My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1405: The Successor, a new definition of doing whatever you want

Chapter 1406: The Successor, a new definition of doing whatever you want

After receiving Qin Yinjian's order, An Tingjie waved his hand and several security guards swarmed up to surround Zhan Limo.

Zhan Limo has understood one thing since he was a child. A good man will not suffer the immediate consequences. Seeing that Qin Yinze was serious about fighting him, he quickly surrendered: "Young Master Qin, let me go. I can go out by myself. You go first." Call your people out and save some face for me."

Who knew that Qin Yinjian would not follow Zhan Limo's tactics today, but would still say: "Drag him out!"

At the end of the war: "Qin Yinjian, don't go too far!"

Qin Yinjian really went too far and showed Zhan Limo that he had to have Zhan Limo carried out of his office.

"What happened?" Seeing the young master of the Zhan family being carried out of the president's office by security, everyone in the secretary's office craned their necks to watch, wanting to find out.

"Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! This is just a misunderstanding! Everyone, work hard and don't watch the fun!" They were all carried out of the office. At the end of Zhan Li, he still cared about his own image, waved and smiled at the beauties in the office, and finally looked towards Lu Xi, "Miss Lu, don't forget to come to the newly opened Japanese restaurant to find me at noon."

Lu Xi quickly stopped talking and pretended not to hear. At the end of the war, he shouted without giving up: "Beautiful Lu, I will wait for you at the newly opened Japanese restaurant. I won't leave until you come."

Lu Xi still didn't respond. In fact, she didn't dare to respond. She guessed that Zhan Limo's being kicked out of the CEO's office had something to do with her. How could Qin Yinjian, a man like him, allow others to get involved in his "little pet".

After Zhan Limo was carried out, today's affairs were not over yet. Soon the president's special assistant An Tingjie announced another message in public: "Huang Hanhan, Chen Liwei, you two pack up and go to the finance department to settle your wages."

Huang Hanhan and Chen Liwei were the two people who had just been chatting in the tea room. When they heard that An Tingjie asked them to go to the accounting department to settle their wages, they panicked. They probably knew the reason, but they were reluctant to believe it: "An, Assistant Ant, why do you suddenly ask us to go to the accounting department to settle wages? "

An Tingjie said solemnly: "Our Shengtian Group has always welcomed people who work hard, and we have never welcomed people who only take a salary and do nothing but bite their tongues behind their backs."

An Tingjie's words have made it so clear that Huang Hanhan and Chen Liwei have to face reality.

Chen Liwei said: "Assistant An, we all entered Shengtian through formal channels and all signed contracts. Unlike some people who rely on flattery, if you fire us without reason, we will have to pay liquidated damages."

Antingjie said: "Go to the finance department to get the money. The company will pay you no less compensation for breach of contract."

Knowing that he could no longer stay in the Shengtian Group that he had finally entered, Huang Hanhan was so angry that he kicked his feet and looked at Lu Xi with gritted teeth: "Well, Lu Xi, you still have the means. Don't think you can climb up to the position of president. You can do whatever you want with the bed. If you can use this method to drive us away, someone will use the same method to drive you away in the future.”

It was a fact that Huang Hanhan and Chen Liwei often hid in the tea room chatting. Lu Xi felt that it was only a matter of time that An Tingjie would fire them. He did not expect that the two would turn around and pin the accusation on her head.

Lu Xi has never been one to be bullied. She stood up and was about to speak, but she didn't expect that the scene suddenly became quiet, so quiet that everyone's breathing became noise.

It turned out that the CEO Huang Hanhan had just spoken about came out of the office at some point and was standing on the side of the secretary's office area, looking at them with a heavy gaze.

The appearance of the president made Huang Hanhan, who had just been so arrogant that he wanted to tear Lu Xi apart, instantly put away his sharp claws and looked at their president pitifully: "Mr. Qin, I'm not talking about you."

"You've climbed into the CEO's bed and you still can't do whatever you want. What else do you think you can do?" Qin Yinjian glanced at everyone present with a sharp look, dropped this sentence, and then turned around and left.

Qin Yinjian's words were neither light nor heavy, but the sensational effect was huge. Not only did he admit his unclear relationship with Lu Xi, but he also said that he gave Lu Xi something different from others. privilege.

So everyone focused on Lu Xi. Some were envious, some were contemptuous, and some were jealous. There were all kinds of eyes...

Lu Xi tried to explain, but understood that no one wanted to know the truth, and no one would believe her words. Qin Yinjian's words just proved that the departure of Huang Hanhan and Chen Liwei had nothing to do with her. Now she couldn't wash it off even if she jumped into the Yellow River. Cleared.

After this incident, the attitude of colleagues in the same department towards Lu Xi changed. There were rumors that she had a relationship with the president before, but those were just rumors and no one confirmed it, so everyone relied on their personal preference for her.

After what happened today, her colleagues who were relatively close to her before stopped talking to her. Colleagues who used to often cause trouble for her came to get close to her.

One morning, Lu Xi made a small mistake at work because she was out of shape. In the past, whenever she encountered this kind of problem, the team leader of the secretarial team would definitely take the opportunity to ridicule her, but not today. The team leader not only helped her He corrected his mistake and was polite enough to invite her to go out for lunch another day when he was free.

So people in this society are all too realistic, and sometimes reality is too cruel.

During the lunch break, everyone went out to have lunch one after another. Lu Xi was about to turn off the computer when An Tingjie brought a piece of information: "Lu Xi, can you do me a favor?"

An Tingjie has always taken good care of Lu Xi. Lu Xi will definitely help him: "Assistant An Tingjie, you tell me."

An Tingjie said hurriedly: "Mr. Qin missed one piece of information for the two o'clock meeting in the afternoon, but the person who prepared this information asked for leave today. If it is not available at two o'clock, we will be in big trouble. I thought Please help me sort it out."

"No problem." Lu Xi agreed readily.

"Is it really okay that I delayed your meal time?" Antingjie asked.

"I'm losing weight recently. It's better to skip one meal." Lu Xi smiled, "Assistant Ante, go and do your business. I'll sort out the information and hand it over to you before two o'clock."

"You wait." Antingjie returned to his office, and soon he came back with a lunch box, "My wife made this by herself, and I brought one for you."

Looking at An Tingjie's lunch box, Lu Xi was so greedy that he almost drooled: "Assistant An, I have been eating the food cooked by my sister-in-law a lot this year, and it has made me picky. What can I eat at a restaurant outside?" I don’t think it’s as delicious as hers. If you let me eat it again, I’m afraid I’ll live in your house and won’t leave.”

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