My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1439: The Successor, being thrown into the army naked

Chapter 1440: The Successor Chapter, being thrown into the army naked

When Zhan Li woke up at the end, he was in the army's dormitory. Looking at the dormitory with a few people, he felt that the sky and the earth were not working. Because he was naked, not to mention his mobile phone, and he didn’t even have any clothes.

If he hadn't felt any physical discomfort, he would have even suspected that he had been violated.


There was a growling sound in his stomach, reminding him that he was hungry. He touched his hungry belly and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Zhan Nianbei, Qin Xiaobao, you really don't even let your own son go."

However, it was not Zhan Nianbei and Qin Xiaobao who answered him, but the horns blown by the troops. A man in military uniform broke into the room, raised his hand and looked at the time: "Comrade Zhan Limo, the clothes are on your bed. Get dressed immediately and meet at the training ground downstairs in five minutes.”

At the end of the war, Zhan Limo was not angry at all, but now he was greeted like a grandson, and he rushed up angrily: "Comrade? Who the hell is your comrade?"

He is a serious young man who wants to hug a beautiful woman when he sees one. He has never had any thoughts about men. When did he become what he calls a gay?

However, the soldier ignored him at all and turned around and left, leaving Zhan Limo alone and sulking. Humph, he just didn't wear it and didn't go to training. If he had the ability, fire him.

At the end of the war, he lay back, still naked, and raised his legs happily, singing a ditty happily: "You ask me how deeply I love you, how much I love you, my The love is true and my love is deep..."

Five minutes passed quickly.

As soon as the time came, someone rushed into his room, and this time there was not just one soldier but several. Those people didn't care whether he was naked or not, and they surrounded him.

Seeing the menacing approach of this group of people, Zhan Limo realized the danger. He sat up and reached out to grab his clothes. However, those people moved faster than him. Several people gathered around him. Two of them held his arms, and they The man lifted his legs and was about to walk out.

"What are you going to do?" At the end of Zhan Li, he knew that the heartless couple Zhan Nianbei and Qin Xiaobao were really playing with him this time. If he continued to disobey, he would not only lose his face, but also probably "lose his virginity".

Although he has a great figure, 1.88cm tall, plus he has exercised a lot over the years, and he also has eight-pack abs, the kind that can make women salivate, but he is not an exhibitionist, how can he let him A group of people watching casually.

Someone among them said loudly: "At the end of the war, this is the army, not a kindergarten. Since you have come in, you must abide by the rules here. If you break one, you will be dealt with according to military law."

"Brothers, I know I was wrong. I just woke up and haven't figured out what happened. Give me another five minutes. After five minutes, I will show up at the training ground on time." Zhan Limo knows best. A good man doesn't suffer the immediate consequences. Now that he is locked up here, he can't escape. He has to face the reality first, and then he can think of a solution.

Several people threw Zhan Limo back to the bed again. Because it was a hot day, there was only a mat on the solid iron frame bed. These people were all rough men. Needless to say, the force with which they threw him back was natural. His back hurt so much, but he didn't even dare to cry out in pain. He could only curse Zhan Nianbei and Qin Xiaobao silently in his heart, wishing the heartless couple to separate soon and stop hurting him.

Yes, he sincerely prayed to heaven with ten thousand hearts, wishing that Zhan Limo and Qin Xiaobao would separate soon.

If he were to know that his father, in order to please his mother, had booked a couple's restaurant in Mangrove Bay and were enjoying a romantic world, he would definitely wish them good luck not only in this life but also in the next life. We can't be together again in the next life.

Vacation time always passes quickly. On this day, Lu Xi felt that she had not done anything yet. It was dinner time in a flash. She was preparing to have dinner with Lu Lu when Qin Yinjian called.

Seeing that it was Qin Yinjian's call, Lu Xi looked at Lu Lu and made a silent gesture to him before answering: "Hello?"

What came over the phone was Qin Yinjian's indifferent voice that had remained unchanged for thousands of years: "Where are you?"

After learning from the last experience, Lu Xi no longer dared to lie easily and said she was at home, so she had to tell a little lie: "I'm fine alone, I'm having dinner outside."

Qin Yinjian: "I'll give you ten minutes."

Lu Xi: "Are you back?"


What came from the phone was the sound of hanging up.

She had offended Qin Yinjian several times in succession, but Lu Xi didn't dare to do it again. She touched Lu Lu's head: "Son, Mommy has to go out to do something. Can you ask Teacher Zhang to come and accompany you?"

Lu Lu quickly hugged Lu Xi: "Mommy, no! Lu Lu doesn't want you to leave Lu Lu."

Lu Xi kissed him: "Son, Mommy has to be busy with something. I'll come back to accompany you when she's done, okay?"

Lu Lu flattened her mouth and cried, "I don't want it."

Lu Xi knew that Lu Lu was afraid that it would take many days to see her after she left, so she didn't want her to leave, but it was impossible not to leave: "Lu Lu, mommy promises you that she will come back to accompany you tomorrow, okay?"

Lu Lu rubbed his tearful eyes: "Mommy, pull Gou Gou."

"Okay, pull Gou Gou." Lu Xi hugged Lu Lu distressedly.

When Lu Xi went back, Qin Yinjian was rarely in the study. Instead, he was sitting on the sofa in the living room with a cigarette in his hand. When he saw her entering the room, he put the cigarette butt in the ashtray and looked up coldly. Holding her.

Lu Xi was a little nervous when he saw him, but she still pretended to be relaxed. She smiled and said, "President Qin, you are going on a business trip for a week. Since you came back early, why didn't you call me in advance? I’ll have a good meal waiting for you at home.”

Qin Yinjian: "Come here."

Lu Xi walked towards him obediently. As soon as he arrived, he reached out and pulled her into his arms. He buried his head in her neck and sniffed: "Lu Xi, if you dare to hook up outside behind my back, Man, I will make your death ugly.”

Hearing his cold words, the smile on Lu Xi's face disappeared little by little, but soon she laughed again, but this time the smile was even faker than the previous smile: "President Qin, I have this professional ethics There are still some. Before the contract with you is terminated, if I want to seduce other men, I have to find a way to resist it. Will I consider other men only after you get tired of me. "

Qin Yinjian reached out and pinched her chin: "Say it again."

Lu Xi patted his chest, still smiling: "I said you paid to sleep with me. I still have some professional ethics, so please don't worry that I will eat behind your back."

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