My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1450: The Successor, Uncle Can Eat People

Chapter 1451: The Successor Chapter, Uncle Can Eat People

After ending the call with Lawyer Yang, Lu Xi fell into silence again. After searching for so many years, he still couldn't find the man back then. Now that man came to his door, he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

Jingle Bell--

The phone rang again. This time the caller was Qin Yinjian. Lu Xi took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down before answering the phone: "Hello!"

Qin Yinjian's usual indifferent voice came: "Who were you talking to on the phone just now?"

Lu Xi smiled bitterly: "President Qin will also take care of who I talk to on the phone?"

Qin Yinjian: "..."

Lu Xi said again: "Come over tonight?"

Qin Yinjian: "My parents have returned to Jiangbei. I will go home tonight. Remember to eat and go to bed early after eating."

This sentence sounds very ordinary, but Lu Xi thinks it shouldn't be like this. There is no need to report his itinerary to her: "Mr. Qin, you don't need to report to me wherever you go if you don't come to my place."

Qin Yinjian: "You are my fiancée."

This means that it is natural for the fiancé to report his itinerary to his fiancée.

Since he took the initiative to mention the engagement, Lu Xi also wanted to make it clear to him: "Mr. Qin, the engagement..."

Before she finished speaking, Qin Yinjian interrupted her: "It's just an engagement, and I didn't ask you to marry me right away."

Lu Xi: "..."

She only said she wouldn't marry him, but she didn't say she wouldn't get engaged to him, so he took advantage of the loophole and did such an earth-shattering thing. This was not something the prudent Qin Yinjian would do.

Qin Yinjian said again: "Okay, I'm hanging up."

Lu Xi stopped her hurriedly: "Wait a minute, let's talk about this matter. There are many good women in the world, why do you want to hang yourself on a tree with a crooked neck like mine?"

Qin Yinjian: "Lu Xi, do you really want to see the engagement I announced today be to another woman?"

Lu Xi: "..."

She really didn't want to.

But she couldn't say she didn't want to. She opened her mouth, but couldn't say the last word.

Lu Xi did not answer yes, and Qin Yinjian's tone softened a lot: "I will give you enough time to prepare yourself mentally. I will also try to change the way we get along."

Qin Yinjian has a cold temperament and has always been used to doing things but not talking. Being able to explain to Lu Xi so patiently this time can be regarded as a big change he has made.

In fact, he had changed for Lu Xi before, but after that incident, everything was back to the starting point. He was still the Qin Yinjian who was so cold and cold that no one dared to approach him.

Lu Xi: "No..."

Qin Yinjian: "There is nothing wrong with it."

Then he hung up the phone decisively.

The car was speeding on the way home, and he would soon see his parents whom he had not seen for many days, but Qin Yinjian did not feel a trace of excitement in his heart. On the contrary, he was more worried.

Qin Yinjian knew that Assistant Ning had reported everything that happened today to his father. His father should also blame him for being reckless, but he did not regret it.

He has lived for more than 20 years, and he has never done anything in these years that his parents felt should not be done. This is the only one thing that he has done willfully.

Because Lu Xi was the woman he had always married but never got.

From the first time he saw that arrogant girl on the university campus, he was deeply attracted to her. Her every move, every frown and every smile touched every nerve in him.

He liked to see her smile. When she smiled, she had two little dimples, which looked particularly cute. He also liked to see her looking arrogant, as proud as the queen of this world.

At that time, Lu Xi entered a prestigious American university at a young age and became someone everyone looked up to...

"Second Young Master, we're here." The car had stopped in front of the house and had been parked for a while. Qin Yinjian didn't see any intention of getting out of the car, so the driver had to remind him.

Qin Yinjian just woke up from his thoughts, got out of the car, and walked home.

Before he entered the house, he heard the laughter and laughter of several women in the house. Obviously this home was his home, but he always felt that something was missing, and he felt that he was so out of place in such a warm and loving family.

"Oh, our little cutie is back." Although Qin Yinjian has taken over Shengtian and is now the helmsman of Shengtiantang, in Qin lelan's eyes, he is still her beloved brother, and he still calls her by his childhood nickname from time to time. Qin Yinjian.

Hearing what Qin leran called him, Qin Yinjian was too lazy to correct him anymore. He just frowned slightly and looked at the three women in the living room: "Mom, aunt, sister, I'm back."

Jian Ran said gently: "Well, you go upstairs and change clothes, and I'll have dinner prepared."

Qin Xiaobao said: "Xiaojian, thank you for telling my little aunt such a big secret. Now that boy Zhan Limo has been locked up in the army by his father, he should not come out to harm others in a short time."

"Little aunt, you're welcome." Qin Yinjian responded and looked around, but did not see the lively and cute little figure. "Sister, where did that brat Lele go?"

Who said this uncle doesn't love Xiao Lele?

If you didn't love little Lele, why would you look for that little guy instead of no one the first time you got home?

Qin leran pointed to the garden outside: "Grandpa is teaching Xiao Lele to play chess."

Xiao Lele is a child who is very good at reading people's faces. He likes anyone who smiles at him, so such a little kid insists on pestering his grandfather to teach him how to play chess.

Qin Yinjian didn't say a word, turned around and went upstairs. By the time he changed his clothes and went downstairs, the whole family was in the living room.

Little Lele squeezed to Grandpa Grandpa: "Grandpa Grandpa, isn't Lele so smart?"

Grandpa Qin said with a cheerful smile: "Of course, our Lele is the smartest little baby in the world."

Lele danced with joy after hearing this, climbed up on the sofa and jumped up and down. When he was jumping happily, he saw his uncle walking towards him. He immediately sat down and reluctantly shouted: "Uncle. "

Qin Yinjian said dissatisfied: "Smelly boy, I don't want to see your uncle so much."

Lele rolled neatly and threw herself into Grandpa Zu's arms: "Grandpa Zu, save me!"

Qin Yinjian: "..."

Even if this kid won't let him hug him, now just seeing him has an expression on his face that he wants to eat his kid. He really deserves a beating.

Grandpa Qin quickly hugged Lele: "Xiaojian, grandpa is here, don't bully our little baby."

Lele answered immediately: "Yes, Lele is still a little baby, uncle is not allowed to bully Lele."

Qin leran smiled and said: "Lele, can your uncle eat people?"

Hearing that his uncle could eat people, Lele's eyes widened with fear, but he turned around and hugged Qin lelan: "Mom, don't be afraid, Lele is a man, dad is not at home, Lele protects mom .”

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