My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1498 The Successor, Assessment in the Special Forces

Chapter 1499: Successor Chapter, Assessment in the Special Forces

This matter has something to do with his uncle. What does it have to do with Xiao Lele?

This little guy's logic is so strange.

How did Lu Xi know that Qin Yinjian taught Xiao Lele these logics? He told the little guy that if the aunt didn't want to be his aunt, then she didn't like him. The little guy was so young and not very sensible, so he believed it.

Lele said again: "Auntie, I'm going to chat with brother Lu Lu. Please go out for a while and don't disturb us."

Lu Lu nodded desperately: "Mommy, don't disturb us."

Lu Xi: "..."

Was she disliked by the two little guys?

A special forces training base in Jiangbei.

Today is the first official assessment competition for recruits after entering the camp. Among the thirty people, regardless of gender, only the fifteen who win in the end can stay. That is, one-half of the people will be eliminated and will never be seen again in the future. There is no way to enter this elite division.

Zhan Limo has been following Zhan Nianbei in the military area since he was a child. In addition, he has a good foundation. Compared with others, he has many advantages, but this time he did not dare to be negligent at all.

Although he was not willing to join this special force, since he had become a member of this special force, he had to achieve success and go out with glory. Being eliminated was never his choice.

He couldn't afford to lose face, Old Man Zhan probably couldn't afford to lose face, and the Zhan family couldn't afford to lose face.

He wants to use his own strength to prove that he is not an idle second-generation ancestor. As long as he works hard, he can definitely become a member of this elite force.

Thirty soldiers, after a month of hell-like training, everyone has changed a lot since they first joined. Being able to join this army has already been carefully selected. Now I want to join a group of people. Winning is not easy either.

"Stand at attention!" As captain Liu Jinshan's command sounded, thirty people stood in three rows, standing in the standard posture of standing at attention. After Liu Jinshan glanced at everyone's standing posture one by one, there was another loud voice. It sounded, "Take a break!"

The soldiers followed his command and stood in a resting position.

Liu Jinshan added: "Our assessment today is divided into five items, each item is worth twenty points, and the points system determines the final elimination."

Although everyone was prepared, it was not difficult to find that some people were so nervous that they swallowed their saliva, including Zhan Limo. The reason why he was nervous was because he thought anyone here could lose, but he absolutely could not lose.

Several generations of the Zhan family have been in charge of the Jiangbei Military Region. His grandfather and father both started out as young soldiers. With their own efforts, they gradually stood out in the military and finally took over the Jiangbei Military Region, one of the five major military regions in the country.

The honor of the Zhan family must not be ruined in his hands.

But this time, it was not other men who he regarded as his key opponent, but the female soldier who dressed him up last time - Zhuang Momo.

Zhuang Momo comes from a martial arts family and has learned martial arts from her father since she was a child. She has an absolute advantage in fighting. Among the thirty people, no one is her opponent, regardless of gender.

After being defeated by her last time, Zhan Limo started to compete with him. Neither of them liked the other, and this time they both wanted to get the other out of this special force.

Liu Jinshan: "The war is over!"

Suddenly being named by the captain, Zhan Limo immediately retracted his thoughts: "Here we go!"

Liu Jinshan said without any shame: "The soldiers who come to us all stay based on their true abilities. No matter how big a backstage you have, it is useless. We only look at your performance here and your assessment." Final results.”

At the end of the war: "Yes."

The captain was obviously targeting him, but he hoped more than anyone else to stay because of his own ability, not because of the relationship with Old Man Zhan behind his back.

Liu Jinshan: "Zhuang Momo."

Zhuang Momo: "Here!"

Liu Jinshan: "This time our training involves fighting. No matter what method we use, we will ultimately win by knocking our opponent down. Do you understand?"

Everyone said in unison: "Understood."

Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo's voices were particularly loud, and both sides glanced at where the other side was standing.

Liu Jinshan added: "This time we are testing everyone's comprehensive ability and teamwork spirit. I hope everyone can put aside their personal grudges and devote themselves wholeheartedly to this assessment."

Everyone said in unison: "Yes."

Liu Jinshan said again: "Li Qingtian, Qiao Meina."

The two responded: "Arrived."

Liu Jinshan: "You two work together."

The two said again: "Yes."

If you want to compete in groups, then it will not only test the individual level of two people, but also the teamwork level of two people. After all, if you really want to fight, it cannot be fought by one person, but requires teamwork. The better the teamwork, the better. , the greater the chance of winning.

Liu Jinshan divided the thirty soldiers into groups one by one, and finally defeated Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo: "Zhan Limo, Zhuang Momo, you two form a group."

Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo were both dissatisfied, but this was the army and obeying their superiors was the only option. They both replied in unison: "Yes."

After the group work is completed, the next step is to compete in the first event.

Liu Jinshan said: "The first event is a ten-kilometer cross-country race with weights. Only if two members of the same team complete the race in 30 minutes will they be considered qualified. Those who fail will receive zero points. Are you ready?"

Everyone said in unison again: "Ready."

As Liu Jinshan's whistle blew, everyone set off in a hurry according to the planned competition route. Soon Zhan Limo was running at the front, but Zhuang Momo, who was in the same group with him, fell into the middle of the crowd and followed Zhan Limo. opened a long distance.

"Damn woman!" Zhan Limo stopped running forward. He is usually not very capable, so why can't he run now? After waiting for a while, Zhuang Xinshi caught up with Zhan Limo and immediately said, "Zhuang, if you want to be eliminated, don't drag me into being eliminated with you."

Zhuang Momo glanced at Zhan Limo coldly, and continued running forward at a constant speed without even making a sound to him.

Zhan Li followed him a few steps away: "I'm talking to you, can't you hear me?"

Zhuang Xinshi still ignored him, and this time he didn't even look at him from the corner of his eye.

At the end of Zhan li's life, his teeth were itching with hatred. This damn woman had the ability to make him jump.

At the end of the war: "Hurry up and follow."

Zhuang Momo finally spoke: "Mr. Zhan, this kind of cross-country race is all about endurance. The one who laughs at the end can win, instead of rushing to the front blindly."

At the end of the war: "stinky girl, just admit it before you can run away. Don't make so many fucking excuses with me."

Zhuang Momo stopped talking again. Talking to him was a waste of energy. She wanted to save her energy and run to the end, so that all those who looked down on their female soldiers would shut up, including the one next to her who was disgusting no matter how she looked at it. ——Brother, the young master of the Zhan family.

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