My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1461: The Successor, Pack all the valuable things

Chapter 1462: The Successor Chapter, Pack all valuable things

After leaving the harsh words, Qin Yin straightened his slightly messy clothes and opened the door to leave.

Just before Qin Yinjian opened the door, Lu Xi suddenly smiled coldly: "Yes, I am such a woman. Did you, Qin Yinjian, only know this tonight?"

Lu Xi has always given in to Qin Yinjian because of her guilt. She will do whatever he says. After all, he is still her sponsor, but just at that moment something hit her hard on the head. , which made her completely awake.

The money he gave her was not charity. The small amount of money was earned by her own body and hard work. He also got happiness from her, wasn't it? They were fair trades. Why should he look down on her?


What qualifications does he have?

Lu Xi bit his lip and glared at Qin Yinjian angrily. Just as he was trying to glare at Qin Yinjian angrily, Qin Yinjian also stopped and glared at Lu Xi gloomily.

Even though the lights in the living room were still not turned on, Lu Xi still saw the anger in his eyes, because the anger was so obvious that he could feel it with his heart without looking at it with his eyes. He probably even wanted to kill her at this moment. Bar.

"Why are you looking at me like this? You just want me to shut up?" She was obviously exhausted by him, but she didn't know why Lu Xi felt that her body was filled with strength instantly. Even though she was disheveled, she still stood up Zhizhi retained her only self-esteem and talked to him, "I am such a woman who makes money from her body, but how can you, Qin Yinjian, be better? It is only when men like you come out to buy that I will appear. This kind of woman who is out to sell, when it comes to it, we are both equal, no one should look down on the other."

"So if you sell to one man, it's a sale, and if you sell to many men, it's a sale. It doesn't make any difference to you, right." Hearing Lu Xi's mouth curse words again and again, Qin Yinjian's eyes dropped to his side. The two hands shook again and again. After several efforts to control it, they still couldn't control it and said such hurtful words out of control.

"What?" Lu Xi didn't quite understand what he meant when she first heard it, but when she heard his disdainful tone, Lu Xi gradually understood that it turned out that this man had never believed her. He had always felt that except for He and she have other men outside.

No wonder he said that about her just now.

After understanding what kind of person she was in his heart, Lu Xi didn't care about anything anymore, and had a mentality of breaking the jar and breaking it: "I told you from the beginning, I've been with other people for a long time I have slept with a man. I made it clear to you that you are the one who is willing to support me. Now don’t act like a victim. Your face is disgusting, don’t you know?”

Qin Yinjian hung his head beside him and shook his head: "..."

Lu Xi snorted from her nostrils: "Qin Yinjian, don't act like you want to have a relationship even after you come out for prostitution. This world is so realistic. As long as you have money, anything can be done easily. If you don't have money, you can do anything. No, who the hell has time to talk about feelings that you don’t have?”

Lu Xi's words made Qin Yinjian's face so dark that it almost blended into the night outside: "..."

Lu Xi added: "Now I announce the cancellation of our trading relationship. You will disappear from my eyes immediately. Don't let me see you again."

Qin Yinjian grabbed Lu Xi, held her chin, raised her head, and said coldly: "Lu Xi, do you think that the transaction relationship between us can start when you say it starts, and end when you say it ends? Yes? I think you are still too naive. This game started with my shouting, and no one wants to end it if I don’t shout it.”

Lu Xi wanted to swat his hand away, but couldn't: "Then tell me, what do you want?"

Qin Yinjian spoke coldly again: "Since you have agreed to register your marriage with me, then be prepared. As soon as the house is transferred, I will ask you to register with the Civil Affairs Bureau."

Lu Xi: "..."

Lu Xi really doesn't understand. Qin Yinjian obviously hates her so much. Why must he register his marriage with her? Is he trying to find a legal reason to insult her?

Since nothing can be changed, Lu Xi also learned to accept the reality, but before accepting the reality, she also had to speak clearly: "If you are still willing to register the marriage, I will accompany you to the end, but let me explain to you first, I, Lu Xi is an unclean woman who has done many things that you can't even imagine. If you are still willing to register your marriage with me, then transfer this house to me first. What I do with this house in the future is up to me. You can't control it."

"Keep your duty well. You have everything you want." Hearing her open and closed words about the house, the spark that had just extinguished in Qin Yinjian's heart was ignited again. If he stayed, he might do something to hurt her again. Something happened, so he opened the door and showed off.

As soon as Qin Yinjian left, Lu Xi didn't think too much at all. Now she just wanted to return to the hospital quickly, before Lu Lu woke up, so as not to leave a shadow on the little guy's heart.

Lu Xi tidied herself up briefly, and then packed up all the jewelry Qin Yinjian gave her. Regardless of whether these jewelry were genuine or not, the workmanship and color were of the highest quality. If she met someone who knew the goods, she could still sell them at a good price. .

Not only did she pack away the jewelry, Lu Xi also didn't let go of a few dresses. She didn't know the jewelry, and she didn't know much about clothing, but she at least knew that the materials of these dresses were comfortable to the touch, breathable and comfortable to wear, and the price was absolutely It won't be much cheaper.

Dresses and jewelry filled two 28-inch suitcases, but the pawn shop and second-hand market were not open at this time, so Lu Xi decided to drag the suitcases to the hospital first. Lu Xi was worried about leaving valuable things in this home, because if they stayed here, these things could be taken back at any time as long as Qin Yinjian said a word.

As long as these things are there, even if Qin Yinjian regrets tomorrow that she has lost the money for this house, she can rely on the money from selling jewelry and dresses to help Lu Lu survive for a while, maybe until she can think of other ways. Before.

The delay for Lu Xi to go home was only about two hours. Fortunately, it was not long. Lu Xi returned to the ward quietly and saw Lu Lu sleeping well in the bed. She was a little relieved, but she had just sat down When I got to the bedside, I suddenly heard Lu Lu's crying voice: "Mommy, Lu Lu thought you didn't want Lu Lu to leave on his own."

Lu Xi was startled, and hurriedly looked down and saw the little guy in the bed crying with tears and swollen eyes: "Lu Lu, baby, Mommy just went home to pack some necessary supplies while you were asleep, Mommy absolutely Don’t leave Lu Lu behind.”

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