My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1453: The Successor, the First Kiss

Chapter 1454: The Successor, the First Kiss

"Mom, uncle is so fierce, Lele is so scared, Lele should not sleep with uncle." Xiao Lele ran a few steps, saw Qin leran, and threw herself into Qin leran's arms as if she saw a savior, "Mom, uncle why Don’t you like Lele?”

"Uncle doesn't like Lele, he loves Lele very much." Qin leran caught little Lele's small body and picked him up, "Lele, mom tells you, in fact, uncle likes Lele very much. , like you as we all do.”

"But why doesn't uncle smile at Lele? Lele likes everyone who loves to laugh. Like mom, dad, and grandma, as well as grandparents and aunts, little cousins, and uncles and aunts who are far away. Yes. Lele likes her aunt the most. She smiles so happily every time she sees Lele. Lele likes to see her smile. She must like Lele very much. "In the world of children, this is sometimes the case. Simply, as long as you give them a simple smile, they will be as happy as if they own the whole world.

"Yes, Lele's aunt is beautiful and kind, and she likes our Lele the most." Qin leran also knows that Ji Rou has always wanted a child of her own, but has been unable to do so for many years, so Ji Rou puts her The children's love has been transferred to Lele. Every time the couple returns to Jiangbei, Jirou takes Lele to sleep with her, and the child Lele is also willing.

"So uncle just doesn't like Lele, right?" After going around in a circle, Lele came to the conclusion again that uncle didn't like him if he didn't smile at him.

"Uncle likes Lele." Qin leran emphasized again.

"Then why doesn't uncle laugh at Lele?" Lele still has the same question. Since he was a child, he has developed a character that will never give up until he achieves his goal.

"Because my uncle's character is like that. It's not that he doesn't love, he just doesn't know how to express it." Qin leran must understand his younger brother, especially after listening to Qin Yinjian's conversation with his parents today, Qin lelan also felt distressed. In life People who can't express themselves really suffer a lot, "Lele, mother tells you that when you grow up, you must tell them who you like. Don't hide it in your heart, otherwise the person you like will misunderstand you."

Lele quickly expressed her feelings: "When Lele grows up, he still likes his mother the most."

Although Lele's words didn't sound very reliable, Qin lelan was still happy: "Well, my son is the most well-behaved. Mom loves you."

"I love my mother, my father, and my grandma too..." Xiao Lele began to point out everyone in the family again. He always remembered the teachings of his parents. They are a family, and no one in the family can be missing, so every time When expressing love, he has to go through everyone in his family one by one, and cannot miss anyone.

[You must say it out if you like someone, don't hide it in your heart, otherwise the person you like will misunderstand. 】

Qin Yinjian didn't understand what Qin lelan said. On the contrary, he understood it very well. So many years ago, he told the woman personally that he liked her and wanted to marry her in the future, but who knew his full love? Unexpectedly, what he got in exchange was such an unbearable result.

Lu Xi doesn't love him, she is with him for a purpose.

Before that incident happened, he thought that the woman Lu Xi approached him just because she liked him. Later, when he saw it with his own eyes, he realized that she had other purposes for approaching him.

It was before, and still is now, that she rejected him and resisted him so obviously, but she still pretended to be happy and stayed by his side every day, unwillingly to please him - just for money.

He knew clearly that she was such a woman who only had money in her eyes, but he still couldn't bear to let her go, so he found her again a few years after the breakup and asked for money to support her.

At that time, when he made this request, he wished she could refuse, but she didn't. She readily agreed to his conditions, agreed to stay by his side, and please him without any bottom line.

Whenever he thought of this woman's expression trying to please him for money, he wanted to open her mind and see what was going on in her mind.

Qin Yinjian returned to the room, lit a cigarette and went to the balcony. He looked up and saw stars in the sky...

Vaguely, Qin Yinjian thought of the first date between him and Lu Xi many years ago. That day was the same as today, the weather was very good, and the vast night sky was full of stars.

They were sitting on the grass. She nestled on his shoulder and suddenly pointed at the sky: "Qin Yinjian, look, do the two stars next to each other at the highest point in the sky look like you and me?"

When he heard her words, he not only did not look up, but looked down at her. As he looked at it, he couldn't help but lower his head and kiss her forehead. That was the first time he kissed her, and also the first time he kissed a person. Girls.

They were all at a passionate age, and some things were out of control. Just kissing her forehead was far from satisfying his inner desire. Without feeling her rejection, he slowly moved down from her forehead to her eyes, lips... When the four fiery lips wanted to collide together, both of them were infected by each other's passion, and both wished that the kiss could last forever and never be separated.

That kiss back then was green but extremely beautiful. Thinking about it now, it still makes people fondly remember it.

I don't know how long it took, but Lu Xi pushed him away breathlessly: "Qin Yinjian, I asked you to look at the stars. Why did you hug him and kiss him?"

He could feel that she liked him kissing her and kissed him back passionately, but her reason told her that as a girl, she should be more reserved.

That day was also the first time he saw her blushing from shyness. Her pink face seemed to be dyed with a layer of sunset. She looked very beautiful, especially her bright eyes, which were as bright as those in the sky. A sea of ​​stars is comparable.

He hugged her, lowered his head and kissed her again: "Lu Xi, you don't know that your eyes are more beautiful than the stars in the sky, and people can't help but be intoxicated by them."

Qin Yinjian is a man who talks very little. When the two of them are in love together, Lu Xi talks most of the time. He always listens silently. It's rare to say such a nice thing today. Lu Xi was so happy that he took the initiative to hold his head and kiss him: "Qin Yinjian, I like to hear you praise me. In the future, you must say more nice things to me like you did today."

Hearing her suggestion, Qin Yinjian just remembered how disgusting the words he just blurted out were. He raised his eyebrows and turned away awkwardly to ignore her.

But Lu Xi didn't care at all. She snuggled into his arms again: "Qin Yinjian, you have a cold temper and don't like to talk. I understand all these, so you usually talk less, so I won't care about you. As long as you are nice to me."

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