My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1446: The Successor, Encountering a Happy Family of Three

Chapter 1447: The Successor, Encountering a Happy Family of Three

Lu Xi didn't know how she walked out of the restaurant. The only thing she knew clearly was that she felt bitter when she heard the news, as bitter as if she had just eaten Huanglian. But no matter how painful and tiring it is, she can only hide it in her heart, because it was she who rejected him, who gave up on him first...

Hearing the news that Qin Yinjian was getting engaged, the restaurant was in an uproar. Everyone ignored the fact that the CEO was still there and started talking among themselves.

"Mr. Qin is getting engaged?"

"Is President Qin's engagement partner Lu Xi?"

"It's unlikely to be Lu Xi."

"You're right. How could a family like the Qin family allow a woman of unknown origin like Lu Xi to enter the house?"

After being surprised, An Tingjie took a deep breath and plucked up the courage to ask the question that everyone wanted to know: "Mr. Qin, you are getting engaged? Then who is your engagement partner?"

Qin Yinjian: "Who else besides Lu Xi?"

Antingjie opened his mouth wide and couldn't speak for a long time.

Qin Yinjian: "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you hurry up and get ready."

"Yes." An Tingjie said he should be happy, but he had a lot to say in his heart, "Dear Mr. Qin, Lu Xi has not agreed to your proposal, and you unilaterally announced that you will be engaged to her. This is very immoral. of."

In the afternoon, Lu Xi took half a day off because she had an appointment with someone who was known as Lu Lu's father.

Of course, there was a more important reason. She didn't want to see Qin Yinjian announce his engagement to another woman. Even though she knew that this day would come sooner or later, it came too early and she couldn't accept it for a while.

Lu Xi first took the subway, then transferred to the bus. After several twists and turns, she arrived at the agreed destination. However, the man called and told her that he could not keep the appointment today.

Lu Xi was disappointed and relieved at the same time. She had done some psychological construction for herself countless times, so that she could face the man who had ruined everything for her. But when she really had to face him alone, she would still be afraid. The memories of her past overwhelmed her.

Lu Xi walked around the nearby park to find a place to sit down, and then called Lawyer Yang: "Lawyer Yang, that person didn't come today. I don't know if he noticed something."

Lawyer Yang said: "Lu Xi, don't worry first. Since that man came to the door on his own and didn't see you, he will definitely not give up. Let's wait and see what tricks he wants to play."

"Okay." Lu Xi stared blankly at the family of three passing by.

The man held the child in one hand and held his wife in the other. The wife nestled happily on the man's shoulder and pointed to the left. The man looked in the direction of the woman's finger and suddenly smiled.

I don’t know what the woman whispered in the man’s ear. The man lowered his head and kissed the woman’s cheek gently. The woman was so ashamed that she stretched out her hand and beat his chest.

Lu Xi looked at the family of three intently. As he watched, the three faces suddenly changed. The man turned into Qin Yinjian, the child turned into Lu Lu, and the woman clinging to the man's shoulder was naturally her.

Qin Yinjian pinched Lu Lu's cheek: "Son, tell mommy that we love her. Just let her be responsible for beauty every day, and we will do all the housework at home."

Lu Lu patted her chest: "Of course, we are men. We must protect Mommy, take care of Mommy, and make Mommy the happiest and most beautiful woman in the world."

How wonderful it would be if all this were true...

But Lu Xi knew that this was just a dream she imagined, something that could never come true.

Tears gradually blurred Lu Xi's eyes. She wiped away her tears, trying to control them, but the more she wiped away the tears, the more they flowed. Finally, she gave up fighting the tears and cried happily while holding her head in her arms.

I don't know how long I cried, but a childish voice sounded in Lu Xi's ears: "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Xi looked up and saw the pink little boy who was held by his father just now standing in front of her, looking at her worriedly: "Sister, is there a bad person bullying you?"

Lu Xi shook his head: "No."

The little boy handed the tissue to Lu Xi: "Sister, don't be afraid. My dad is very powerful. He is a hero that all bad guys are afraid of. He will protect us all."

Lu Xi looked again and saw the good-looking and very loving couple standing in the distance. They smiled politely at her and said to the little boy: "Lele, play with your sister for a while, mom and dad." Waiting for you here."

There are many bad people in this world, and even her closest relatives are trying to plot against her. However, this family member who only met her once gave her warmth when she was most uncomfortable. .

Seeing such a cute, kind and lovely family, seeing such a cute and sensible child, the haze hanging over Lu Xi's head gradually dissipated. She wiped away her tears and said with a smile: "Lele, thank you!"

Lele said cutely: "Sister, you're welcome!"

Lu Xi pinched his cheek: "Your name is Lele, right."

Lele nodded: "Well, my name is Lele. I am over three years old and almost four years old this year."

Lu Xi said: "My sister also has a baby. His name is Lu Lu. He is over three years old this year."

Lele said in surprise: "Sister, you have a baby at such a young age?"

Lu Xi smiled and said, "Well, he is a cute and sensible baby just like you."

Lele said: "Sister, can we be friends?"

Lu Xi nodded: "Okay."

Lele said: "Sister, we are good friends now. My father is your father. If anyone dares to bully you in the future, I will ask my father to arrest him."

Hearing the child's words, Lu Xi laughed out loud: "Lele, your father is still so young and we are friends, so he can only be my sister's brother. How can he be his father?"

Lele scratched her little head: "But sister is my friend."

Lu Xi reached out and hugged him: "Lele, you are so cute."

Lele: "Sister, are you happy?"

Lu Xi: "Well, my sister has forgotten the unhappy things and is very happy now. Especially when she thinks of a cute and sensible baby like Lele at home, she is even happier."

Lele hugged Lu Xi's head and gave her a kiss: "Sister, this kiss can make you happy every day in the future. Don't wash it off."

Lu Xi cooperated: "Wow, Lele's kiss is so magical. Then sister must protect this kiss well and never wash it off."

Lele said happily: "Sister is happy, and so is Lele. Lele is going to find her father and mother now. Sister, please go home early to be with Lu Lu, who is as cute as Lele."

Lu Xi: "It's so good!"

"Sister, goodbye!" Lele waved her little hand and walked towards her parents with unsteady steps. As she walked, she looked back at Lu Xi, "Sister, I want to be happy every day."

Lu Xi nodded: "Yes."


I'm afraid I'll never see such a kind and cute child again.

Lu Xi watched the family of three leave. The children who grew up in such a loving family were so cute, sensible and happy.

It would be great if her Lu Lu could also live in such a family.

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