My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1573: The Successor, let him tell you in person

Chapter 1574: The Successor Chapter, let him tell you in person

After listening to Lu Xi's words, Ji Rou could not speak for a long time. She looked at Lu Xi steadily for a long time, and then smiled: "Lu Xi, you are telling me that another woman is pregnant with Qin Yinze. With my child? Do you think I’m stupid?”

Lu Xi knew that Jirou didn't believe it, so she explained again: "Sister-in-law, I know you will feel ridiculous when you suddenly hear such an explanation, but this is the fact. The fetus in that woman's belly was artificially conceived, and it was you and her eldest brother who gave birth to her baby. Child. If you don’t believe it, we can find a way to do a DNA test.”

Jirou: "..."

It's not impossible. She has heard of similar incidents before.

Lu Xi added: "Sister-in-law, you don't believe me. I think it's normal. After all, we are not very familiar with each other. But the elder brother is different. You and the elder brother have been married for so many years. What is he like? As a person, don’t you know how he feels about you?”

Lu Xi has made it clear enough. If Jirou still doesn't understand, then she may really not understand Qin Yinze's personality and how important she is in Qin Yinze's heart.

Yes, when Lu Xi said this, Ji Rou understood everything instantly, but she still couldn't believe it: "It's just because I like children, but I couldn't live up to expectations and couldn't conceive a child by myself, so he used this How to give me a child?"

Qin Yinze, a man, can really do this kind of thing.

"Sister-in-law, you are indeed a smart person, but I think it would be better to let the eldest brother answer your question." Jirou figured it out, and Lu Xi was also happy. She smiled, "Sister-in-law, the eldest brother has been waiting outside. How about I call him in right now?”

Jirou stopped: "Lu Xi, wait a moment."

Lu Xi: "Sister-in-law, do you have any other questions?"

Ji Rou hesitated: "I think he must be angry with me."

Lu Xi said: "Sister-in-law, how can eldest brother be willing to be angry with you? He just feels sorry for you."

"You can't blame me entirely for this matter. He still has to be responsible. If he had told me clearly earlier, I wouldn't have misunderstood him. When I didn't know anything, I saw him accompanying a pregnant woman during her prenatal check-up. , and he did not deny that the child in the pregnant woman's belly was his. How could I not be angry?" Ji Rou gently touched her belly, "Fortunately, our child is fine, otherwise I will never forgive myself in my life. "

"Sister-in-law, don't be careless about the child. If you take good care of your child in the future, you will definitely give birth to a beautiful child." Seeing that Ji Rou could figure it out, Lu Xi was really relieved, "Okay, I'll call him right away." When the elder brother comes in, tell him what you want to say in person."

"Yes." Ji Rou nodded and watched Lu Xi go out. Qin Yinze pushed the door open and came in after a while. As soon as he entered the room, his eyes fell on Ji Rou. Ji Rou also looked at him. The two of them After looking at each other for a long time, Ji Rou spoke first, "Qin Yinze, I'm sorry!"

Qin Yinze's face was solemn: "What's wrong with you? There's no need to say sorry to me."

Not only was she angry, he was also angry, angry that she wouldn't listen to his explanation and wanted a divorce without giving him a chance to explain. He had told her a long time ago that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her in their marriage, but this woman kept bringing up divorce, so how could he not be angry.

Knowing that what she said about divorce before was too much. Such words not only hurt people but also hurt feelings. Ji Rou tugged on Qin Yinze's clothes and pretended to be pitiful to win his sympathy: "Lu Xidu told me that the woman was the surrogate mother you hired, and the child in her belly was yours and mine. I didn’t know anything before, but now I know, I forgive you, and you forgive me too. ”

Qin Yinze said dissatisfied: "You can listen to Lu Xi's words. I explain to you, but you don't listen to anything. You still want to divorce me. Ji Rou, do you really think that I, Qin Yinze, have left you? Can’t you survive?”

"Yes." Jirou nodded shamelessly, "I didn't have this idea before. I thought it didn't matter to you whether I was there or not, but now I know that I am very important to you. If you don't have me with you in the future, By your side, you don't know what you will become. Qin Yinze, I know you love me, and I will love you well. I must listen to your explanation first when I encounter things in the future. I will not give up until you explain. I'll get angry again."

Listening to Ji Rou's shameless words, Qin Yinze was speechless: "You are so embarrassed to say it."

Ji Rou holds Qin Yinze's hand, pulls his hand to her lower abdomen and puts it on her: "Qin Yinze, I'm pregnant with a child, it's our child."

"Well, it's our child. Thank you for your hard work." This is something Qin Yinze never expected. Ji Rou has not been able to get pregnant for so many years, and because she likes children very much, he just adopted the surrogacy method, but she just Jirou is pregnant at this time, so do you want to keep the surrogate child?

Just when Qin Yinze couldn't make up his mind, Ji Rou said again: "Qin Yinze, tell me how old is the child that that woman is pregnant with?"

Qin Yinze: "Six months old."

Jirou thought for a while: "Then the child she gives birth to will be the brother or sister of the child in my belly. From now on, our little baby will have his brother and sister to accompany him after he is born. If they both have company, they will not be lonely. ”

Qin Yinze was slightly surprised: "You mean you want to keep that child?"

Ji Rou said: "The child is six months old and is probably in human form. What else do you want if you don't keep him? Qin Yinze, don't forget that although the child is pregnant in the belly of another woman, he is When our children are born, they will look like you and me."

Qin Yinze: "You really don't care?"

Jirou shook her head: "You have never had anything to do with her, and the child is not yours alone, it is mine, so why should I care. What I care about is that you did not discuss it with me before doing this. I almost got killed."

Qin Yinze: "..."

He didn't expect that Jirou, who was clamoring to divorce him one second ago, would be so considerate the next second. No, it must be his mistake. He has always raised Jirou as a newly grown up child, but he didn't know She has slowly changed over the years.

What she needs is not his unilateral contribution. She needs to stand by his side and work hard with him. No matter what storms they encounter, the two of them will face it together. A matter as big as surrogacy naturally requires two people to discuss it, but he did not.

While Qin Yinze was extremely shocked, Ji Rou said slowly: "But Qin Yinze, you have to promise me two things. First, you can't see the surrogate woman again in the future. Second, you can't see the surrogate woman again after the child is born. Let that woman see you.”

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