My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1400 Extra chapter, Li Yingnan (4)

Chapter 1401: Extra chapter, Li Yingnan (4)

The Spring Festival has just passed, and Minluo City is still very cold, so cold that your breath can turn into ice.

Especially now, it is already nine o'clock in the evening, and the temperature has dropped by more than ten degrees than during the day. As soon as Dai Li walked out of the door, she felt the cold air hitting her face like a sharp knife.

If that bastard Li Yingnan hadn't been looking for trouble, she would have stayed at home with the heater on so late and watched some non-nutritious TV series. She wouldn't have gone out to find such trouble.

Dai Li immediately wrapped herself up in her down jacket and went to the roadside to get ready to take a taxi. There were few taxis on such a cold day, and the taxis that occasionally passed by were carrying people. She waited for more than ten minutes, but she couldn't wait. An empty taxi.

At this time, the mobile phone in her bag rang again. Dai Li took out the mobile phone awkwardly and saw that the caller was Ji Rou. She just wanted to slide the answer button to answer, but she didn't expect that there was still 60% Ji's cell phone was so cold that it was turned off: "Damn!"

Dai Li, who has always been very concerned about her image, was so angry that she cursed. If Ji Rou mistakenly thought she was in danger because her cell phone was turned off, Ji Rou, the little girl, would have to worry about it.

Dai Li was about to put her phone back in her pocket to warm it up before turning it on. A motorcycle sped towards her, slowed down beside her, grabbed the bag off Dai Li's shoulder, and sped away in an instant.

Dai Li's bag was pulled off. Fortunately, she let go in time and she was not dragged away. However, due to inertia, she ran forward a few steps, and because the ground was too slippery and she was wearing high heels, she fell down as expected. A somersault.

"Damn it!" Dai Li tried to get up, but just then she found that her foot was twisted. The pain made her grin. However, the next moment, she was lifted up by a pair of powerful hands and fell into a warm embrace. .

Li Yingnan pointed at his men and cursed: "I will give you ten minutes to chase him. I will give you ten minutes to catch him back. Have they ever asked my opinion about the woman who dares to rob me?"

This man was so angry because of her. Dai Li hadn't felt this kind of "favor" for a long, long time. Regardless of whether he was angry because of his macho pride or something else, she didn't want to care about it, she just wanted to feel his overbearing tenderness.

Unexpectedly, just when Dai Li was moved to a complete mess, she heard Li Yingnan shout even louder: "Dai Xinyan, are you useless as a woman? I haven't looked at you for a while, you He can be robbed by others. Don’t you know that dressing up in a flashy manner in the middle of the night can be robbed by others?”

"Yes, I just know that dressing up will attract people to snatch me, so I dress like this." Before I could enjoy his gentleness, I was yelled at by him again.

Dai Li tried to push him away, but she couldn't. She heard him curse loudly: "My foot is twisted and you still push me. I want to die!"

Having been robbed and injured, her heart was much more fragile than usual. At this time, she was being violently attacked by this man who did not know how to be considerate. Dai Li was so uncomfortable that tears burst out of her eyes.

But she didn't want to show her cowardice in front of this man, so she wiped away her tears: "I just want to die! How wonderful it would be to die. If I die, I will never have to look at your annoying face again."

"Why do you dislike me, young master?" Except for his mother, he has never been so attentive to a woman in his life, and this woman dared to say that he disliked her.

Without saying a word, Li Yingnan picked up Dai Li by the waist and carried her back to the room. The room had been opened and ventilated, and there was no longer the pungent smell of alcohol and cigarettes.

Li Yingnan placed her heavily on the sofa and went out without saying a word. When he went out, he slapped himself: "Since you still care about that woman, be gentle to me. Don't you see her crying?" Fucking happy?”

Dai Li sprained her ankle and could not walk by herself. She was also afraid of encountering robbers again. The only thing she could do now was to wait here until dawn before going back.

The waiting process is always unbearable. Dai Li picked up her phone and turned it on, wanting to call Jirou back to say she was safe. Just as she turned it on, Li Yingnan pushed the door open again and came in. She thought he had left in anger, but she didn't expect that he would still come back. When she came back, Dai Li was so frightened that her hands shook and her phone fell to the ground.

She wanted to bend down to pick it up, but Li Yingnan scolded her: "Sit tight! Try moving again."

Dai Li was so frightened that she sat and dared not move. Li Yingnan was afraid that she would cry again, so he awkwardly softened his voice and said, "Your foot is sprained. If you move any more, you may injure your muscles and bones."

Dai Li murmured: "I want you to take care of it!"

Li Yingnan put the box in his hand on the coffee table, then sat next to Dai Li, grabbed her feet with one hand, took off her ten-centimeter high heels, and threw them out of the window.

Dai Li gritted her teeth in anger: "You..."

Li Yingnan: "You are not allowed to wear high heels anymore."

Dai Li: "Why?"

Li Yingnan held her foot, squeezed it first, and then twisted it hard. When Dai Li screamed in pain, he heard him say: "Just because I am your man, you are mine." Woman, my word is an edict.”

Dai Li: "..."

Jingle Bell--

Dai Li's cell phone that fell on the ground suddenly rang. She bent down to pick it up again, but Li Yingnan moved one step faster than her. She saw that it was a call from Ji Rou: "Give me your cell phone, I'll answer the call." .”

Li Yingnan put the phone on the coffee table and pressed the speakerphone while answering. As soon as the call was connected, Ji Rou's voice came from the phone: "Sister Dai Li, I heard that Li Yingnan is looking for you."

Afraid that Ji Rou would let out some news, Dai Li wanted to grab her phone, but Li Yingnan beat her to it again.

Dai Li didn't respond, and Ji Rou over there continued: "Sister Dai Li, since you still like him and can't let him go, if he comes to you, just make it clear to him. Make it clear, no matter what he thinks , at least if you work hard, you won’t leave any regrets in life.”

Dai Li said anxiously: "Xiaorou, no, please stop saying it."

Ji Rou didn't know that the phone was in Li Yingnan's hand. She thought Dai Li couldn't figure it out, so she continued to persuade: "Sister Dai Li, you told me that if you love someone, you should cherish him. Don't regret it if you miss it. Now is the opportunity It’s in front of you again, don’t miss it again.”

Dai Li said: "Xiaorou, no, please stop talking about it now. Let's talk about it another day."

Ji Rou said: "Sister Dai Li, you persuaded me with these words. You thought so clearly when you persuaded me. Why can't you understand it when it comes to you? Since you still like him, then explain it to him. Bar."

Having heard the words, Li Yingnan hung up the phone and looked back at Dai Li with a proud look on his face: "Dai Xinyan, you like me? You fucking like me."

Dai Li wanted to say no, but she couldn't say it. She just liked him. This was an indisputable fact.

Li Yingnan was so happy that his tail almost went up to the sky: "If you like me, you should have told me earlier. I am easy to chase."

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