, so what if it was Li Yingnan?

He was holding a woman in his arms, but Li Yingnan's eyes were still focused on Dai Li who appeared at the door. He thought that Dai Li at the door would rush over to beat him, scold him, or even drive away the woman in his arms.

But Dai Li didn't. She didn't have any excited reaction, she just lowered her head slightly so that he couldn't see her, and naturally he didn't know what she was thinking. What's more, he didn't know whether Dai Li cared about him at all.

Dai Li lowered her head and bit her lip hard, trying to forget how domineering he was when he wanted her last night, and trying to forget his low growls in her ears last night.

But the harder she tried to forget, some images that frightened her appeared in her mind, as if this man was holding a woman other than her and doing the same things she had done.

Fear, nausea, nausea, all kinds of feelings were tumbling in Dai Li's stomach, making her feel sick and want to vomit. But at this time, she heard Li Yingnan's voice again: "Baby..."

Not far away, a man was calling another man the same name he had called her, but the tone was many times gentler than when he called her.

"Baby, who is that woman at the door? Is she your sister?" Li Yingnan's voice reached Dai Li's ears again, "Why don't we call her in and play together."

The woman wanted to say no, but found that Li Yingnan didn't give her a chance to say no, so she had no choice but to nod: "As long as you like it, Master Ying, as many of my little sisters as you want, they can come and accompany you."

"So good!" Li Yingnan looked at Dai Li, but Dai Li raised her head at this moment and glared at him angrily, "Li Yingnan, you called me here just to disgust me, right? I'm sorry, you want to It’s up to you to play with whoever you want, I’m not interested in accompanying you.”

Li Yingnan let go of the woman in his arms and chuckled softly: "This temper is quite hot."

The woman didn't know what Li Yingnan's smile meant, and she threw herself into his arms, trying to take the opportunity to drive away Dai Li who had stolen Li Yingnan's attention: "Young Master Ying, you are so ignorant. Woman, just let him drive you away, don’t let him spoil your good mood.”

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