My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1422: The Successor, the little bastard who lives with a wild man

Chapter 1423: The Successor, the little bastard who lives with a wild man


Literally means no hope, referring to a complete loss of confidence in something.

But what Lu Xi has experienced is not just a complete loss of confidence in things that can express her bitterness.

She has experienced the kind of despair that makes the sky and the earth not respond, and has also experienced the fear that the child she gave birth to in ten months of pregnancy almost died in her arms.

That kind of despair and fear, Lu Xi still has lingering fears after thinking about it for a long time. She doesn't want to experience it again in this life, so she must work hard to make a lot of money, not only to ensure the cost of Lu Lu's next two surgeries, but also to pay for Lu Lu's next two surgeries. Lu Lu's future plans.


Lu Lu's milky voice brought Lu Xi back to her senses. She picked up Lu Lu and stuffed her into the electric toy car: "Son, this is the car mommy bought for you. Do you like it?"

"I like it." What kind of three-year-old child doesn't like toy cars? Lu Lu sat in the car and looked around, temporarily putting his favorite mommy aside.

Seeing that Lu Lu finally looked like he should at this age, Lu Xi was also happy: "Son, you play for a while, mommy will make you something to eat, and then you can go to bed early."

Lu Lu responded obediently: "Okay."

It's getting late now, and Lu Lu is still young, so it's not good to eat too much at night.

Lu Xi was also prepared. She took out the lean meat from the refrigerator, chopped it into small pieces, and cooked lean meat porridge for Lu Lu, which was nutritious and would not cause indigestion.

Lu Xi chopped the lean meat neatly with her hands and feet, then put the rice and lean meat into the pot together, pressed the quick porridge button, and confirmed that the smart rice cooker would automatically cook the porridge. She then returned to the hall to accompany Lu Lu: "Son, are you sleepy?"

Lu Lu was driving a toy car around the house, not feeling sleepy at all: "Mommy, Lu Lu is not sleepy."

When Lu Xi saw him having so much fun, the corners of his lips raised unconsciously. It would be great if he could go home to accompany Lu Lu after get off work every day and prepare food for him with his own hands.

This is something that many mothers can do every day, but she can't. Ever since she nodded and agreed to make a clear deal with Qin Yinjian, she can't have the final say on many things.

It was rare for Lu Lu to have such fun, so Lu Xi let him play. When he was tired and the porridge in the pot was ready, Lu Xi filled a small bowl for Lu Lu and let him cool down. eat.

Lu Lu has been in kindergarten for a year and has long since learned to eat on his own. When the porridge was served, he ate it big, maybe because of the smell of the porridge cooked by his mother, or maybe because he was tired from playing.

Lu Xi also filled a bowl of porridge herself and watched Lu Lu Lu eat while eating. When she saw the little guy eating deliciously, she felt a sense of accomplishment and thought that she would prepare better food for Lu Lu Lu in the future.

The bowl of porridge quickly reached the bottom. Lu Lu handed the bowl to Lu Xi and said with a milky voice: "Mommy, Lu Lu still wants to eat."

"Do you still want to eat?" Lu Xi reached out and touched Lu Lu's belly. "Son, your belly is already full. You can't eat anymore."

"The porridge made by Mommy is delicious, I still want to eat it." Lu Lu looked at Lu Xi longingly, which made Lu Xi's heart soften. "Okay, then eat a little more, don't eat too much."

Lu Lu nodded obediently: "Okay."

After dinner, Lu Xi helped Lu Lu take a bath. It was too late today, and Lu Lu dozed off while taking a bath. Lu Xi felt distressed but felt very cute.

The little guy insisted that he was not sleepy and wanted to play with his mommy. At this moment, his little head was nodding like a chicken eating rice. He looked funny and cute. Lu Xi couldn't help but kiss him.

After taking a bath, Lu Xi carried Lu Lu back to bed. As soon as he put him down, the little guy suddenly opened his eyes, looking pitiful and about to cry again: "Mommy, don't abandon the baby."

Lu Xi quickly hugged him: "Son, mommy is sleeping with you and won't abandon you."

I don't know if Lu Lu heard Lu Xi's words. He closed his eyes again, but his two small hands still grasped Lu Xi's clothes tightly. Lu Xi didn't want him to be afraid, so she had to lie next to him and pat him. lulling him to sleep.

Jingle Bell--

Lu Xi's cell phone placed aside suddenly rang loudly. She quickly pressed mute and checked to see if it had woken up Lu Lu. Then she carefully checked the phone for incoming calls. The call came from an unknown number.

It was almost twelve o'clock in the evening. Lu Xi didn't want to answer the call from an unknown number and hung up the phone directly.

A few seconds after I hung up the phone, the unknown number came in again. The first call may have been a wrong call, the second call may have been to look for her, or the person may have remembered the wrong number, in case there was something urgent... After thinking about it, Lu Xi still answered the phone and made it clear whether he was looking for her or not, so as not to harass her again.

But Lu Xi regretted it as soon as she answered the phone. If she had known that the person on the other end of the phone was her stepmother Cui Xianzhen, she would definitely not have answered the call.

The old woman on the other end of the phone spoke harshly and harshly: "Lu Xi, are you stupid? You took that little bastard to Jiangbei. If Mr. Qin finds out, you won't even know how you died."

Lu Xi originally hated this stepmother. Now that she heard her calling Lu Lu a bastard, her temper also rose: "Cui Xianzhen, shut the hell up!"

Cui Xianzhen didn't expect Lu Xi to speak to her, and asked Lu Xi's father for help: "Lu, listen, listen, this is the good daughter you raised. Do you see how she talks to her elders? She gave birth to a wild child. Plant and raise that bastard, it’s all true, why don’t we let people talk about it?”

"Cui Xianzhen, I'm warning you, if you open your mouth again and you're a little bastard, don't blame me for being rude to you." Lu Xi didn't want to give in to this kind of person anymore, and the more he let her go too far.

The person named Cui had better be wiser, otherwise he would offend her and she would settle old and new accounts with the person named Cui.

Cui Xianzhen sneered: "Haha... you're welcome? Lu Xi, how can you be rude to me? Go and report to Mr. Qin that I scolded you and called you a bastard for having a child with someone else? Just tell him if you can." Let him take care of me."

"Cui Xianzhen, if you still want to get money from me, you'd better shut up. Otherwise, before you tell Qin Yinjian, I will tell him right away that I had a son with someone else." Lu Xi hung up the phone with a bang. If she couldn't put those disgusting people on the blacklist, it seemed she had to change her phone number.

After getting angry, Lu Xi thought of another terrible thing. She had just brought Lu Lu to Jiangbei, and the people on the Lu family knew about it. So the people on the Lu family had people watching her all the time.


Lu Xi gritted her teeth. Those people had better not do anything more extreme, otherwise she would never let them off lightly.

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