My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1463: The Successor Chapter, She Can’t Be Disadvantaged

Chapter 1464: The Successor Chapter, we can’t let her suffer.

Hearing that someone was selling Ocean Star, Qin Yinjian immediately sat up straight: "Someone sold Ocean Star to you?"

The girl said: "Not only are there stars of the sea, but there are also a lot of priceless jewelry and some dresses that have only been worn once. I think these things are all good goods, and I am worried that someone will steal your things and sell them, so I got through it in advance. Call you."

Qin Yinjian: "Who sold it to you?"

The girl said: "She is a young and beautiful girl, she looks quite elegant. But having said that, second brother, could you be engaged and have another woman outside at the same time?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Without thinking too much, Qin Yinjian was already sure that the girl selling Ocean Star must be Lu Xi. He immediately made a decision, "Don't reveal the news. If she wants to sell it, just buy it. How much does she charge?" You pay as much as you want.”

The girl said: "That girl seems to be quite ignorant. She doesn't know how much her things are worth, so she asked our people here to give her a price. It is precisely because of this that I suspect that she has some things." A thief with unknown origins.”

Qin Yinjian said solemnly: "Those things belong to her, any thieves with unknown origins. Since she doesn't know how much those things are worth or how much they are asking for, just look at the price and you must not lose her." .”

"Second brother, it's more than one hundred million. Even if you sell me, I can't get that much money." The girl's gossiping heart ignited again, "Second brother, you protect that girl like this, who is she to you?" Who is she? Is she the one you announced your engagement to yesterday? "

Qin Yinjian announced his engagement, but did not announce the marriage partner. He only mentioned the other party's name. Naturally, others did not know where the girl named Lu Xi came from, let alone what she looked like.

"Don't mind my business." Qin Yinjian's tone has not changed, and he still sounds as calm as usual, but only he knows how boiling his heart is at this moment. The woman Lu Xi actually gave him to him for money. All her things were taken out and sold. This woman really didn't care about anything except money. But even though he was so angry that he wanted to kill her, he still couldn't bear to let her suffer. "You can give her the money. I'll send someone later." Take the money and go pick it up.”

The girl said again: "Well, I'll go out and negotiate the price with her. Remember, I'll bring you money to pick up the goods later. Any of your goods cost millions, and not many people can afford them. I don’t do business at a loss.”

Qin Yinjian didn't answer anymore and hung up the phone directly.

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, the girl's smiling face instantly darkened, and she said sadly: "What? There is such an outstanding girl like me around you and you don't even look at it, and you pretend not to pursue my pursuit. I understand, but I’m very attracted to women who don’t regard the gifts you give as gifts.”

Their mothers have a very good relationship and have been best friends for decades. This has also brought their two families closer together, and their relationship is as good as one family. It is precisely because of this relationship that she has the opportunity to get in touch with Sheng. Tian’s second young master is now the new president.

But she could only keep her love for him secretly in her heart. She was worried that if she revealed it, the two families would no longer be able to get along like they did now.

The girl turned her head and looked out the window. From her office, she could clearly see the situation in the living room. There was a young and beautiful woman sitting in the living room. The woman was very beautiful and very attractive, but The woman seemed to have something on her mind, not only fidgeting but also frowning from time to time.

She should be the girl named Lu Xi who Qin Yinjian announced his engagement.

It is obvious that she has already gained the favor of the second young master of the Qin family, and she is thinking about her future identity as the second young master of the Qin family, but why does the girl look sad?

The girl really couldn't understand and didn't want to think about it anymore. After she tried to calm down her emotions, she just came to the reception room of the store. When she saw her, Lu Xi stood up immediately: "Hello, are you the owner of this store, right?" .”

Lu Xilai came to sell things. After looking at them, the clerk said that they could not make the final decision on these things and had to wait for their boss to price them. Lu Xi had been sitting here waiting for a while. After finishing one cup of tea and adding another cup, he finally found out the real owner. Wait for it.

The girl nodded: "Well, I am the owner of this store. My name is Cheng Yangyu. Nice to meet you."

Lu Xi smiled: "My name is Lu Xi."

It's indeed Lu Xi!

It was indeed her!

She is indeed the woman that the second young master of the Qin family wants to marry!

Cheng Yangyu stared at Lu Xi, wanting to see what was so good about her and why the second young master of the Qin family recognized her, so he was a little distracted and forgot how rude it was to stare at a stranger like this.

Lu Xi felt uncomfortable looking at her: "Boss, is there any problem?"

"No, no... I just thought your name was nice, and something came to mind for a while." Cheng Yangyu smiled awkwardly, and quickly turned his attention to the two boxes next to Lu Xi, "Are these things yours? "

Lu Xi: "That's right."

What Qin Yinjian gave to her should be hers.

Cheng Yangyu: "How do you plan to sell these things?"

Lu Xi: "I have told your clerks before that I don't know the market very well. You set a price and I will sell it if I can."

Cheng Yangyu: "Miss, we meet for the first time today, and you are so confident in letting me make an offer. Aren't you afraid that I will trick you to death?"

Lu Xi said: "Although this is the first time you and I have met, your store has a very good reputation. I don't think you will smash your own sign just for a few dollars."

Cheng Yangyu smiled and said: "Generally, I can't make a lot of money, but if the other party sells something very expensive, and I can make a lot of money by selling it, I might not think about it again. What matters is the reputation of a store, after all, the most real thing is making money.”

Cheng Yangyu spoke humorously, and Lu Xi also relaxed a lot: "The boss said so, I feel more relieved."

Cheng Yangyu said: "How do you want to sell this necklace?"

Lu Xi: "I don't know the price. How much do you think you can pay?"

Cheng Yangyu said again: "You really want me to come out?"

Lu Xi nodded.

Cheng Yangyu thought for a while, Qin Yinjian asked her to make a price casually, but she couldn't lose Lu Xi. This was really difficult to handle. To be honest, if Lu Xi didn't lose money, the price might scare Lu Xi. After much deliberation, she said, "I can pay up to 300,000 yuan for this necklace."

Although the price of 300,000 yuan for more than 100 million items is a bit outrageous, Qin Yinjian will send someone to take these things back soon. She has not made any money from him, so this price should be the most appropriate.

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