My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1534: The Successor Chapter, so smooth that it’s unbelievable

Chapter 1535: The Successor Chapter, so smooth that it’s hard to believe

The child was very innocent. When he was asked, all his emotions were written on his face, especially in his bright eyes. It was clearly written that he wanted this toy car, but he was afraid of it. Qin Yueqing He chuckled and said, "You are very cute. Grandpa likes you very much, so he bought you a gift and will not take you away."

"Really? You really won't kidnap Lu Lu and Mommy?" Even though Qin Yue had spoken very kindly, his previous impression on Lu Lu was too cold and cold, and Lu Lu was more sensitive than other children. I still feel a little bit uneasy about him.

The innocence of children can always bring out the gentlest side of a person's heart. Qin Yue is not hard-hearted to begin with. He is just not good at expressing his love for his younger generation. What's more, this child is his grandson now, and he also I want to be good to the little guy and want to make up for all the debt I have owed over the years: "Grandpa swears, grandpa just wants to give you a gift. It would be better if you can let grandpa hug you."

Lu Lu is a sensible child. After repeated confirmations, he believed that this grandpa was a good person, so he slowly released his little hand holding Lu Xi's pants, walked to Qin Yue with small steps, and said with his sweet smile A voice shouted: "Grandpa!"

"Well, you're so good!" The child's soft and waxy voice really touched Qin Yue's warmest heart, making Qin Yue truly smile. Then he hugged the little guy and handed the toy car to him, "Little Lu Lu, you are welcome to the Qin family. As long as you and your mommy are willing, this is your home. "

Lu Lu held the toy car given by Qin Yue with both hands and said happily: "Thank you, Dad, Lu Lu is willing!"

The house here is big and bright, and there is a playground for children to play outside, as well as a garden. There are many flowers blooming in the garden that he does not recognize at all. This is very important to him as a child who has never enjoyed life since he was born. For children, everything is wonderful, and when good things come, they don’t want to leave.

"Well, let Lu Lu hold the toy car and go play with brother Lele." Qin Yue was reluctant to let go of this weak and cute grandson and wanted to hug him more, but now he still had something to say to Lu Xi, so he just You can drive Lu Lu first.

After Lu Lu left, Qin Yue's eyes fell seriously on Lu Xi. When he looked at her, Lu Xi couldn't help but become nervous again. She quietly clenched her fists to calm herself down: "Uncle Qin, Do you have anything else to say to me?"

As the head of the Qin family, he should be kind to the blood of the Qin family, but there is no reason for him to treat a woman like her who gave birth to a child before she was married and wanted to marry into the Qin family. She even sent Xiao Lulu away during the conversation, and Lu Xi had already made the worst plan in her heart.

If Qin Yue wanted her to hand over Lu Lu, she would not agree to it anyway. Lu Lu was raised by her alone and was her spiritual sustenance... Unexpectedly, Qin Yue said something that Lu Xi had never thought of before: "Son, it's because we didn't educate our son well. We have let you go out all these years." Suffered.”

Who told her that Qin Yue, the former president of Shengtian, was so cold and inhumane?

Who told her that Qin Yue, the former president of Shengtian, would not say a gentle word to anyone other than his wife and daughter?

Who told her...

Before coming, Lu Xi had heard too many rumors about Qin Yue, which made her nervous when she saw him. However, he was much warmer than she imagined. To put it bluntly, how could a man who was at the pinnacle of power treat his wife as cold and heartless as others say for decades.

In fact, he is warm, especially when looking at Jian Ran. Even if the children are so old, you can still see deep and warm love in his eyes. Which woman can marry such a man? It’s a blessing that took several lifetimes to cultivate.

Lu Xi didn't speak. Qin Yue thought she was still nervous, so he added: "Ajian was not sensible when he was young and made you and your child suffer so much. I hope you can give him a chance to He will have time to make amends to you, mother and son."

Lu Xi bit her lip in excitement: "Uncle Qin, no... actually... Qin Yinjian is very good to me."

"You don't have to speak for him, that kid should be taught a lesson." Qin Yue couldn't help but frown when he mentioned his second son, "But no matter what, our family welcomes you and your child. As long as you are willing, this family will It’s home for you and your children.”

Qin Yue was a man of few words. This time he was able to speak so much in front of a stranger to him. There were two reasons. First, he really felt that what his son was doing was not what a man should do. The second reason is that Qin Yinjian is his child no matter what, and he still hopes that his child can be happy. For the mistakes he made in the past, that kid should use the rest of his life to make up for it.

Lu Xi nodded repeatedly: "Thank you, Uncle Qin!"

Qin Yue said again: "It's our turn to thank you!"

Lu Xi: "You are too polite."

Lu Xi always thought that a woman with her conditions would have to go through a lot of hardships if she wanted to marry into a wealthy family like the Qin family. Before coming, she was mentally prepared. No matter how the Qin family made things difficult for her, as long as Qin Yinjian's attitude was firm, she would definitely stick to him to the end.

Everything was going so smoothly now, so smoothly that she felt like she was dreaming.

Qin Yue added: "If you are willing to marry Ajian, it will be Ajian's blessing."

Lu Xi: "..."

It was not her blessing to be able to marry Qin Yinjian, to marry a man who loved her so much, but she couldn't say these words. She pretended to be all about the kindness of the Qin family, and it was the kindness of the Qin family to her. She was truly lucky to have met them.

Qin Yue said: "It's getting late, so I won't take up your time. Please call the boy standing at the door when you go out."

Lu Xi: "..."

How did he know Qin Yinjian was at the door?

But thinking about it again, it is said that a son knows better than his father. No matter how talented Qin Yinjian is, he is still too young in front of his father. Qin Yue naturally understands his every move.

Lu Xi said: "Uncle, aunt, you guys chat first, I'll go out first."

Qin Yue nodded.

Jian Ran added: "Good boy, this is your home, feel free to do it."

Lu Xi: "Yeah."

Lu Xi left on the front foot, and Jian Ran immediately gave Qin Yue an appreciative look: "Mr. Qin, you performed well today. I hope you will continue to work hard."

Qin Yue smiled slightly and reached out to rub Jian Ran's head: "Did I perform poorly in the past?"

Jian Ran smiled and said, "You performed very well before, but today is even better."

"Dad, Mom..." Qin Yinjian pushed the door in and interrupted the couple.

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