My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1550: The Successor, Still Not Awakening

Chapter 1551: The Successor, Still Not Awakening

A bucket of ice water was poured on Cui Xianzhen, and he had to wake up even if he didn't wake up.

When Cui Xianzhen woke up, she still felt that the world was spinning. She couldn't even see the people standing in front of her clearly, until a voice that was still familiar to her sounded above her head: "Mrs. Lu, what does it feel like to be hung in the air?" How is it? Is it fun?”

Cui Xianzhen was so frightened that she stepped back, but when she stepped back, she found that her crotch was sticky and smelly. Just as she thought of something, Zhan Limo told her again: "What do you eat all day? Is it shit? Or is it? Your heart is black, so your poop smells worse than the average person’s.”

Cui Xianzhen pointed at Zhan Limo with a trembling hand: "You, you..."

After looking at you for a long time, Cui Xianzhen was unable to say the next sentence. Emotions such as nausea, despair, fear, etc. all rose up in her heart. She is Cui Xianzhen, how could she be in such a miserable state today.


She hates it so much!

I hate that bitch Lu Xi!

Why is that bitch's life so good?

A few years ago, she drugged the girl and was about to succeed, but Qin Yinjian appeared and saved her. Today, a few years later, seeing that she was about to succeed again, Qin Yinjian came again.

At the end of the war, he waved his hand: "Mrs. Lu seems to have not had enough fun, so let's take her to fly a few more times. This time, install a tweeter on her body and let her hear for herself how harsh her screams are. Otherwise, She thought her scream was as beautiful as the voice of a lark."

Cui Xianzhen said tremblingly: "What are you doing? If you can, kill me with one knife."

"Kill you?" Zhan Limo shook his head, "Your life is so cheap and worthless. If I kill you, I still have to pay with my life. It's a huge loss. If you don't kill, let's continue to play the flying game. . If you are tired of playing the flying game, let’s play some ancient games, such as pepper spray, tiger bench, etc., you can choose.”

Cui Xianzhen's eyes were so frightened that they almost popped out of their sockets. However, he was too scared to make a sound and just peed his pants again.

Zhan Limo waved his hand: "Okay, let's send Mrs. Lu up."

Zhuang Momo suddenly stood up: "Wait a minute."

Zhan Limo gave her a dissatisfied look: "Mother-in-law, don't tell me that you want to plead for this old witch."

Zhuang Momo didn't speak, but answered Zhan Limo with actions. She took a step forward and slapped Cui Xianzhen several times. When she saw that Cui Xianzhen's face was so swollen that she could compete with Lu Xiyou, she stopped: "Okay, let's send her up."

After being beaten, Cui Xianzhen used her last strength and rushed towards Zhuang Momo like crazy. However, as soon as she stood up, she fell down again because her legs were weak, and she fell to the ground: "You, you guys..."

At the end of the war: "What are you waiting for?"

Several people tied Cui Xianzhen up again, and the helicopter flew into the sky again.

Watching Cui Xianzhen ascend to the sky, Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo looked at each other instinctively, but quickly looked away when they saw each other, and cursed at the same time: "What an eyesore!"


Fourteen hours have passed since the time to bring Lu Xi back, but Lu Xi still hasn't woken up.

The doctor did not find any injuries on her head, so they ruled out the possibility that she was injured due to a severe head blow. The possibility of severe head trauma was excluded, but Lu Xi was still unconscious, and the doctor could not find out the cause for a while, which made the whole Qin family anxious.

Apart from Qin Yinjian, the most anxious person in this family should be Ji Rou. After Lu Xi was kidnapped, Ji Rou blamed herself terribly. Ji Rou was worried for as long as Lu Xi disappeared. When there was no trace of Lu Xi for a long time, Ji Rou was worried and slapped herself twice.

After Lu Xi came back, Ji Rou stayed by Lu Xi's side: "It's all my fault. If I hadn't been playful and took the children to the amusement park, the kidnappers wouldn't have found a chance to kidnap you, and you wouldn't be lying there I'm unconscious in the hospital bed. Lu Xi, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I beg you to wake up quickly. As long as you wake up, I will let you do whatever you want. "

Jirou could only say these words silently in her heart, because her family were all in the hospital, and everyone hoped that Lu Xi would wake up soon. She could not cause trouble for everyone and distract everyone from comforting her.

Grandpa is getting older. After visiting Lu Xi in the hospital, he went back to rest first. Except for grandpa's absence, the entire Qin family was guarding the hospital, all craning their necks in hope that Lu Xi would wake up.

Jian Ran saw Ji Rou's self-blame, pulled Ji Rou to the outside of the ward, and comforted her in a low voice: "Xiaorou, what happened to Lu Xi is something that the enemy has planned for a long time, and it has nothing to do with you at all. Don’t blame yourself.”

Jirou shook her head: "Mom, I..."

Jian Ran patted her hand: "Xiao Rou, you haven't rested for a long time. You can go to the lounge next door and rest for a while. Lu Xiji is a good person and will be fine."

Jirou shook her head: "Mom, I want to wait here for Lu Xi to wake up."

Ji Rou couldn't rest assured that Lu Xi didn't wake up, especially when she thought about how little Lu Lu blinked her watery eyes and asked where her mommy was after Lu Xi disappeared yesterday. She blamed herself so much that her heart almost broke.

Little Lu Lu is very obedient, surprisingly obedient.

Because she didn't dare to tell the truth to the little guy, she lied and told him that mommy had gone to work. After hearing this, Xiao Lulu didn't ask any questions. She hid in a corner of the house alone and huddled into a small ball. Who was following him? He ignored everything he said, feeling as lonely as a child abandoned by the world.

Jirou didn't know that Xiao Lulu had a shadow in her heart. In the past, her mother said that after she went to work, she would disappear for a long time, so Xiao Lulu thought that her mother had gone to work and never thought that something would happen to her.

Jian Ran said again: "My child, why don't you go home and stay with little Lu Lu. Without relatives to take care of him, I'm worried that he will be scared." There are servants and Xiao Lele at home, but Jian Ran still Worry about the kids.

When mentioning this reason, Ji Rou hesitated: "But..."

"It's nothing but, you go back with me to take care of the children first. Xiaojian will be fine here." Qin Yinze has persuaded Ji Rou many times, but this woman just doesn't listen, and he can't do anything about her. At that time, while his mother was there, he helped drag the woman back.

Ji Rou is still worried about Lu Xi who is unconscious in the ward. She is so anxious that she yells at Qin Yinze who is dragging her: "Qin Yinze, Lu Xi hasn't woken up yet. What do you want to do by dragging me away?"

Qin Yinze said solemnly: "If you stay by her side, she will wake up?"

"I...I'm just worried about Lu Xi. If it hadn't been for me yesterday, nothing would have happened to her." Ji Rou blamed herself so much every time she thought of Lu Xi being hurt so badly. After holding it in for a day, she could only talk to her alone. Qin Yinze could only speak out when they were together.

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