My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1501: The Successor, the reason why I hate Zhan Limo

Chapter 1502: The Successor Chapter, the reason why I hate Zhan Limo

Running a hundred laps around the training ground can still make people faint even if they are not tired at the end.

So after ten minutes, Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo both collapsed to the ground. They couldn't even use the strength to argue, let alone fight anymore.

At this time, all the competition events today were coming to an end, and several scorekeepers handed the competition results to Liu Jinshan immediately.

As the vice-captain blew his whistle, everyone immediately returned to the team and stood in order.

"The army is not a place for games. The results of our assessment will be strictly implemented in accordance with the regulations. No matter who stays, they will face a more cruel assessment. I hope that both the eliminated and the winner can face the results of this competition calmly. "Captain Liu Jinshan personally announced the assessment results. Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo's assessment scores were absolutely in the lead, and they were undoubtedly the top two selected for the fifteenth place.

The deputy captain led the eliminated soldiers to leave first. Liu Jinshan still had something to say to the fifteen winners: "First of all, I would like to congratulate every member of the station and congratulate you for officially becoming a member of our Flying Eagle special operations team. "

Applause broke out, and all the fifteen people who stayed were so excited that their eyes turned red.

Although the results of this assessment do not mean anything other than allowing them to continue to stay in Feiying, as long as they stay, there will be further hope.

Liu Jinshan added: "Except for Zhan Limo, each of you has been at Feiying for half a year. In these six months, not only have you not left our Feiying training camp, you have not even been able to talk to your family on the phone. One day Except for eating and sleeping time, everyone is training hard 24 hours a day. No one is slacking off on this profession. It is precisely because everyone faces this sacred profession with the most enthusiasm and seriousness that the superiors decided to give everyone. Go home for a week and take a look, and come back after a week to continue training.”

When they heard that they could go home for a week off, the recruits who had never been away from their parents and had not contacted them for half a year were very enthusiastic: "Yes."

In the team, only Zhan Limo responded formally because he didn't want to go home and be abused by the unscrupulous couple Zhan Nianbei and Qin Xiaobao at home.

However, I don't want to go back home, but Zhan Limo has other things he wants to do.

Before he knew it, he had been in the team headquarters for more than a month. It was estimated that his children must have missed him.

To be honest, he also missed his little girlfriends. He missed the soft and fragrant touch of holding them in his arms, which was not like the women in the army.

The women in the army don't look fat, but they are as strong as men. They would probably squirm in their arms.

Thinking of knocking someone, Zhan Limo unconsciously glanced at Zhuang Momo, who was standing in the row in front of him.

He was sure that Zhuang Momo would never be able to get married in this life. No man would marry such a woman who couldn't please others and was extremely skilled.


The captain continued to say something, but Zhan Limo's mind had already flown away. He flew out of the army and flew to his little girlfriends.

Everything you need to stay in the army, including food and accommodation, is provided by the army, and everyone is asked to go home and clean up. In fact, there is nothing to clean up. Almost everyone has changed out of their military uniforms and put on the civilian clothes they brought when they came. Carrying a small bag and getting ready to go home.

At the end of the war, it was even simpler. Apart from changing his clothes, he held nothing in his hands and stood downstairs in the dormitory waiting for others with the soldiers in the same group under the leadership of the deputy captain.

The weather is so hot. We have been fighting hard all morning, thinking that we can go home. We are reluctant to take a break at noon, so we squeeze out time, thinking that we can spend a few more days with our parents when we go home.

When everyone is in a hurry to go home, no one feels comfortable if they are asked to stand under the dormitory in the sun and wait for others. However, thinking about it, the people waiting will be their comrades who will live and die together. Everyone also sees it. opened. Zhan Limo didn't care about me and the others, but when he saw that the person he was waiting for was Zhuang Momo, he became very angry.

The deputy captain said: "Everyone follow me out first. There is a car outside to take you out."

Before leaving the training ground, because the deputy captain was beside him, Zhan Limo did not show his dissatisfaction with Zhuang Momo until the group got into the car and the car slowly started to leave the training ground. When they were truly free, Zhan Limo Just now, he looked coldly at Zhuang Momo, who was sitting opposite him: "Some people are born ugly. No matter how they dress up, they still look like that."

Zhuang Momo knew that she was the person Zhan Limo was talking about, but she didn't care at all. She was pretty or not. She didn't care about Zhan Limo's shit. She could ignore him, but she just couldn't stand Zhan Limo. Relying on his father to dominate the army?


Just because he has a powerful father, he can trample on others at will?

There were only thirty recruits in the same batch as Zhuang Momo who joined the Flying Eagle. Half a year ago, thirty of them passed various assessments and won out of hundreds of recruits before they got the chance to join the Flying Eagle. Everyone knew this Opportunities are hard to come by, and I studied hard after joining the boot camp.

Thirty of them have been training together for more than four months. Seeing that the time for the recruit assessment is getting closer and closer, just when everyone's hearts are ignited with blazing hope, who knows that a war commander from the Jiangbei Military Region has parachuted in from the end of the war? The young master.

The arrival of Zhan Limo took up one of the thirty places. One person in their thirty-person team was inexplicably removed. Their friends who had trained together did not even have a chance to say goodbye to him. No.

That person had trained hard for more than four months, worked harder than the other twenty-nine of them, and had excellent training results in various events. Just because this Zhan Limo was the son of the head of the Jiangbei Military Region, he was so proud Taking someone else's place and not feeling ashamed at all.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Momo felt a sigh of relief in her heart. Somehow, she, who was always calm and self-possessed, raised her foot and kicked Zhan Limo. Zhan Limo did not expect that this woman was in the car. He would take the initiative to stir up trouble and sit in his seat in a very shameless manner. When Zhuang Momo attacked him, he was not prepared at all, so he was kicked hard by her again.

This kick was kicked on Zhan Limo's butt again. Zhan Limo's face turned dark with anger. He jumped up and was about to attack Zhuang Momo. Fortunately, the space in the car was small and there were many people. Several comrades saved Zhan Limo in time. Hug: "Zhan Limo, don't be anxious, don't be anxious, she is from a woman's family, why do you care about her being a woman's family?"

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