My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1402 Extra chapter, Li Yingnan (6)

Chapter 1403: Extra chapter, Li Yingnan (6)

That night, Dai Li really understood how "hungry" Li Yingnan was as a man. In his words, he was afraid of scaring her before and did not try his best. Last night was his normal behavior.

Normal behavior?

This man is not a beast, this is his normal behavior, so what will happen to his abnormal behavior?

Will he become a fighter among fighters?

Amidst Dai Li's glare, Li Yingnan came over again and breathed warm breath into her ear: "Sweetheart, get up or continue, it's your choice!"

Dai Li endured the pain all over her body and immediately got out of bed, staying far away from him.

Dai Li looked particularly cute after removing all her thorns, which made Li Yingnan burst into laughter: "Silly thing, go wash up quickly. We'll leave for the airport in a moment."

Dai Li: "Why go to the airport on such a cold day?"

Li Yingnan said: "The eldest young master of the Qin family is taking his wife back to Jiangbei to recuperate. I don't know when he will return to Jiangbei again. As his classmate, I have to go and see him off."

When Li Yingnan mentioned Qin Yinze, Dai Li suddenly thought of something: "Li Yingnan, were you behind the scenes that made me lose my job as a stewardess?"

Li Yingnan shrugged: "I just helped a little bit, I wasn't the one who really did anything."

Dai Li grabbed the pillow and threw it at him: "Li Yingnan, do you still have humanity? It's not like you don't know how important that job is to me, but you are still doing things behind my back."

Li Yingnan didn't feel that he had done anything wrong at all: "Anyway, you can't starve to death with me here, so what if you lose that job? I think you value that job because international flights allow you to hook up with so many financial sponsors. .”

Dai Li glared at him: "You..."

Li Yingnan: "Good boy, go wash up quickly and don't keep it dangling in front of my eyes, otherwise I don't know if I can still control it."

If she did it again, it would kill her. Dai Li hurriedly fled to the bathroom, and Li Yingnan's unabashed exaggerated laughter came from behind again.


Because of the weather, Qin Yinze's old illness would relapse from time to time. Whenever she saw him getting sick, Ji Rou would be extremely worried. With her patient persuasion, Qin Yinze finally agreed to return to Jiangbei to recuperate.

Today is the day they return to Jiangbei together.

Pengshan drove the car to take the couple to the airport. Thinking that he would not see his master for a long time, Pengshan looked melancholy. However, thinking that his master would be cured when he came back next time, he was happy and happily helped. Carrying luggage.

It was windy outside. Just after getting out of the car, Ji Rou helped Qin Yinze pull up her coat: "You are such a big man and you don't know how to take good care of yourself."

Qin Yinze grabbed her hand: "because of you."

Ji Rou said disgustedly: "If you show me your illness again, I promise I won't pay attention to you."

Qin Yinze smiled and said: "I didn't listen to you and went back to Jiangbei to recuperate. What else are you dissatisfied with? There is not much time to board the plane. Let's go through the security check first."

Jirou said: "Anyway, you have to listen to me."

Qin Yinze chuckled and said, "Okay, whatever my wife says, it's whatever she says."

Jirou punched him lightly: "You are the only one with a sweet mouth."

They were about to pass the security check when Li Yingnan arrived with Dai Li: "Young Master Qin, you didn't say hello to me when you were going back to Jiangbei. I almost didn't have time to see you off."

Qin Yinze and Ji Rou looked back at the same time. Ji Rou greeted Dai Li enthusiastically: "Sister Dai Li, are you here to see me off?"

Dai Li nodded: "I heard that you are going to Jiangbei, of course I will come to see you off."

Li Yingnan pointed to himself: "Master Qin, I'm asking you a question, but you haven't answered me yet."

Qin Yinze's expression was cold, as if he didn't welcome Li Yingnan to see them off: "I didn't say hello to you. Don't you know it yet? Does it matter whether I say it or not?"

Li Yingnan put his arm around Dai Li's waist and said in a show-off manner: "Yes, who makes me so well-informed? Wife, do you think your husband is very powerful?"

Dai Li raised her hand and bumped him, trying to get him to let her go, but Li Yingnan wouldn't let go: "Honey, I'm asking you a question. Where do you want to run before you answer me?"

Dai Li had no choice but to nod: "Yes, you are the best."

Li Yingnan pressed forward and said, "I will be even more powerful tonight."

Dai Li: "..."

After getting satisfactory results, Li Yingnan let go: "Go and whisper a few words to your little sisters. I also have two words to say to Young Master Qin."

Dai Li and Ji Rou had long wanted to talk about their intimate relationship between sisters. The two women immediately walked aside, and Qin Yinze said coldly: "I have nothing to say to you."

Li Yingnan rarely said seriously: "Do you plan to hide that matter from Jirou for the rest of your life?"

Qin Yinze: "Shut up!"

If Li Yingnan really knew how to shut up, then he wouldn't be called Li Yingnan. He added: "The person who hurt Xiang Lingfeng is Jirou's father. This is a fact. You can bear to let her not know about it for the rest of her life." the truth?"

Qin Yinze's face sank: "I told you to shut up, didn't you hear?"

Li Yingnan said: "To be honest, I can understand your intentions. You don't want to destroy the tall image of your father in Jirou's heart. Now that you have decided, I won't talk nonsense."

Qin Yinze turned around and saw Ji Rou, who was having a lively chat with Dai Li not far away. She finally came out of Xiang Lingfeng's shadow. No matter what, he would never let anyone or anything hurt her again.

When Qin Yinze looked at Ji Rou, Ji Rou felt his gaze, looked back, and pursed her lips at him with a smile. Qin Yinze also smiled at her, and then looked back at Li Yingnan: "Li Yingnan, I'm warning you very seriously, you'd better keep this matter in your stomach, otherwise don't blame me for not missing my old friendship with my classmates."

Li Yingnan also understood, raised his hand and said, "OK! As long as you decide something, I will respect your opinion and will never say a word."

"What have you decided?" Ji Rou and Dai Li came back, and the person who asked was Ji Rou, who was very curious.

"My wife and I have decided to get married." Li Yingnan pulled Dai Li to his side and hugged her, "We will hold a wedding banquet when you come back from Jiangbei. You must come to our wedding as a favor."

"Sister Dai Li, congratulations!" Ji Rou smiled happily. Seeing that Dai Li was able to find her beloved man, she seemed to be even happier than Dai Li herself. If she hadn't been about to board the plane, she would have bought fireworks to celebrate. .

"Xiao Rou, I haven't promised him yet." Dai Li was rarely embarrassed.

"Don't you dare agree?" Li Yingnan said in a deep voice.

"Sister Dai Li, I will accompany Qin Yinze back to Jiangbei to recuperate first. When he recovers, we will definitely come to your wedding." Ji Rou also knows that Dai Li's refusal does not matter, because Dai Li's heart has already been there. Li Yingnan's body.

"Yeah." Dai Li nodded.

"Okay, we're about to board the plane." Qin Yinze didn't even say goodbye, he hugged Jirou and left. Jirou turned back and waved to Dai Li as she walked, "Sister Dai Li, take care of yourself."

"Xiao Rou, take care of yourself too!" Dai Li smiled softly, but she smiled and cried. Seeing the happiness of her good sisters, she also gained happiness. Her life was not in vain.

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