My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1468: The Successor Chapter, the focus is whether she is injured

Chapter 1469: The Successor Chapter, the focus is whether she is injured

When the man was slapped, his first reaction was to fight back. He raised his hand and slapped Lu Xi. Lu Xi raised his leg and kicked the man in the leg. The man was kicked again and angrily slapped Lu Xi. Rushing towards him, Lu Xi couldn't hide, so he reached out to grab the man, and grabbed the man's face, grabbing a few bloody marks.

"Bitch, you're looking for fucking death!" The man threw himself at Lu Xi. Knowing that he couldn't beat him head-on, Lu Xi immediately called for help from passers-by. Fortunately, there were still many enthusiastic people in this world, and people immediately gathered around, "What are you doing? What to do?”

The man just wanted to catch Lu Xi to vent the violence in his heart, and he couldn't care about the people around him.

Lu Xi took the opportunity to say: "This person wants to steal my bag. Please help me call the police."

There were two big aunts onlookers. They gathered around and hugged the man without saying a word: "Girl, to deal with this kind of scum, beat him first and then call the police."

Lu Xi thought it was the same. While the two aunts were hugging the man, she raised her foot and kicked the man twice: "You bastard, I let you grab the bag of a single woman! Go to hell!"

Although these two kicks were far less than the damage he did to Lu Xi, Lu Xi felt that he could breathe a sigh of relief.

The two aunts also pulled the man's hair and scratched his face: "Beast, if I don't show you some color, you think we women are easy to bully. You can't bear to rob such a beautiful girl, what on earth do you think?" Is there any humanity?”

Lu Xi added with jealousy: "If he had some humanity, he would definitely not rob me. Aunt, thank you for being so brave. Without you, not only would I be robbed today, but maybe many women like us would be robbed." Our society just lacks brave people like you.”

The aunt raised her hand and slapped the man on the face hard: "It's an inhumane thing. Today we are going to let you know how powerful our women are. Let's see if you dare to snatch it away in the future."

Seeing the man being beaten helplessly, Lu Xi really felt that it was nothing for men to be fierce when women were fierce.

As they were fighting, more and more people gathered around them on the road, and the beaters followed suit, and some even picked up their cell phones to call the police.

During this battle, Lu Xi and the man were taken to the police station. Two kind-hearted aunts and several women followed all the way to the police station, saying that they must be witnesses for Lu Xi.

With eyewitnesses present, the man could not explain himself, and Lu Xi successfully sent him to the police station.

After coming out of the police station, Lu Xi thanked all the strangers for their bravery and found lawyer Yang immediately. She took evidence of the blood stains left on the nails of the man who scratched his face and used it to match Lu Lu's DNA: "Yang Lawyer, I’m going to trouble you this time.”

Lawyer Yang said: "Lu Xi, you go back and wait for the news. If the DNA matching is successful, not only can this man be convicted of robbery, but he can also be convicted of rape. When the multiple crimes are concurrent, I don't think he will ever be able to get back from the crime in his life." Out of jail."

Lu Xi nodded: "I hope so."

What makes Lu Xi especially happy is that now that the man has been detained by the police, he will not worry about the man running away before the DNA test report comes out.

After finishing everything, he returned to the company. It was already afternoon time. As soon as Lu Xi arrived, he was stopped by An Tingjie: "Lu Xi, Mr. Qin asked you to go to his office."

Lu Xi's heart suddenly picked up: "What does Mr. Qin want from me?"

An Tingjie said: "How could Mr. Qin tell me what I want to do with you? Go quickly, Mr. Qin has been waiting for you for a while."

Lu Xi nodded: "Okay."

Lu Xi came outside Qin Yinjian's office and took a deep breath before knocking on the door of Qin Yinjian's office. When she heard the people inside saying please come in, she pushed the door open and said, "Mr. Qin, are you looking for me?"

Qin Yinjian immediately put down his work and looked up: "What did you do in the morning?"

Lu Xi said carefully: "Deal with some personal matters."

Qin Yinjian frowned: "Come here."

Lu Xi obediently approached him: "What's wrong?"

Qin Yinjian turned on his mobile phone and flipped through the lively topics on the Internet: "Look at this."

Lu Xi took the phone and saw that the number one hot topic on Weibo was - Enthusiastic aunts work together to catch the robber.

The topic exaggeratedly described the process of Lu Xi being robbed, and also wrote about how heroic the passing aunt was, and included several pictures of them working together to subdue the robber.

Lu Xi smiled awkwardly: "It was just a small accident when I was doing things. It was just a small accident. It has been dealt with now and will not affect the work. Don't worry, Mr. Qin."

Qin Yinjian raised his eyebrows again: "What I care about is whether you will affect your work?"

Lu Xi: "Then what is your focus? You want me not to reveal which unit I work for, so that it can't affect the company's reputation, right?"

Qin Yinjian: "What I care about is whether you are injured."

Lu Xi: "..."

Qin Yinjian: "I'm asking you something. If you don't answer, do you want me to take off your clothes and check it myself?"

Lu Xi hurriedly took two steps back: "I'm fine, I won't bother you, Mr. Qin."

Qin Yinjian: "Come here."

Lu Xi: "I'm really fine."

There was really no need for him to take off her clothes and check.

Although they have not been honest with each other for a long time, this is his company, how can they do such a thing.

Qin Yinjian: "If a person encounters this kind of thing in the future, personal safety must be the first priority. You can buy another bag if you don't have it."

Lu Xi murmured: "Dior's Princess Diana bag is not cheap. I'm not a rich woman. I don't want it even if I don't want it."

Qin Yinjian: "..."

After all, it's money.

This woman loves money so much that she even wants to die.

Lu Xi carefully distanced herself from him: "Mr. Qin, do you have anything else to do? If not, I'll go out first."

Qin Yinjian: "..."

Lu Xi: "Then I'm going out to work."

After Lu Xi left, Qin Yinjian immediately picked up his mobile phone and made a call: "Today's news is the most searched robbery case. Let's create a bigger public opinion. The bigger the better, let the police know the pressure and convict the robber in time. "

The person on the other end of the phone said, "Yes."

Qin Yinjian added: "In the future, two people will be sent to protect Lu Xi quietly. I don't want to see anything like today happen to her again."

If something like this happened again, Qin Yinjian was sure that silly woman Lu Xi would still protect her bag. She would never have thought of how vicious these robbers were. It was lucky that the girl was not injured today. It may not happen next time. Such good luck.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Yinjian called An Tingjie: "Go and buy one of those good-looking international big-name bags and have them all packed and sent to Lu Xi's home. Remember, let the seller prepare It’s good to have sales receipts and invoices so that she won’t be cheated when selling later.”

An Tingjie: "Mr. Qin, if you give Lu Xi a bag and ask her to sell it for money, why don't you give the money directly."

Qin Yinjian looked at An Tingjie coldly, without saying a word, which could make An Tingjie understand: "Mr. Qin, just treat what I just said as if I didn't say it. I'll do it now."

Qin Yinjian's heart: "Stupid human beings! Are giving money and packages the same thing?"

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