My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1477: The Heir, the child has psychological problems

Chapter 1478: The Successor, the child has psychological problems

But Lu Xi couldn't hear what Qin Yinjian was saying at all, and only saw Lu Lu lying on the hospital bed.

Qin Yinjian didn't persuade him any more and stayed with Lu Xi without leaving.

Fortunately, after the doctor rescued him, Lu Lu slowly woke up.

"Lu Lu..." Seeing the little guy wake up, Lu Xi rushed to Lu Lu's side excitedly, gently holding his little hand in the palm of his hand, "Son... Son, you must be good. , don’t scare mommy, okay?”

"Mommy, don't cry!" Lu Lu wanted to raise his hands to help mommy wipe away her tears, but the little guy was too weak to raise his hands and could only watch mommy's tears drop by drop. On his face, "Mommy, Lu Lu doesn't want you to feel sad."

"Okay, Mommy is not sad." Lu Xi wiped away her tears and tried to show a smile, "As long as my Lu Lu is well, I will be well, so Lu Lu, baby, you must not have anything happen to you, do you know ?”

Lu Lu said softly, "Okay."

Lu Xi kissed him: "Let's do Gou Gou!"

Lu Lu Nunu said: "Mommy, childish."

Lu Xi: "As long as it can make my baby better, I'm not afraid of being childish."

Lu Xi was very afraid that Lu Lu would not be able to persist and that Lu Lu would give up treatment on his own, so she could only use such a childish way to make Lu Lu persist.

At the same time, Qin Yinjian was also asking the doctor about Lu Lu's sudden coma today.

A few minutes ago, the little kid Lu Lu still had the energy to call him ugly. He called Lu Xi but stayed outside for a while, and the kid Lu Lu suddenly fell into a coma. What happened during this period?

Qin Yinjian came with questions, and Lu Lu's attending doctor also gave Qin Yinjian a definite answer: "Mr. Qin, Lu Lu's disease has been controlled, and it will not be aggravation that caused him to coma. If I hadn't estimated If it’s wrong, it should be the burden on his mind that caused him to fall into coma.”

Qin Yinjian: "What kind of psychological burden does such a young child know?"

The attending doctor said: "Yes, logically speaking, such a young child does not understand the psychological burden at all, but we saw a phenomenon during the process of rescuing him. Little Lu Lu often frowned unconsciously, as if he was afraid of something. ”

Qin Yinjian: "What would such a young child be afraid of?"

The attending doctor added: "While treating Lu Lu in the past two days, I found that this child is very different from children of the same age. Other children over three years old will cry and fuss when they are sick and feel pain. Let the whole world know that he has been wronged. Then Lu Lu grits his teeth and endures the pain. His behavior is not like a three-year-old child at all, and he is so sensible that it feels abnormal. "

Qin Yinjian: "What do you say?"

The attending doctor said: "Many people may think that it is a good thing for children to be more sensible than their peers, but this is not the case. Children of this age should have the innocence of children of this age, and they should play as they please and be willful. Being willful allows them to express their nature. Children who are sensible early are often caused by many external factors. They are not born to be so sensible. "

When it comes to the topic of being sensible, Qin Yinjian has a deep understanding of it. He has been a sensible child since he was a child. At first, when he showed that he was more mature and sensible than his peers, everyone would praise him for being sensible. Later, gradually, his sensibleness made everyone think that he was just as sensible as he should be.

Many times, people in the family ignore him because he is too sensible. Zhan Limo, who often causes trouble, is the focus of the whole family.

In Qin Yinjian's heart, he very much agrees with the attending doctor's statement. It is really not good for children to become sensible too early: "What do you think?"

The attending doctor suggested: "Mr. Qin, I suggest you find a better psychiatrist to talk to Lu Lu so that the child can regain his innocence."

Finding a good psychiatrist to help Lu Lu is nothing for Qin Yinjian. Now it depends on whether Lu Xi believes that there is something wrong with Lu Lu's psychology and whether he is willing to let a psychiatrist give Lu Lu Lu some guidance.

Qin Yinjian waved his hand: "Go and do your work."

Qin Yinjian found Lu Xi again and relayed to Lu Xi what the doctor said to him.

Lu Xi also realized the seriousness of the problem after hearing this. In fact, Lu Xi had vaguely felt that Lu Lu had some psychological problems before, but because he was busy making money, he really didn't pay much attention, so he delayed the matter.

Now hearing what Qin Yinjian said, Lu Xi was also a little anxious: "I will find a psychiatrist to help Lu Lu calm down and let him not live in the panic of losing his mother every day."

Qin Yinjian glared at Lu Xi fiercely: "Lu Xi, how did you become a mother?"

"How I become a mother is my business, and you don't have to worry about it." Lu Xi admitted that she was an unqualified mother, but her guilt and self-blame were all for Lu Lu, outsiders who knew nothing. Who has the right to say anything about her, so she has a very bad attitude towards Qin Yinjian.

Qin Yinjian's face turned dark: "..."

Lu Xi knew in her heart that Qin Yinjian had helped her so much, and he could be regarded as her and Lu Lu's savior. No matter how angry she was, she shouldn't be angry at him, but in addition to being angry at him, she could calm it down. With the fear and panic in her heart, she really didn't know who else she could look for.

Even though the relationship between her and Qin Yinjian is very delicate now, she still believes in him and relies on him.

Lu Xi bit her lip: "Mr. Qin, I'm sorry! I shouldn't be angry with you."

At this time, how could Qin Yinjian care about her? He said, "I will arrange the psychiatrist's affairs. Don't worry about other things these days. Take good care of Lu Lu in the hospital."

Lu Xi nodded: "Thank you!"

Qin Yinjian is very fast at doing things. When Lu Xi was still thinking about what kind of psychologist to find to help Lu Lu, the psychologist Qin Yinjian contacted had already come to the door. The second time they talked It's morning.

When the psychiatrist came, Lu Xi had just cooked porridge for Lu Lu. When she heard someone knocking on the door, she opened the door and saw a young and beautiful woman standing at the door of the ward. Seeing such a beautiful and elegant woman, Lu Xi His first reaction was that Qin Yinjian's real girlfriend came to the door.

Lu Xi looked at the woman, and she was a little distracted. Suddenly she heard the woman say: "Hello, are you Miss Lu Xi?"

"I am." Lu Xi nodded awkwardly, "Excuse me, are you?"

The woman smiled and introduced herself openly: "My name is Zeng Zeng. I am a psychiatrist who specializes in children's psychological problems. Mr. Qin asked me to come here."

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