My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1485: The Successor, there are too many things to be afraid of

Chapter 1486: The Successor Chapter, there are too many things to be afraid of

For the next few days, Qin Yinjian did not appear in the hospital again.

Qin Yinjian did not show up, but the hospital did not neglect Lu Lu's care, especially Xiao Lele, who was sent to the hospital on time every day to accompany Lu Lu.

The little guy Lele didn't cry or make trouble, and patiently chatted with Lu Lu. Lu Xi was touched, but he couldn't always let a child run to the hospital. Taking advantage of lunch time, Lu Xi talked to Lele: "Le Le Le, you don’t have to come to the hospital to accompany Lu Lu tomorrow.”

Lele was sipping his favorite corn porridge when he suddenly heard Lu Xi asking him not to come to the hospital tomorrow. The little guy frowned and said softly: "Sister, Lele did something to make you unhappy. "?"

Lu Xi wiped the porridge from the corner of his mouth with a tissue: "Lele is so cute and sensible, how could she make her sister unhappy? This is a hospital, and Lele goes to the hospital every day. If she is infected with viruses or bacteria, what will happen? It will hurt when you get sick, and your parents will definitely be worried.”

Lele said: "But I like to play with my sister and brother Lu Lu."

In fact, Lele is willing to go to the hospital every day not only because he likes Lu Xi and Lu Lu, but also because he shoulders the important task of grandma and mother. They asked him to take good care of their future aunt on their behalf.

Although Lele didn't quite understand what his grandma and mother meant by his future aunt, he happily agreed because he was the seventh eldest man in the family. As a man in the family, he naturally has to take care of the ladies in the family.

Lu Xi smiled and said: "We also like Lele, so we don't want Lele to get sick. Lele will go play what he should play tomorrow, okay?"

Lele stretched out her little hand to touch her little head, and put on a very serious thinking state. After thinking, she shook her head again: "No! I must accompany Brother Lu Lu to treat his illness, and wait for him to get better soon. In this way, we We can play together.”

Lu Xi: "..."

Why is this child so stubborn at such a young age?

Are all the men in the Qin family like this?

Since she couldn't persuade Lele, Lu Xi didn't persuade her anymore, but she couldn't guess what Qin Yinjian was thinking.

In the past few days, he didn't show up again. It was obvious that he didn't want to see her. If he didn't want to see her again, he could cut off all contact with her, but he had people send Lele here.

Don't even guess what a man is thinking. You won't be able to figure it out even if you keep guessing.

After lunch, Lu Xi received a call from Lawyer Yang: "Lu Xi, I have two pieces of news to tell you. One good news and one bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Lu Xi said: "Listen to the good news."

The bad news affected her mood too much, and Lu Xi didn't want to hear it. If you must listen, listen to it later so that the good mood lasts longer.

Lawyer Yang said: "The good news is that the wretched man who pretended to be Lu Lu's father was convicted, and the sentence was not light."

Busy taking care of Lu Lu these days, Lu Xi had forgotten about that matter. Now that Lawyer Yang mentioned it, Lu Xi had just contacted something: "Lawyer Yang, since that person is not Lu Lu's father, why would he know What happened to me back then?”

Lawyer Yang said: "This is the bad news I want to tell you today. The reason why that man knew about your past is because he came to you at the instigation of your stepmother. Of course, the court did not believe him. I think he is trying to justify himself or convict him, but because I know about your stepmother, I believe what he said, and this matter must have something to do with your stepmother. "

Lu Xi gritted his teeth: "It's Cui Xianzhen again! If that old woman doesn't force me to death, it seems she won't give up."

Lawyer Yang said: "Lu Xi, we all know that she is that kind of person, so don't get angry because of her. No matter what, as long as we find the man back then, as long as he admits that she was the one who instigated that incident, Then we can let the law punish her."

Lu Xi bit her lip: "Lawyer Yang..."

Lawyer Yang: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Lu Xi took a deep breath and said, "Recently, my matter of having a baby before marriage has been discussed online... I'm afraid..."

She was afraid that what happened back then would be mentioned, that the bloody truth would be trampled on online, and that Lu Lu would be hurt again because of her stubbornness... There were too many things she was afraid of, but she couldn't follow them. People say that only one person hides in his heart.

Lawyer Yang said: "Lu Xi, don't worry too much about this. Now the only person who knows about that incident is your stepmother. She also wants to get some benefits from you, and she doesn't want to That incident became known to everyone.”

Lu Xi nodded.

Lawyer Yang didn't know that she had already broken up with Cui Xianzhen. Once he didn't get any benefits from her, Cui Xianzhen, that vicious woman, would do anything. However, she is no longer the Lu Xi she was back then, and she can still be hurt by that vicious woman.

Shengtian headquarters.

An Tingjie was reporting the situation to Qin Yinjian: "Mr. Qin, the man who robbed Lu Xi that day has been sentenced."

Qin Yinjian nodded: "Yes."

An Tingjie added: "The reason why the confessor caused trouble for Lu Xi was because he was instructed by Lu Xi's stepmother. He was not robbing Lu Xi, but came to pretend to be Lu Lu's father."

Qin Yinjian raised his eyebrows: "Impersonating Lu Lu's father?"

Lu Xi said personally that Lu Lu's father was dead.

If he was really dead, why would someone pretend to be Lu Lu's father?

And more importantly, it's not like Lu Xi doesn't know who Lu Lu's father is, so why would anyone be stupid enough to pretend to be him?


Could it be that Lu Xizhen didn't know who Lu Lu's father was, so she lied that the man was dead?

Because thinking of this, Qin Yinjian thought of that time a few years ago... Could it be...


If it was true that time, Lu Lu would be three years and seven months old.

However, Lu Xi told Lele that day that Lu Lu was three years and five months old, and the time difference was a full two months.

Qin Yinjian's heart, which was boiling because of the thought of a certain possibility, gradually cooled down because of the fact: "Send someone to keep an eye on Lu Xi's stepmother."

Antinger: "I will immediately notify my colleagues in the United States to make arrangements."

Qin Yinjian waved his hand, indicating that An Tingjie could leave.

As soon as An Tingjie left, Qin Yinjian turned to look out the floor-to-ceiling window. What he saw in his eyes was the prosperous Jiangbei City, but what he thought about was every bit of Lu Xi. Her smile, her anger, everything about her...

It would be great if her child Lu Lu was three years and seven months old.

Why does he have to be two months younger?

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