My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1457: The Successor, Lu Lu is sick

Chapter 1458: The Successor Chapter, Lu Lu is sick

Lie suddenly felt that this son was an eyesore. No, it was not sudden. For the past three years or so, he had felt that this boy was an eyesore. He wanted to let him sleep in a room by himself, but this little guy was really cute and he was his beloved woman. Born for him, he couldn't bear to leave the little one alone.

Qin lelan said dissatisfied: "Xiao Lele, didn't mom tell you that you can't disturb dad when he kisses mom? Why didn't you listen?"

Lele rushed over and hugged her father's thigh: "But dad hasn't kissed Lele yet when he got home. If dad doesn't kiss Lele, Lele can't sleep."

Lie picked up the little one and said, "Okay, daddy will kiss our little light bulb first."

Lele was happy to receive a kiss from her father, and said proudly: "Dad, when you were not at home, I protected my mother well."

Lie nodded: "Well, you behaved very well. Kiss my little light bulb again."

Qin leran: "hum, you two kiss, I will ignore you."

Lie and Lele said at the same time: "No, what we love most is mother."

Qin leran: "then you know what to do?"

Lie and Lele approached Qin lelan and kissed her on her left and right cheeks respectively: "Don't be angry now."

Qin lelan raised his eyebrows and chuckled: "that's about the same."

Lele waved her hands, looking like a little adult: "Okay, everyone has kissed each other, and you can go to sleep happily."

Qin leran and lie: "..."

This kid is really a ghost.

The couple coaxed little Lele to sleep between them, and then they had time to talk about adult matters.

Lie took Qin lelan's hand and put it on his chest: "Ranran, tell me what happened today?"

Qin lelan said, "just be busy with your work, and don't worry about things at home."

Lie said dissatisfied: "I am also a part of this family."

Qin leran poked him: "no one said that you are not a member of this family. What are you anxious about? I won't let you control it because I don't want to tire you. Think about it, it's already very hard for you to work and make money to support us. "Well, I can't help you at work, so how can I let you worry about it in life?"

Lie: "I'm happy to worry about your things, I'm happy."

Qin lelan smiled softly: "I know you are willing. "

Lie tried to hold Qin lelan in his arms, but there was a small light bulb sandwiched in the middle, which was really troublesome: "Let the little one sleep on his own in two months."

Qin leran: "are you willing to do it?"

Qin leran thinks that boys should be let go earlier and let him learn to be independent earlier, but her brother has always been reluctant to let him go, for fear that the little one will not be able to sleep alone and cry for his parents in the middle of the night.

Lie started to carry Lele to the side of the big bed so that he could hold Qin leran in his arms: "This will be it from now on. When he falls asleep, let him sleep on the side and we will sleep together."

Qin leran: "childish!"

Lie added: "Xiaojian is already an adult. He knows what he is doing. Although love and marriage are related to two families, the prerequisite is that two people love each other. As long as they love each other, they can join hands no matter how difficult the road is. Passed by.”

Qin lelan holds lie's hand: "brother lie, are you praising us again?"

Lie: "Isn't it?"

Qin leran: "you are right. Okay, go to bed. You have to go to work tomorrow."

Lie: "Of course, I have a suggestion."

Qin lelan: "what's your suggestion?"

Lie: "You and your mother-in-law go to meet the girl Xiaojian likes and ask her what she thinks."

Qin lelan immediately shook his head: "No. Xiaojian said that we will not be allowed to interfere in his affairs. If he knows that we quietly went to find the girl, he will be very angry. I don't want my parents to do anything about him anymore. Sad.”

Lie: "You are worried and can't find that girl. This is not the solution."

Qin leran sighed: "I don't want to think about it anymore. There must be a way to the mountain before the car reaches the mountain, and there will always be a way to solve it."

Not only Qin lelan and lie were worried about Qin Yinjian, but also Jianran and Qin Yue in the other room. Jianran took a bath and lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Qin Yue dragged her into his arms. : "Stop thinking about it and sleep well."

Jian Ran punched Qin Yue: "That's our son, can I not let him go?"

Every time she thought about the neglect of her son over the years, Jian Ran felt as if someone was stabbing her with a knife. If she had not taken her son's sensibility so naturally over the years, if the couple had cared more about their son... …

But there are no ifs. It is a fact that they ignored their second son, and it is natural for him to get angry at their complaints.

Qin Yue said, "I'll ask someone to check that girl."

Jian Ran: "Qin Yue, don't mess around. Let me tell you, if you go to check on that girl, Xiaojian will definitely get angry with you."

Qin Yue: "You are worried and don't let me check."

Jian Ran said: "I believe in Xiaojian and his vision. The girl he likes must have his reasons for liking it. Love is a matter between two people. No matter how worried we parents are, we can't tear them apart alive. Well. As the saying goes, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, so let’s not worry about it. "

Qin Yue rubbed her head: "That's right."

Therefore, no matter how much he tried to persuade her, it was of no use. Jian Ran had to figure it out on her own.

Everyone in the Qin family was worried, and Lu Xi couldn't go anywhere. When she was about to take a rest, she answered a call from Teacher Zhang. Lu Lu had been feeling unwell since the afternoon. She thought Feed the child some antipyretic medicine and he'll be fine. Who knows that the temperature will get higher and higher at night.

Teacher Zhang was worried that something might happen to Lu Lu and he didn't dare not inform Lu Xi, so he called Lu Xi.

After receiving the call, Lu Xi casually put on a coat and hurried to the neighborhood next door. Lu Lu had a high fever and almost fainted, but she still called Mommy: "Mommy, Lu Lu will be good. Lu Lu will be good in the future." Don’t get sick, mommy, don’t leave Lu Lu alone, okay?”

Lu Xi hugged Lu Lu: "Son, Mommy is here. You are Mommy's baby. How could Mommy abandon you?"

Lu Lu said weakly: "Mommy, Lu Lu hurts so much."

Lu Xi picked him up: "Mommy knows that Lu Lu is in pain. Now Mommy takes Lu Lu to the hospital to see a doctor. As long as he sees the doctor, Lu Lu will get better."

Lu Lu's little hands grasped Lu Xi's clothes tightly: "Mommy, will Lu Lu die?"

Lu Xi shook his head: "No. Lu Lu will get better after seeing a doctor and taking medicine."

Lu Lu said in a sweet voice: "Lu Lu took a lot of medicine, but he still got sick. They said that Lu Lu's disease could not be cured, and Lu Lu would die. Lu Lu is not afraid of death, but Lu Lu is afraid of getting sick again. I can’t see my mommy either.”

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