My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1471: The Successor, I don’t know how to face Lu Lu

Chapter 1472: The Successor Chapter, I don’t know how to face Lu Lu

The drive from Shengtian headquarters to Shengtian Hospital was not long, but Lu Xi felt as if a century had passed during this short journey. After Lu Lu was exposed, she sat next to the indifferent Qin Yinjian. , it’s like living like a year.

Fortunately, no matter how difficult it was, we still made it to the hospital.

Lu Xi got out of the car as quickly as possible and had the urge to run away. Qin Yinjian could easily see her thoughts: "This is a hospital under Shengtian. It's already this time. I didn't know you were running away." What’s the point?”

Hearing Qin Yinjian's sarcastic tone, Lu Xinu mouthed: "Who said I was going to run away."

She just wanted to run, but she didn't really dare to run.

Qin Yinjian is right. Not to mention this is Shengtian Hospital, even in the whole Jiangbei, or even the whole world, Qin Yinjian can definitely find it if he wants to find it.

After Qin Yinjian got off the car, he ignored Lu Xi and walked towards the elevator first. Lu Xi paused and followed him hurriedly when he came to his senses: "Mr. Qin, Lu Lu is a very sensible person." But at the same time, he is a very sensitive child. When you see him later, I beg you to be kind and don’t be cold to him, otherwise the little guy will think that you don’t like him.”

"Lu Lu? That annoying little kid has such an unpleasant name as Lu Lu?" Qin Yinjian turned his back to Lu Xi and said arrogantly. No matter how he heard it, he thought the name was extremely unpleasant. "There is a child with such an unpleasant name." , I didn’t like it.”

"I didn't ask you to like him, I just asked you not to scare him." Qin Yinjian kept talking about how much he hated Lu Lu. As Lu Lu's mother, Lu Xi felt sad in her heart. "I gave him the name Lu Lu. My surname is Lu and he will follow my surname. As long as my son likes this name, he doesn't care about other people's business."

What is her son?

What does it mean to mind other people's business?

Why was it only her and that annoying little brat, but not him?

Qin Yinjian's face became gloomy at a visible speed. Lu Xi knew that he was angry again, and said slightly dissatisfied: "Who are you? I'm not angry with you even if you scold my son. What face do you have?" I'm angry."

Qin Yinjian said coldly: "Can't you press the elevator button?"

Lu Xi quickly pressed the button on the eighth floor, closed the elevator, and went straight to the eighth floor of the inpatient department of the hospital.

Finally, they arrived outside Lu Lu's ward.

Lu Lu was in the ward. Lu Xi couldn't wait to see the little guy. She reached out and wanted to push the door in, but Qin Yinjian, who she ignored, pulled her back.

Lu Xi wanted to see Lu Lu and was a little impatient with Qin Yinjian's attitude: "Qin Yinjian, what are you doing?"

Previously, Qin Yinjian had imagined many scenes of meeting Lu Lu, but when he was just one door away from seeing the little kid who made him feel grudge, he flinched. This was the first time in his life. The first time I was discouraged because of one thing.

Before he came, he felt that it didn't matter which man the child belonged to. As long as the child belonged to Lu Xi, Lu Xi's child was his child.

He does ideological work for himself in this way.

But when he really had to face the child that his beloved woman gave birth to by another man, his thoughts were shaken. He didn't want to see the child, and he couldn't accept that his beloved woman had given birth to a child for another man.

He hoped that the child Lu Xi would give birth to would be named Qin, that the child Lu Xi would give birth to would be of his blood, and that the person the child would call daddy would be him...

There were too many thoughts in his mind, but after thinking about it several times, Qin Yinjian still suppressed those things that came to his mind and used another way to conceal his true thoughts: "Just let that little brat live." How many patients can live in this ward?”

Lu Xi knows that in Qin Yinjian's world, money has never been a problem, so he has never worried about money. Maybe he doesn't know that there are still some people in the world who can't even afford to eat.

Lu Xi smiled: "Mr. Qin, actually being able to go to Shengtian's private hospital for treatment is very good for us civilians. You may not know that there are many children in the world who are sick and can't even stay in the hospital. Get up."

Lu Xi didn't mention herself, but when she heard what she said, Qin Yinjian's heart still hurt. Had she ever had the experience of having a sick child who couldn't even afford to stay in the hospital? That's why she Will he regard money as his life like he does now?

He unconsciously held Lu Xi's hand in his: "Shengtian did a lot of charity activities when my father was in charge. He donated some hope primary schools every year, and also often donated to some medical institutions, hoping that more people could not afford medical treatment. The children received good treatment. After I took over, there was also a special department responsible for charity work, but I personally had less involvement. I will pay attention to this aspect in the future and strive to ensure that all sick children have money to go to the hospital for treatment. "

Qin Yinjian's ability to say these words was indeed beyond Qin Yinjian's expectation. She looked at him blankly and forgot what to say for a moment. Just as Teacher Zhang came out of the ward and saw Lu Xi here, Teacher Zhang There was also some surprise: "Lu Xi, are you getting off work so early?"

Just as Lu Xi was about to answer, Teacher Zhang spotted Qin Yinjian next to Lu Xi: "Hey, Lu Xi, who is this?"

Lu Xi smiled awkwardly: "This is my boss. He learned that Lu Lu was sick today and stopped by to take a look when passing by."

Qin Yinjian did not refute Lu Xi's remarks verbally, but held Lu Xi in his arms with a slight exertion of his arms.

Her boss can hold her in his arms. Of course, the relationship is not just as simple as the boss. Teacher Zhang is a sensible person and hurriedly said: "Lu Lu just woke up. You go in and accompany him. I'll go out and buy some fruit." Lu Lu is ready."

Lu Xi gave Qin Yinjian a hard look. This man was really annoying.

Qin Yinjian didn't think it was anything. Sometimes actions are far more practical than verbal disputes.

Lu Xi added: "Lu Lu wakes up, I'll go accompany him."

Qin Yinjian: "Go ahead. I'll smoke a cigarette and come back."

In fact, Qin Yinjian rarely smokes, unless he needs to restrain his emotions like the situation just now, so he uses cigarettes to suppress it. Now he was making excuses to smoke, but he wasn't ready to see that annoying little brat yet.

It would be great if that little brat was his child...

Lu Xi glanced at Qin Yinjian and knew that he was reluctant to go in and did not force him. In fact, she wished Qin Yinjian would leave early. Lu Lu is a very sensitive child. He would definitely be frightened if he saw Qin Yinjian's cold face. It would be even worse if he said something unpleasant and angered Qin Yinjian.

Lu Xi added, "Then I'll go in first."

Qin Yinjian waved his hand.

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