My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1517: The Successor, using evil methods to deal with evildoers

Chapter 1518: The Successor, using evil methods to deal with evildoers

Cui Xianzhen clearly knew that Lu Xi hated her and would never compromise easily, but when she heard the word money, she couldn't wait to say: "Xiao Xi, your dad and I are not trying to get benefits from you, but I want you to talk to President Qin and ask him to do some profitable business for us. He treats you so well and loves you so much. As long as you ask, he will definitely agree. "

Lu Xi sneered in her heart, but she still had to pretend to be moved by Cui Xianzhen: "Let me go first, everything will be easy to talk about."

Cui Xianzhen was reluctant, but he couldn't go too far with Lu Xi, so he let go of Lu Xi, then quietly pinched Lu Qiming and asked Lu Qiming to talk to Lu Xi. Only at this time did Lu Qiming know that he was Lu Xi's Father: "Xiao Xi, we are not asking you to give us money directly. As long as Mr. Qin gives me some projects to do, we can make money with our own hands."

What they meant was that they would not reach out and ask her for money, but what was the difference between this method and asking for money? Lu Xi didn't even know when Lu Qiming got so thick-skinned. Before she could speak, she heard again Lu Qiming said: "After all, we are all your family. You have good resources to make money. If you don't make money for us, how can you still make money for others?"

Lu Xi sneered: "Lu Qiming, do you know that you are my father at this time? When I was grabbed by my hair and beaten by Cui Xianzhen just now, why didn't you feel that you were my father at that time? Why didn't you feel that you were my father?" Where is my family?"

When Lu Xi said this, Lu Qiming's face turned red and black, and he couldn't say a word.

Cui Xianzhen pinched him hard from behind again, and Lu Qiming said obediently: "We, a family of three, have been waiting for you outside the hospital for several days. We finally went in to see you today, but you asked someone to kick you out again. You said Can we not be angry? In fact, we are angry because you are our child. "

"Lu Qiming, maybe you have forgotten how my mother died, but I will never forget it. I will never forget the scene when you brought your mistress into the house to bully my mother, let alone how my mother died. I'm so pissed off by you." Lu Xi looked at Lu Qiming and squeezed every word out from between his teeth, "To put it bluntly, my mother was also blind back then to fall in love with a loser like you. "

Lu Qiming understands how much he has done over the years, and sometimes he does not dare to look at Lu Xi directly. Lu Xi usually says some unpleasant things, but he endures it because it is true that he owes them both mother and daughter. , but today Lu Xi bluntly called him a loser. How could he bear it? He raised his hand and slapped Lu Xi: "I'm going to let you know who among us is the father today."

Seeing Lu Qiming's slap coming, Lu Xi could have avoided it, but she didn't. Lu Qiming's slap slapped her face with a snap, and there were a few finger marks immediately, but she didn't even frown. Without even frowning, he looked at Lu Qiming coldly: "This slap is my return for the kindness of raising you. From now on, everything is clear between you and me. You are no longer my father, and I am no longer your daughter." , From now on, you will never get any benefit from me."

Lu Qiming was so angry that his hands were shaking: "Lu Xi, my blood is flowing on your body. I gave you your name. You can't change this identity in this life."

Lu Xi sneered and said, "No, my mother's blood is in my body, and this name was given to me by my mother. It has nothing to do with you."

In fact, in Lu Xi's memory, her father was quite good to the mother and daughter for a while. I don’t know how old she was when her father’s business got bigger and bigger, so he came home less and less often, and gradually he didn’t go home very much. Later, he brought his mistress into the house.

Lu Qiming was so angry that Cui Xianzhen not only refused to persuade him, but also fanned him behind his back: "Lu Qiming, I told you before that your daughter is an unfilial daughter, and you still don't believe me? Give her money to go to the best school. Now look, you are good to her, but how she treats you, she only sees her dead mother, not you at all. "

"Shut up!" Lu Qiming rarely showed the spirit of the head of the family, and really suppressed Cui Xianzhen. He looked at Lu Xi and said, "You think your mother is a good thing. Back then, your mother was carrying me outside. Steal less."

"Lu Qiming, you know better than me what kind of person my mother is. She is already dead, and you still frame her like this. Even if you still have a little bit of conscience, you would not say such disgusting words." There was still a little bit of unbearability for Lu Qiming in her heart, but it was all gone at this moment. Lu Xi glanced at Lu Qiming, then looked at Cui Xianzhen standing behind him, and then sneered, "Assistant An, that's troublesome You ask your people to drive them away, I don’t want to see them again.”

When Lu Xi left the hospital, she knew that An Tingjie was following her. As soon as she was caught by Cui Xianzhen, An Tingjie was about to rush forward with others, but Lu Xi stopped her.

After all, in the eyes of others, the Lu family is still her family. She doesn't want to make her face so ugly in front of outsiders. She hopes that she can handle the affairs at home cleanly, but she has tried hard, but There was no result, and in the end she had to rely on Qin Yinjian's power to help her solve the problem.

An Tingjie immediately ran over and raised his hand. Several plainclothes bodyguards immediately came over and surrounded Lu Qiming and Cui Xianzhen: "Kick them all away. Don't let them appear within three kilometers of the hospital in the future." distance."

Cui Xianzhen struggled and shouted: "Lu Xi, you have no conscience, we have raised you so much, it's okay if you don't support us, and now you have to unite outsiders to bully us, do you still have any conscience?"

"Conscience? Are you asking me if I have a conscience?" Lu Xi approached Cui Xianzhen, stretched out his hand and scratched Cui Xianzhen's face, "Cui Xianzhen, the person in this world who is least qualified to talk about conscience with me is you now. Before you Just disappear from my sight and don't mess with me in the future. I may consider letting you live. If you are ignorant and still bother me every day, then don't blame me for being cruel. I can tell you for sure, don't care about me. No matter how much talent, material and financial resources we spend, I will definitely find the evidence that you murdered my mother and drugged me, and bring you to justice."

Cui Xianzhen said disdainfully: "Then I will wait, waiting for you to find evidence and send me to prison."

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