My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1443: The Successor, anyone can do it except him

Chapter 1444: The Successor Chapter, anyone can do it except him

An Tingjie walked into the ward again: "Lu Xi, President Qin just said that as long as you agree to marry him, you can accept the conditions. Even if you want the moon in the sky, he will find a way to get it for you."

Lu Xi hid in the bed and said dullly: "My condition is that he stop mentioning this matter, and you don't mention it either. We will pretend that this matter never happened today."

Seeing that Lu Xi's attitude was so firm, An Tingjie knew that he could not change Lu Xi's decision. He tried to ask again: "Lu Xi, you don't agree to marry Mr. Qin, is it because he didn't propose to you in person? ? You also know that Mr. Qin has that kind of character. He doesn’t say it with his mouth, but he cares about you in his heart. "

Lu Xi said: "No."

An Tingjie asked: "Why is that? If you give me a clear answer, I can report it to Mr. Qin, otherwise he will let me continue to pester you."

Lu Xi said: "There is no reason, I just don't want to marry this person. She is not my ideal husband."

An Tingjie asked: "What is your ideal husband?"

Lu Xi smiled: "My ideal husband is someone who is humorous and loves jokes. He can especially make me happy. It doesn't matter if he is handsome or not, and it doesn't matter if he has a lot of money."

An Tingjie sighed: "These conditions of yours are the opposite of those of our Mr. Qin. What's wrong with being rich and handsome? Why can't you think about it?"

If possible, An Tingjie really wanted to crack open Lu Xi's head to see if Lu Xi's head looked different from ordinary people. How many women in the world are looking forward to being looked at by their President Qin, how many women want to marry their CEO, but their CEO never looks at other women, such a good thing hits Lu Xi's heart How could she know how to take pity on her head?

He added: "Lu Xi, if you think about it again, if you miss this village, you won't have this store. It will be too late to regret it."

Lu Xi didn't want to explain more: "Assistant An, please tell Mr. Qin that unless he becomes a humorous person, I will never be with him in this life."

An Tingjie knew that Lu Xi was indifferent: "Well, now that you have figured it out, I won't persuade you anymore. I will tell him now."

An Tingjie walked out of the ward. Looking at Qin Yinjian's expression, he must have heard what Lu Xi said just now: "Mr. Qin, you heard what Lu Xi said. The key person is you, not me."

Qin Yinjian glanced at An Tingjie coldly, then turned and left.

Antingjie: "..."

Mr. President, what does this mean?

Do you want him to continue to pester Lu Xi?

The key is what he did to pester Lu Xi, and it wasn't that he wanted to marry someone else.

To be honest, he has lived for nearly forty years and has seen all kinds of marriage proposal ceremonies, but he has never seen a marriage proposal and let others pass the message on his behalf. It is really unreasonable for such a man to remain a bachelor for the rest of his life.

However, who makes his master the new head of Sheng Tianxin? Let’s not talk about how rich he is. This good-looking body alone can make many women work for him.

An Tingjie was worried about this matter. When he saw Qin Yinjian pushing a float, An Tingjie's eyes widened in surprise. It turned out that their president had already made other preparations.

Qin Yinjian pushed open the door, pushed the float into the ward, and closed the door with his handle. An Tingjie wanted to put his ear to the door to hear what was going on, but he was not so bold.

In the ward.

Lu Xi was all under the quilt. When she heard the sound of opening the door, she thought it was An Tingjie again: "Assistant An, I have made it very clear to you, I will not agree to marry him."

"Am I that annoying to you?"

Qin Yinjian's cold voice reached Lu Xi's ears, making her jump up and ask: "Why are you here?"

Qin Yinjian still looks so cold and indifferent: "Why don't you want to marry me?"

Lu Xi wanted to marry him. She wanted to marry him, but she didn't deserve it. She was not qualified.

But Lu Xi couldn't say these words to Qin Yinjian. She still raised an indifferent smile as before: "Because I don't want to marry, there is no reason why I don't want to marry."

Qin Yinjian: "What do you need to agree to marry me?"

Lu Xi smiled and said, "I don't want to do anything."

Qin Yinjian clenched his fists and tried to control his emotions: "An Tingjie has just given you my words. As long as you promise me, you can make any conditions."

Lu Xi winked at him and smiled innocently and harmlessly: "President Qin, tell me, why do you want to marry me?"

Qin Yinjian: "..."

Lu Xi said again: "Look, you don't even know why you married me. Why did you marry me? After marrying me, you may regret it for a few days, and then you will divorce me. My age Qing Qing, I can always find someone willing to marry me if I want to get married. If I marry you and then divorce, I will be a divorced person, and it will not be as easy to get married as now, don't you think so, my dear Qin? Big CEO.”

Qin Yinjian said seriously: "Our Qin family has never had a divorce for several generations. It never happened before, it won't happen now, and it won't happen in the future."

Lu Xi: "So just because your elders have never been divorced, you have to spend your whole life with a woman you don't love?"

Qin Yinjian: "Lu Xi!"

Lu Xi put away her smile and said seriously: "Qin Yinjian, I don't know why you suddenly decided to marry me. To be honest, I was surprised when I heard the news. After the surprise, I was afraid. How am I? I am very clear about my identity. I don’t want to reach out to you, and I don’t want to live a shaky life in the future. I just want to find a well-matched man who loves me and cares about me, and live a simple life. "

Qin Yinjian clenched his fists tightly and asked through gritted teeth: "Lu Xi, who else do you want to marry besides me?"

Lu Xi gave him another bright smile: "Anyone can do it except you."

Qin Yinjian: "..."

Lu Xi continued: "If you still treat me as a human being, then please respect my choice. If you let me go, I will thank you."

Qin Yinjian stared at her and saw the determination in her eyes. He knew that this woman really had never thought about marrying him, instead of deliberately stumbling him. He thought he had done everything he should do to her, so why was this woman unwilling to come back to him?

Lu Xi said: "I really think our current relationship is very good. Let's keep it like this and don't mention marriage anymore."

Qin Yinjian looked at her smiling face and felt it was so dazzling. If he stayed any longer, he promised that he would strangle her to death with his own hands. Before losing his mind and strangling her to death, he threw away his sleeves and left.

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