My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1526: The Successor, the ugly daughter-in-law meets her parents-in-law

Chapter 1527: The Successor Chapter, the ugly daughter-in-law meets her parents-in-law

Lu Xi nodded: "I know. As much as Lu Lu loves Mommy, Mommy loves Lu Lu. No one can separate Mommy's love for Lu Lu."

"The same goes for Lu Lu." After talking to Mommy, Lu Lu looked at Qin Yinjian with blame in his eyes, as if Mommy crying was the fault of this big bad guy, "Big bad guy, don't let Mommy cry in the future. Let’s make mommy happy every day.”

Qin Yinjian: "Well, let's make mommy happy together."

Seeing these two men, Lu Xi wanted to cry again.

what to do?

She is not such a stingy crybaby.

Nuoyuan is very lively today, because not only the second young master is bringing his girlfriend home, but the eldest young master and his wife, who have not been home for half a year, are also coming back today.

Early in the morning, Jian Ran started busy. She helped her eldest son and second son clean up their room with her own hands. After cleaning the room, she also cooked a few of their favorite dishes. Seeing that noon was coming, her eldest son and her second son started to prepare. My son should be home by now.

Jian Ran had been waiting at the gate early. She was so excited that she finally waited until her second son's car arrived home.

The car stopped steadily at the door of the house. Qin Yinjian said to Lu Xi in the back seat of the car: "Lu Xi, the one standing at the door is my mother. She is a very gentle mother. You can get along with her normally in a while. , don’t be too formal.”

Lu Xi looked sideways and saw that the woman standing at the door was walking towards the car. Suddenly she became nervous, and her little heart beat loudly: "Qin Yinjian, if you don't tell me, I don't seem to be like this." I’m nervous, my heart is in my throat when you say it.”

Qin Yinjian took off his seat belt, turned around and held her hand: "As long as I'm here, my mother won't eat people, so don't be nervous."

The impotent Lu Lu suddenly said: "Big bad guy, can your mother eat people?"

Qin Yinjian really couldn't laugh or cry: "That's your grandma. You will get off the car and call her grandma later. Grandma is very gentle and can't eat people."

Lu Lu tilted her head: "Then why is mommy nervous?"

Qin Yinjian smiled and said, "Because the ugly daughter-in-law met her parents-in-law."

Lu Xi rolled her eyes at him: "Who said I'm ugly?"

Qin Yinjian: "It's not ugly, so what are you worried about?"

Lu Xi: "Because your family's overall appearance is too good."

In the past, Lu Xi had heard about the former CEO of Shengtian and his wife, and knew that they were not only good-looking but also very loving. However, she had never seen what the CEO's wife looked like, and now she couldn't believe it when she saw it. eyes.

In Lu Xi's view, the former CEO's wife was a young woman, but at first glance, the former CEO's wife was very young. Even if she was Qin Yinjian's sister, no one would doubt it.

Qin Yinjian couldn't help laughing: "Little fool, can you be a good-looking person?"

Lu Xinu opened her mouth to say something, but there was no need for her to say it. Little Lu Lu had already stood up and spoke for her: "You bad guy, don't call Mommy a fool! Mommy is the smartest person in the world."

This little guy was very considerate to his mommy. He touched Lu Lu's little head and said, "Well, you and your mommy are both the smartest people in the world."

Lu Lu said proudly: "Yes."

At this time, Jian Ran was getting closer and closer, Qin Yinjian let go of Lu Xi's hand: "get out of the car."

His hand loosened, and Lu Xi's heart that had just stabilized began to beat faster again, but she was trying hard, trying to calm herself down. If she was so scared that her legs were weak when she met her future mother-in-law for the first time, her image in the future would be greatly compromised. That’s it.

Qin Yinjian got out of the car first: "Mom, we are back."

Jian Ran greeted them with a smile: "Well, I'm just waiting for you to come back."

Qin Yinjian opened the door of the back seat of the car and let Lu Xi and Lu Lu get out of the car: "Lu Xi, Lu Lu, this is my mother."

Lu Xi was a little nervous: "Hello, aunt!"

Lu Lu also said innocently: "Hello, aunt!"

Qin Yinjian and Lu Xi: "..."

Didn't this boy just teach him how to call his grandma? Why did he start calling people randomly after getting off the car?

Qin Yinjian corrected: "Boy, this is grandma, you have to call me grandma."

Lu Lu touched her little head: "The very old one is the grandma, and the young one is the aunt. Mommy told Lu Lu."

Lu Xi said again: "..."

She had told the little guy before, but that was to strangers. Now she sees that daddy's mother is also called aunt. How confusing this generational hierarchy is.

Qin Yinjian said again: "Mom, these are Lu Xi and Lu Lu."

Jian Ran smiled and said: "Lu Xi, Lu Xi, you are welcome to visit me at home."

Lu Lu was still struggling with the terms aunt and grandma. Should he be called aunt by mommy or grandma by the bad guy?

"Xiao Lu Lu calls me like this, calling me young. I'm very happy." Jian Ran knelt down and reached out to touch Lu Lu Lu's head, "Xiao Lu Lu, Lele tells me about you every day, saying that she wants to Please come to my house as a guest, grandma welcomes you."

Lu Lu: "Why does Lu Lu call her grandma?"

Everyone wants to look younger, especially children who can't lie. In their eyes, youth is true youth. Jian Ran was so happy that she couldn't help but smile: "Because your good brother Lele calls me Grandma, so Lu Lu wants to call her grandma."

When talking about seniority, Lu Lu would definitely not understand, so Jian Ran used an expression that the little guy could accept and understand. After hearing this, little Lu Lu understood and shouted sweetly: "Grandma! "

"Well, you're so good!" Jian Ran couldn't help but touch Lu Lu's head again. Lu Lu, who had always been very repulsive to strangers touching him, didn't refuse this time, and even put his little head into Jian Ran's palm. Maybe This is why blood is thicker than water.

After establishing a good relationship with Lu Lu, Jian Ran stood up and looked at Lu Xi seriously this time. She had seen Lu Xi's photo before, but she didn't expect that the child was much prettier than the person in the photo: "Lu Xi, this is Xiaojian Your home is also your home, be casual at home and don’t be too formal.”

Lu Xi didn't want to be nervous, but it was impossible not to be nervous with such a good future mother-in-law in front of her. She nodded: "Okay, Auntie."

Jian Ran wanted to say something else, but then another car arrived. Without thinking too much, she knew that it was her eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law who had returned. She said, "Lu Xi, the people in the car are my eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law." Daughter-in-law, they usually live in Minluo City and only come home once every six months. Please talk more when you meet. "

"Okay, Auntie." It seemed that apart from these words, Lu Xi was so nervous that she didn't know what else to say. Qin Yinjian quietly held her hand, "My eldest brother and sister-in-law are also very easy to get along with. Just treat them as friends, don’t think too much.”

"Okay." Lu Xi still said this. Qin Yinjian wanted to pinch her. This woman is not usually very articulate. Was she really scared today?

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