My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1465: Heir, I want to marry him but not like this

Chapter 1466: Heir Chapter, I want to marry him but not like this

After leaving Cheng Yangyu's shop, Lu Xi received a call from Qin Yinjian's lawyer. Lawyer Ma asked her to discuss the transfer of the house. Lu Xi didn't ask any more questions, asked for the address and hurried over.

When Lu Xi arrived at the agreed place, Lawyer Ma still said nothing nonsense and took a document for Lu Xi to sign.

Lu Xi asked: "Lawyer Ma, do you need to be so urgent?"

Lawyer Ma said: "Ms. Lu should know that Mr. Qin hates procrastination when doing things. Things that can be completed today will never be postponed until tomorrow."

"That's right. The people he gave the house to were not worried, so what should I worry about?" Lu Xi took a pen and wrote his name formally in the signature area.

"Thank you, Miss Lu, for your cooperation!" Qin Yinjian ordered that the house transfer matter be completed today. Lawyer Ma has already prepared all the house transfer documents. Now he just waits for Lu Xi's signature. Everything else will be easy to handle.

But Lu Xi was a little worried: "Lawyer Ma, I still have some questions I want to ask you."

Lawyer Ma said while collecting the documents: "Ms. Lu, you can ask any questions you have, and I will answer them one by one."

Lu Xi said that he raised his most worried question: "Lawyer Ma, I just want to know the problems after the commercial house is donated and transferred. Now Qin Yinjian is gifting the house to me. As far as I know, the tax on house donation is different from the house sale. Donation The tax is relatively small, but if you want to buy or sell the donated house in the future, you will have to pay a lot of tax. "

Lawyer Ma said: "Miss Lu, please rest assured that Mr. Qin has already considered all the issues you have considered for you. He will transfer the rent to you in the form of a sale, and he has also paid the transfer taxes. He will not let Miss Lu let you It's a waste of money. After the house is transferred to you, it will be yours. No matter what you want to do with the house in the future, it is none of his business. "

"Lawyer Ma, thank you!" After receiving Lawyer Ma's affirmative answer, Lu Xi felt relieved, but her heart had not yet fallen. She heard Lawyer Ma say again, "Miss Lu, I just received the news that Mr. Qin He is on his way to the Civil Affairs Bureau now. Please go to the Civil Affairs Bureau in the central district to meet with him."

"Civil Affairs Bureau? Why go to the Civil Affairs Bureau?" Lu Xi knew it, but he was not willing to believe it.

Lawyer Ma said without mercy: "Miss Lu, I have made it very clear to you on Mr. Qin's behalf for the purpose of transferring this house to you. Now that you have taken possession of the house, you said you should go to the Civil Affairs Bureau What are you doing?"

Of course Lu Xi knew what to do when he went to the Civil Affairs Bureau, but he didn't expect Qin Yinjian to be so impatient. He hadn't just announced the news of his engagement. It had only been a day since he had to ask her for a marriage certificate. This news was too exciting. He might as well have just announced the marriage yesterday.

Lawyer Ma added, "Miss Lu, the car has been prepared for you. Shall we take you there now?"

"Sorry to trouble you." Lawyer Ma was right. Qin Yinjian's condition was to give her a house so that she could marry him. Since she had taken away the house, how could she not marry him.

When the driver drove Lu Xi and lawyer Ma to the Civil Affairs Bureau, Qin Yinjian had just arrived.

The two of them met at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau building, but he just glanced at her and walked inside, as if she was just a passerby.

When Lawyer Ma saw the real owner, he hurriedly followed, leaving Lu Xi far behind them.

Lu Xi didn't think so. Anyway, her marriage with Qin Yinjian was a money and material transaction and had nothing to do with love. She didn't expect them to be as close as other men and women who came to register.

"Honey, thank you for being willing to marry me. I swear, I will treat you twice as well in the future."

"Small, if I don't marry you, I won't treat you well."

"No, you had too many choices before you married me, and I could have been a little more negligent to you. But from now on, with each other's names written in the spouse column of our marriage certificate, I am your only choice. , what else can you say if I don’t treat you twice as much?”

"Then you carry me."


When Lu Xi walked in, he happened to meet a young couple who had just received their certificates and walked out. When passing by them, Lu Xi heard such a conversation between them.

A few years ago, in Lu Xi's imagination, she and Qin Yinjian should have gotten together like this. He held her hand, and they happily received the certificate together.

However, the fact is that they walked one behind the other, he turned a blind eye to her, and she treated him as if he didn't exist. The two of them were strangers than strangers.

"Miss Lu Xi, please come here with me." A young staff member took the initiative to greet Lu Xi. Lu Xi followed him to a special VIP room. When he entered, Qin Yinjian was already sitting next to him. When he saw her coming in, he still didn't speak.

The staff asked Lu Xi to sit down next to Qin Yinjian. Lu Xi glanced at him quietly. His expression was still as cold as usual, and she didn't know what he was thinking.

"Mr. Qin, Miss Lu, now let's take photos of you two first so that we can prepare your marriage certificates." The staff has been working in this position for some time. Generally, when registering a marriage, you are very close to each other, and the relationship is emotional. They were as good as each other, but the newlyweds were so cold as if they were here to apply for divorce certificates. He had received many couples who came to get divorced, and they were very similar to the two of them.

When it was time to take pictures, Lu Xi sat still, but Qin Yinjian sat up straight and cooperated.

The staff reminded again: "Miss Lu Xi, please raise your head."

Lu Xi slowly raised her head and heard the staff say: "You two, please smile. After all, marriage is a lifelong event. Smile sweeter and you will be happy when you see the photos in the future."

Qin Yinjian didn't respond, and Lu Xi forced a smile, but the smile was uglier than crying.

The first picture didn't work, so the staff took a second picture for them. The second picture was even more unnatural than the first, so the staff had no choice but to choose the first one.

Although the two of them don't coordinate well in photos and their smiles are a bit fake, fortunately, their good looks are better than their good looks.

The staff asked: "Mr. Qin Yinjian, are you completely willing to marry Miss Lu Xi?"

Qin Yinjian: "Yes."

The staff asked Lu Xi again: "Miss Lu Xi, are you completely willing to marry Mr. Qin Yinjian?"

Lu Xi: "..."

She wanted to marry Qin Yinjian. She had thought about it when she was seventeen years old, but she wanted to marry him generously and in the name of love instead of deceiving him like she is now, let alone because Marry him for money and material transactions.

She had already thought about it last night. If he wanted to marry her, she could marry him, no matter how she married him. But now that she was about to become a legal couple with him, Lu Xi was timid again. She didn't want to deceive him: "I'm sorry, I haven't thought about it yet."

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