My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1558: The Successor, Our Marriage

Chapter 1559: The Successor, Our Marriage

He said she was a lifelong shame to him.

Cui Xian really wanted to cry, but couldn't.

It turns out that being hurt by someone you love most is so uncomfortable, even more uncomfortable than knowing that you might die.

But Lu Qiulin didn't stop yet. He continued to say, "To be honest, I'm not surprised at all that you are here today."

Cui Xianzhen: "Qiulin..."

She only felt her heart bleeding.

"You know better than anyone whether you did those things. Since you did it, face it well and sincerely repent. As long as you have a good attitude towards admitting your mistakes, the court can give you leniency." Lu Qiulin has never disdained it. What his mother did, but because he was young, many things were learned after the fact, and he couldn't stop it even if he wanted to.

"Qiulin, I..." Cui Xianzhen suddenly realized that her son had grown up and was no longer the little boy who only hid behind her and cried. Need her so much.

"Whether it's life or death, it's all your own fault. Just take care of it." After saying that, Lu Qiulin turned around and walked out of the door. The tears he had held back for a long time burst out of the embankment like a flood.

It's not that he doesn't want this mother, but he loves her too much. She has done many, many bad things, but she is really kind to her son, better than anyone else's mother. It is precisely because of this that he cannot look at his mother. Unrepentant.

Perhaps only in this way can she realize the crime she committed, only in this way can she know how to repent, only in this way can the court sentence her for a few years less... And naturally he can't blame Lu Xi, who was the victim.

inside the house.

Lu Qiming and Cui Xianzhen were still in shock and could not recover for a long time.

Until the prison guard came: "Visiting time is up."

Lu Qiming then looked at Cui Xianzhen, and Cui Xianzhen also looked at him. The two faced each other, without words, but they both knew what the other wanted to say.

Being looked down upon by the son he loved most was a pain that only the two of them could feel.

Are they really wrong?

They realize it, but no one wants to admit it.

Time flies, and many days have passed.

Cui Xianzhen's final trial came down today. An Tingjie reported the result to Qin Yinjian immediately. The result was no surprise to Qin Yinjian and Cui Xianzhen was sentenced to life. When Qin Yinjian answered the phone, Lu Xi was beside him and happened to hear the result.

Qin Yinjian hung up the phone and patted her hand: "Cui Xianzhen's matter has come to an end. Don't think about her anymore. Let's live a good life as we want."

"I don't think about Cui Xianzhen's affairs for a long time." Lu Xi sighed and said, "After you helped me with Cui Xianzhen's affairs, I'm not worried at all. But Lu Qiming has been living like a ghost recently. Damn it, that kid Lu Qiulin didn't do anything, so he shouldn't have to bear the consequences."

Lu Xi had hatred for Cui Xianzhen and Lu Qiming, but she had never attached it to Lu Qiulin. When Cui Xianzhen and Lu Qiming could not take care of Lu Qiulin, she instinctively thought of doing something for Lu Qiulin.

As long as Lu Xi is around, Qin Yinjian will either hold her hand or smooth her hair: "Lu Qiulin is a young child, but he knows right from wrong and has not been led astray by Cui Xianzhen. Now as long as he is willing to take good care of her Study, I’ll let someone arrange it.”

"No need." Lu Xi stopped him, "Qin Yinjian, I will take care of Qiulin's affairs myself, so don't interfere."

Lu Xi knew that Qin Yinjian wanted to help her solve the problem again, but she didn't need him to do everything for her. The relationship between two people was equal. It shouldn't be who helps the other all the time, but should help each other. of.

"Okay, then I won't interfere." Qin Yinjian hugged Lu Xi, let her sit on his lap, lowered his head and whispered ambiguously in her ear, "The other things have been solved, haven't you We should take some time to think about the two of us."

"Qin Yinjian, don't be like this. This is a company. You don't want others to see what it is like." Lu Xi struggled to get up, but Qin Yinjian pressed him tighter, so tight that she could almost feel his gradual rise. enthusiasm.

"Who dares to come in at this time?" Since Lu Xi came back to work, Qin Yinjian took Lu Xi with him wherever he went, truly confirming to everyone that she was his fiancée. After Lu Xi's identity became clear, even if someone didn't like her, they had to take Qin Yinjian's face into consideration, so no one dared to break in when Lu Xi was in Qin Yinjian's office.

"Then let me go first. How is it appropriate to hug and hug like this during work hours?" Lu Xi pushed him twice more, but still couldn't push him away. "As the CEO of Shengtian, you do this at work. If all your subordinates imitate you, how will you manage them?"

Qin Yinjian pinched her nose: "Shengtian is not a place for idlers."

Lu Xi: "Okay, even if they don't dare to learn from you, it will always be bad for your reputation. You have to work hard during working hours, work is work, and private matters are private matters. The two cannot be confused. Only in order to become a Excellent manager.”

Qin Yinjian bit her: "Miss Lu, you are preaching to me."

Lu Xi: "If you think it is, then so be it."

Qin Yinjian said again: "Don't talk to me about anything else. I'm going to ask you now, how do you think about our affairs?"

Lu Xi clearly knew what he was referring to, but he just pretended to be stupid with him: "What else can happen between us?"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Yinjian was indeed dissatisfied. His face sank slightly: "Lu Xi, are you trying to make me angry on purpose?"

Lu Xinu mouthed: "If you don't tell me, how will I know what it is?"

Qin Yinjian: "our marriage."

Lu Xi said lightly: "Oh... I haven't thought about marriage yet."

He didn't even formally propose to her, he just wanted her to nod and marry her. How could it be so cheap?

Qin Yinjian was a little anxious: "Then tell me, how long do you need?"

Give him a specific time, and don't let him wait day and night for when it will end.

Lu Xi said dullly: "I don't know how long it will take me."

In fact, as long as he seriously proposed to her, she would agree to him immediately, but this obviously very smart man just couldn't understand her thoughts, which made her anxious.

Qin Yinjian: "No matter, I asked someone to check the date. The first of next month is suitable for marriage. We will get the marriage certificate on that day."

Lu Xi: "What a domineering man."

She said he was domineering, but Lu Xi felt sweet in her heart. In fact, she quite liked the domineering he occasionally showed.

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