My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1536: The Successor, let her give up on this idea

Chapter 1537: The Successor Chapter, let her give up on this idea

"Who are you going to bite to death?" Qin Yinze's voice suddenly broke in, and Ji Rou quickly put on a smile, "Husband, I want to cultivate a relationship with Lu Lu tonight, so I have to wrong you to sleep alone. I know you Gentle and considerate, I will definitely agree.”

"Husband, you two brothers haven't seen each other for so long. You must have a lot to talk about. We won't disturb you." Just saying no is not enough. Ji Rou also went up and gave Qin Yinze a big hug, and also Without waiting for Qin Yinze to reply, Ji Rou let go of Qin Yinze and dragged Lu Xi away. "Lu Xi, let's go. The two brothers must have a lot to say after not seeing each other for a long time, so we won't disturb them."

Lu Xi dragged Lu Xi downstairs, but met Aunt Ma, the family's helper, at the stairs on the first floor.

"Aunt Ma, good evening." Ji Rou greeted warmly, "You are leaving in such a hurry, where are you going?"

Aunt Ma said, "Mrs. Cheng and Miss Cheng are here. I'll call Mrs. Cheng."

Because of the relationship between Ling Feiyu and Jian Ran, the Cheng family and the Qin family are very close. Ling Feiyu often brings her daughter to the Qin family. Even though Ji Rou does not live in Jiangbei, when she hears about the Cheng family, she She still knew who it was: "Then please tell Aunt Ma quickly and don't let Aunt Feiyu and her daughter wait too long."

Aunt Ma said, "Okay. I'll go right away."

Ji Rou drags Lu Xi to the living room: "Lu Xi, mom's best friend is here as a guest. Let's go say hello to their mother and daughter first."

Lu Xi has suffered too many cold looks and ridicules over the years, and has habitually avoided strangers who have nothing to do with her: "Sister-in-law, I have never met them, I think it's better to forget it."

Jirou is sometimes too arrogant and doesn't notice the change in Lu Xi's face: "Aunt Feiyu has been in love with her mother for decades, just like our biological aunt. Anyway, as long as you marry into the Qin family, sooner or later you will have to marry her." If you want to meet her, it’s better to meet her early today.”

"Jirou, have you returned to Jiangbei?" Jirou heard Ling Feiyu greeting him some distance away from the living room. She immediately walked over with a smile, "Aunt Feiyu, long time no see, I miss you so much. is you."

Out of the instinct to avoid strangers, Lu Xi did not follow Ji Rou and stood alone in the distance listening to them.

"Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time. I see that your girl is getting more and more beautiful." Except for her appearance, Ling Feiyu has almost no change in her personality. She is still the same Ling Feiyu, of course, especially with Jian Ran. The relationship between best friends has been the same for decades.

"Aunt Feiyu, thank you for your compliment. I shamelessly admit that I am getting more and more beautiful." Ji Rou smiled and continued, looking around again, "By the way, I heard that you and sister Yuyang are together." You got up, why didn’t you see her?”

"As soon as she entered the house, she saw Ranran with two babies, and then she and Ranran took the babies to play." Ling Feiyu looked upstairs, "Actually, there is nothing else for me to come so late today. The thing is, I just want to talk to your mother.”

"Aunt Feiyu, you must have something to do with your mother." Otherwise, you wouldn't have come to someone else's house so late. In Ji Rou's opinion, the relationship between the two families is very good, but Aunt Feiyu is a very understanding person. A measured person will never break into other people's homes and affect other people's lives when it is inconvenient for them.

"It's not something that can't be said." Ling Feiyu was open-minded in her heart. She couldn't hide something in her heart. More importantly, she never thought about hiding it. "I came here just to ask about Ajian's matter. , to see if he is really engaged as the rumors say. If the rumors are false, I want to give our family Yuyang a chance. If it is true, I can make that girl give up."

"Yuyang... like Ajian?" Jirou was surprised when she heard this. Even though she knew that Qin Yinjian was very close to the Cheng family girl when she was a child, they all treated her as their sister. Why did she fall in love with Ajian?

In fact, it's not that she can't be tempted. The key is that Qin Yinjian has no intention of her. Qin Yinjian already has Ji Rou in his heart.

Jirou looked sideways at Lu Xi, and saw that Lu Xi's expression did not change at all, and she became more worried: "Aunt Feiyu, that..."

"Feiyu, why didn't you call me in advance when you were coming? It made you wait for me downstairs for so long." After receiving the news, Jian Ran came over with a smile and interrupted what Ji Rou was about to say.

Ling Feiyu said: "Jirou, I'm chatting with your mother. You young people can go play with you too."

Jirou was a little worried, but she couldn't say too much in front of her elders, so she had to leave first.

Ling Feiyu pulled Jian Ran to sit down and asked the question again.

"Feiyu, since you told me so directly, I also tell you directly that Ajian's engagement is true. Today he brought my future daughter-in-law home and introduced him to everyone. You see, that's it The beautiful girl who is with Ji Rou over there. Ah Jian really likes her and wants to marry her back. I think we should let him and Yu Yang be brothers and sisters." Ling Feiyu asked the question directly. Jian Ran answered directly. Relationships are children's business. She doesn't want her elders to get involved in these matters. "Feiyu, I have always advocated that children make their own decisions about children's affairs. I hope you can forgive me."

"I said Jian Ran, what do you mean by these words?" Ling Feiyu suddenly raised his voice and said very dissatisfied, "Who do you take me, Ling Feiyu, for? Do you think you don't agree with Ajian's relationship with me?" If you date Yuyang, I will sever our friendship for decades."

Jian Ran: "No, it's just because I care too much about you as a friend that I'm worried."

Ling Feiyu said: "Do you think you are the only one who cares about me as a friend, and I don't care about you as a friend?"

Jian Ran: "I don't have any."

Ling Fei said: "You obviously have it."

Jian Ran said helplessly: "Okay, okay, I can do whatever you want. As long as you are not angry with me and don't cut off contact with me, you can say whatever you want."

Ling Feiyu: "You always say that I want to cut off contact with you. You also say that you don't think that you are the only one who cares about me and I don't care about you... Could it be that in your Jianran eyes, I, Ling Feiyu, am unreasonable and indifferent?" A heartless person?"

Jian Ran: "..."

She'd better not speak, otherwise everything she says will be wrong.

Ling Feiyu said: "Jian Ran, you care about me as a friend, and I also care about you as a friend. Children's feelings are their own business, and we as elders can't care about it even if we want. The reason why I came to you today , our family Yuyang begged me hard. I know that she likes Ajian one-sidedly, and knows that Ajian has someone else in her heart, but Yuyang's child just doesn't want to admit it. As the child's mother, she wants to get a chance. I also hope that my child can find someone he likes to spend his life with, but I understand better that this kind of thing cannot be forced. I came to you to talk about it, and I still want Yuyang to die. "

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