My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1555: The Successor, begging her with a face full of shame

Chapter 1556: The Successor Chapter, begging her with a face full of shame

Qin Yinjian returned to Lu Xi's ward. Lu Xi was packing her luggage. He walked over and took her into his arms, holding her tightly.

"What's wrong?"

He hugged her so tightly that Lu Xi couldn't breathe. She struggled, but she didn't break free from his arms.

"Lu Xi..."

He called her name in a deep voice and said nothing else.

Lu Xi moved again, but still couldn't struggle, so she gave up the struggle: "What's wrong? Let's talk about something. If you hold me like this, I can hardly breathe."

"It's nothing, I just want to hug you." Qin Yinjian lowered his head and kissed her forehead, "Lu Xi, promise me, you will stay by my side every day from now on, and you will never leave my sight for half a day without my permission. Hour."

"Qin Yinjian, you are too overbearing. Look, my injuries are all healed. Don't worry." She had been kidnapped, and it was normal for him to be worried, but Lu Xi felt that this person was worried It's too much. He stays by her side every day without saying a word. He even checks everything she eats. She was not an emperor in ancient times. A kidnapping was an accident. No one would think about taking her life every day.

"What do you mean, it's all healed? Look at your face, is it all healed?" There were still bruises on her face, and she felt particularly distressed every time she saw him, but he couldn't help her. I can't do anything but feel sad.

Lu Xi said shamelessly: "I look so good-looking, a little bruise on my face won't affect me at all. Just put your heart back in your belly and stop worrying about me."

"Okay, you are the prettiest." He smiled, "The most beautiful woman in the world, let's go home."

"By the way, where is Lu Lu?" These days Lu Lu came and went around the hospital and then left. Lu Xi was used to the days when the little guy was not around, and almost missed the little guy.

Qin Yinjian said: "Sister-in-law took him and Lele out to play."

"Lu Lu didn't want to get close to anyone except me before, but this time my sister-in-law was able to untie his knot and let him leave mommy alone and go out to play alone." It is a good thing for a son to be independent, but Lu Xi's heart is sour. I thought to myself that my son has not grown up yet and will leave his mother alone. If he grows up and has a girlfriend in the future, will he still be able to tolerate her as a mother in his heart?

"Sister-in-law loves children, but unfortunately she has no children, so she puts her love for children on Lele and Lu Lu." When it comes to children, Qin Yinjian knows the situation back then. If it weren't for the accident, his brother and sister-in-law would My children are also in school.

Lu Xi could see that Jirou really wanted to have a child of her own, but God refused: "No matter what, I want Lu Lu to be nicer to her sister-in-law in the future."

"Of course." While chatting, they talked about other people's affairs. Qin Yinjian sighed, "The things are packed, let's go home."

Lu Xi thought of another thing: "How is the situation with Cui Xianzhen?"

Qin Yinjian said: "The evidence of her crime has been handed over to the police, and then we will wait for the court's decision."

Lu Xi said: "I hope the court can give a fair verdict so that the evildoers will receive the punishment they deserve."

Qin Yinjian said: "As long as I'm here, you don't have to worry about this."

"Well, don't worry anymore." With him here, everything can be done, and Lu Xi really doesn't need to worry. "Then let's go home. I'll make delicious food for you in the evening."

Lu Xi walked out of the hospital with Qin Yinjian. As soon as he reached the door, a middle-aged man rushed over and grabbed Lu Xi's hand: "Xiao Xi, Dad, please let your mother go, okay?"

Qin Yinjian instinctively took a step forward, pulled the middle-aged man away, and protected Lu Xi behind him.

Lu Xi refused his protection: "Qin Yinjian, since he has come to the door, I will have a good talk with him. You go to the car and wait for me first. I will be here soon."

Qin Yinjian was worried about her safety and stood still.

Lu Xi pushed him: "Go ahead. I don't believe he can eat me in broad daylight."

Qin Yinjian glanced at Lu Qiming and warned Lu Qiming with his eyes that if Lu Qiming dared to hurt Lu Xi's hair, he would never let him go lightly.

The visitor was Lu Xi's father, Lu Qiming. After Qin Yinjian walked away, he grabbed Lu Xi and cried with snot and tears: "Xiao Xi, no matter what, your mother has raised you for more than ten years, even if you and I You are not related by blood, but I have a nurturing kindness to you. You can't just watch her being arrested and ignore her. "

"Mother? You have raised me for more than ten years? Are you kind to me?" Lu Xi has always known that Lu Qiming protects Cui Xianzhen without principles. Now that he heard these words coming from his own mouth, he still found it ridiculous. Extremely.

She really didn't know whether Lu Qiming was really blind or stupid: "Lu Qiming, you really don't know what good things Cui Xianzhen has done? Do you really think she has a kindness to me?"

"Xiao Xi, your biological mother has passed away many years ago. She is gone and will never come back alive again." Lu Qiming persuaded him earnestly, "Why do you insist on embarrassing the living for a dead person? We are a family, and a family must love each other.”

"Cui Xianzhen's life is life, but my mother's life is not life?" Hearing these words, Lu Xi almost vomited blood with anger, "A family? Let me ask, have you really regarded me as a family in these years? Is there? ”

If she had, she wouldn't have been left alone to blow the cold wind outside on New Year's Eve. If so, Cui Xianzhen would not have drugged her at her graduation party. If there was Cui Xianzhen, he would not kidnap her or harm her, and even wanted to deal with her the same way he dealt with his mother.

Which of these can't cure Cui Xianzhen's crime?

Lu Xi was so angry that her chest heaved and she couldn't speak.

"Xiao Xi..."

"Lu Qiming, that's enough, I don't want to listen to you anymore."

"Xiao Xi, how can you be so cruel? Even if you have no feelings for your stepmother, you should still think about your brother." Lu Qiming pushed Lu Qiulin in front of him, "He is only thirteen years old and still a child , can you bear to let him lose his mother at such a young age? "

"Am I cruel?" Lu Xi laughed angrily at Lu Qiming's words, "Lu Qiming, do you still remember how old I was when my mother passed away?"

"Xiao Xi..."

"I was ten years old. I was only ten years old at that time, but have you ever thought that I am also a person without a mother? And when Cui Xianzhen hurt me, did you stand up and say a word for me? I was still pregnant at that time Lu Lu, you were ruthlessly kicked out of the house?" Lu Xi grabbed Lu Qiming's collar, "Please tell me, who is so cruel?"

Call her cruel!

Or what her biological father said.

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