My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1448: The Successor, the Best Man in the World

Chapter 1449: The Successor, the Best Man in the World

After returning home, Jian Ran immediately saw a small figure running towards her. She immediately opened her arms to catch the little guy, hugged him and kissed him again and again and squeezed him: "Oh, my little one" Baby, I miss you so much.”

Lele was so happy that she nuzzled into Jian Ran's arms again and again, and said in a sweet voice, "Lele misses grandma so much. She misses her so much that she can't even eat enough."

"Is it true?" Jian Ran looked at Lele seriously, "My poor baby seems to have lost weight due to hunger. What should I do? Grandma is so distressed and distressed."

Lele quickly touched Jian Ran's head and comforted: "Grandma, Lele is not thin, Lele weighs twenty-six pounds. Yesterday, her mother still disliked Lele for being a fat baby, saying that she couldn't even hold Lele. Only dad can hold it."

"Did mom really say that about Lele?" Jian Ran picked up Lele and said, "Let Lele see if grandma is so good. Lele weighs twenty-six pounds, but grandma can still hug Lele."

Lele clapped her hands: "Grandma is amazing! Lele loves grandma!"

"Cough——" Qin Yue, who was indifferent to the two people, coughed coldly, reminding them of his presence and asking them not to ignore him too completely.

Jian Ran knew that the old man was having trouble again, so she quickly gave Lele to Qin Yue: "Lele, grandpa misses you too. You miss grandpa too, right?"

Lele was unwilling to be hugged by Qin Yue and struggled to escape from his arms: "Lele doesn't want grandpa to hug me!"

Seeing the little guy rejecting him so much, Qin Yue grimaced, thinking to himself that this kid was as annoying as his father, and had taken away all the attention of the two women he valued most. As long as this guy is around, Jianran and Qin lelan can't see his existence.

The child rejected Qin Yue, so Jian Ran quickly took him back: "Lele, actually grandpa loves you very much and he also wants to hug you. Why don't you let him hug you?"

Lele leaned into Jian Ran's ear and whispered, "Grandpa's face is so stinky. Lele doesn't like stinky faces."

Jian Ran looked at Qin Yue and laughed at him with her eyes: "Look, look, you have a straight face all day long, and I am the only one who can stand you. Look, our little baby is not even allowed to be held by you. You can go alone." Find a corner and reflect."

"Humph——" Qin Yue looked cold and walked away angrily.

Lele pursed her lips: "Grandpa is not cute at all, but grandpa is the cutest, just as cute as Lele. Lele will go to grandpa to play with him soon."

Jian Ran smiled and said: "Grandpa is not cute, so does Lele think uncle is cute?"

Lele shook her head vigorously without thinking, "Not cute."

Jian Ran asked again: "Why isn't uncle cute?"

Lele said sincerely: "Uncle is just like grandpa."

Jian Ran asked again: "Is your little cousin cute?"

Lele nodded quickly: "My little cousin is also very cute, but not as cute as Lele. Grandma, my little cousin hasn't come to see Lele for a long time. Has he forgotten Lele?"

Jian Ran pinched his rosy cheeks and said, "Your little cousin went to a very interesting place, and he probably won't be able to come back for a while. Lele must hold back missing him."

Lele caught the key words that caught his attention: "What a fun place? Then why didn't he take Lele with him?"

Jian Ran carried Lele home and explained, "Because Lele is still young, when Lele grows up, she can go to where her little cousin goes."

Lele raised her little hand and counted carefully with her little fingers: "One, two, three... Grandma, Lele is already three years old, and will soon be a four-year-old baby. She is no longer a child."

Jian Ran was amused by this cute and quirky baby and said, "Well, our Lele is already a little man, not a baby anymore."

Lele nodded: "Grandma, I don't want to hug you, I want to go by myself."

Jian Ran put him down and said, "Okay, little man, go on your own."

Lele grabbed Jian Ran's hand: "Dad said that men should protect girls. Grandma, Lele will protect you."

"Well, Lele protects grandma." Jian Ran was extremely happy every time she saw her daughter and son-in-law raising such a cute elf egg. When she saw Lele, she had to think of her eldest son Qin Yinze.

Qin Yinze is the eldest child of the Qin family. Now his sister's child is over three years old, but there is no news at all from him.

It's not that Jian Ran is anxious to have a grandson, or that Qin Yinze wants a child, but that girl Ji Rou wants a child in particular. Every time Jirou saw Lele, she couldn't bear to let go. The way she looked at Lele seemed to see another child through Lele.

Jirou has been unable to conceive a child because of an unexpected miscarriage. Although Qin Yinze doesn't care whether she has a child or not, Jianran knows that Jirou particularly wants a child, so Qin Yinze has been cooperating with Jirou in preparing for pregnancy these years, but so Years passed and still no news.

Thinking of Ji Rou's disappointed eyes again and again, Jian Ran felt very distressed, but no matter how distressed she was, there was nothing she could do to help the couple. It all depended on God's will.

"Mom, I miss you so much!" As soon as Jian Ran led Lele to the door, Qin leran came over and gave her a big hug. "While you are not at home, my days are really like years."

Jian Ran smiled and said, "I told you why our baby Lele's mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter. It turns out he learned it from his mother."

Qin lelan said, "I really miss you."

"I miss my Ranran too." Jianran patted Qin leran on the back, but unexpectedly did not see her brother lie behind her, "Ranran, where is your brother lie?"

Qin lelan said: "He just came back with us. He just got home and answered a phone call. There was an important matter for him to deal with in the company. He went to work and will come over when he is done."

Jian Ran said: "Ran Ran in our family is really lucky. Not only is she married to a husband who is very capable at work, but the key is that this husband also loves you like a child."

Qin leran said: "Isn't that what dad does?"

Jian Ran pursed her lips: "Look at your dad, he always knows how to be cool. Only I can tolerate his weird temper."

Just as she was talking, Jian Ran saw Qin Yue sitting in the living room out of the corner of her eye, and immediately added, "But, your dad has a bit of a cold personality, but he is really good to me. Many people envy me for being married." You are such a good husband. Two days ago, your Aunt Feiyu called me to praise your father, and she kept praising him in various ways, which made me feel embarrassed. "

Qin lelan: "So, in my heart, my dad is the best man in the world."

Jian Ran nodded: "That's right."

If she didn't change her words quickly, Qin Yue, an old man, would definitely be angry with her, and he might not even say a word to her tonight, so she had no choice but to give in first.

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