My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1417 The Heir, her and his past (1)

Chapter 1418: The Successor, Her and His Past (1)

Lu Xi felt that if she wrote an article titled "The Leader of Shengtian Buys Counterfeit Products for His Lover" and posted it online, he would definitely get a very high click-through rate.

Maybe, she will become famous because of this article, and becoming an internet celebrity will provide her with another way to make money in the future.

Of course, Lu Xi was just thinking about it. Even if she was given a hundred courages, she would not dare to write any gossip about President Qin. Even if she wrote it, no one might believe it.

This principle is like carrying a brand-name bag. Some people's status in society has reached a certain level. Even if they carry a fake bag bought for hundreds of dollars, others will think it is genuine. Even if some people are carrying a real bag, people will think that they are carrying a fake bag.

This society is so realistic, and the reality is a bit cruel, but it is because of cruelty that people can be motivated to work hard and work harder. Only by working hard can their living standards reach the height they want.

Although she already believed that what Qin Yinjian gave her was a fake, when looking at the sparkling jewelry in the jewelry box, Lu Xi was still a little unwilling to give up. Whether these jewelry were fake could not be determined by netizens looking at a picture. Denied it in a few words.

She doesn't know how to identify whether the jewelry is genuine or not, but there are experts who specialize in identifying jewelry. When she has time, she can go to a jewelry appraisal expert to identify the authenticity one day.

After making up her mind, Lu Xi stopped worrying about the authenticity of the jewelry. The most important thing now was to find a house and a nanny.

Lu Xi already has a clear goal for the house, which is located next to Jiangyucheng Community.

Jiangyucheng has good security measures, good greening, and children's play facilities. The living environment is quite good. The only drawback is that the rent is too expensive, with two bedrooms and one living room costing nearly 8,000 yuan a month.

Eight thousand yuan, which is half of Lu Xi's salary at Shengtian. Lu Xi cares about money, but in order to give Lu Lu a good living environment, it doesn't matter if it is more expensive.

As long as you are willing to pay for a house, you don't have to worry about finding a good house, but a nanny is different from a house. Many times, the nanny hired at a high price may not be able to take care of the children well.

For example, the recent incidents of nanny arson and nanny spanking children have made people worried. In addition, Lu Lu's situation is special than other children. Lu Xi simply does not dare to leave Lu Lu to the care of a completely unfamiliar nanny, so It is so difficult to find a suitable nanny within a week.

Lu Xi found several housekeeping companies with good reputations on the Internet to understand the situation, and read some comments from netizens. Some said they were good, and some said they were bad... Lu Xi concluded that hiring a nanny is a good idea. Things still have to be hit and miss.

Lu Xi thought about it and couldn't think of a good solution. Finally, she decided to try her luck. If she was lucky enough to meet a very kind and considerate nanny.

Lu Xi made an appointment online and made an appointment to meet at six o'clock tomorrow night. She still had to see the person first. If the person was good, it wouldn't matter if she paid a little more.

After settling personal matters, Lu Xi thought of Qin Yinjian. It was already nine o'clock in the evening and Qin Yinjian hadn't come yet, which proved that he was still angry with her and would not come again tonight.

If he didn't come, Lu Xi would be happy and relaxed.

Lu Xi locked the door and went back to the room to take a shower and sleep. As soon as she lay on the bed, all she could think about was Lu Lu. She endured it again and again. Finally, Lu Xi couldn't help but dial Teacher Zhang's phone number: "Zhang Teacher, is Lu Lu sleeping? "

"Lu Xi, I just put Lu Lu to sleep, but the child sleeps very restlessly and is woken up from time to time." Teacher Zhang's voice was slightly nasal, "And he also ate very little today and sat alone. They don’t want to play with other children in the corner.”

Teacher Zhang didn't want to tell Lu Xi about these situations to make her worry, but if she didn't tell her, how would she explain it to Lu Xi if something happened to Lu Lu?

Lu Xi felt very uncomfortable after hearing the news, but besides feeling uncomfortable, what else could she do? She could only prepare everything quickly and bring Lu Lu to Jiangbei as soon as possible.

She said: "Teacher Zhang, I have already scouted the house in Jiangbei. The nanny has not been confirmed yet, but I have made an appointment with someone to meet tomorrow. If the person is good, we can basically confirm it."

Teacher Zhang said: "Lu Xi, my husband happens to be transferred to Jiangbei for work next week, and I also plan to leave Yunhai and go to Jiangbei with him. I haven't contacted the kindergarten where I work in Jiangbei yet. If you don't mind, I can help You continue to take care of Lu Lu."

"Teacher Zhang, is this true?" Just now Lu Xi was still thinking that it would be great if Teacher Zhang could come to Jiangbei to help her continue to take care of Lu Lu. She didn't expect that this idea would come true so quickly. Could it be that God's conscience discovered it? Already?

Teacher Zhang said: "It's true. He just received the transfer order today. I thought it wouldn't be good for the couple to be separated in two places, so I proposed to go to Jiangbei with him, and he agreed."

"Teacher Zhang, it's great to have you here. You are really the person God sent to me to save me." A year ago, when Lu Xi couldn't find anyone to take care of Lu Lu, she met Teacher Zhang. She and Zhang The teacher hit it off immediately and entrusted Lu Lu to Teacher Zhang's care. Today, a year later, when she was in a dilemma, Teacher Zhang helped her so much again. If this was not her savior, what could it be?

The house matter was settled, and the person who took care of Lu Lu was found. The big stone in Lu Xi's heart was finally removed. This was also the most relaxing day for her this year.

After ending the call with Teacher Zhang, Lu Xi fell asleep quickly, and she slept very soundly, and even her dreams were beautiful and sweet.

In the dream, she seemed to have returned to her college days.

In their school, there are two very special classmates, a boy and a girl. The boy is so handsome and the girl is as beautiful as a painting just by standing there.

Unfortunately, preference is not their only advantage. These two are also young geniuses known for their high IQs. Both of them jumped all the way to college. They are veritable young geniuses and the most dazzling golden girls in the school.

When she was a freshman, he was already a senior, but as a senior he was only two years older than her, and younger than her classmates in the same grade.

Geniuses and geniuses generally have only two ways of getting along, one is to hate each other after meeting each other, and the other is to look down on each other.

And she and him are the latter.

He has always been aloof and ignored everyone, and she also grew up surrounded by people's praises. She skipped grades all the way to university and never met an opponent in study.

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