My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1576: The Successor Chapter, Participating in Emergency Rescue

Chapter 1577: Successor Chapter, Participate in Emergency Rescue

Zhuang Momo endured it and thought about it, and finally decided to talk to Hu Qiaoqiao. It would be more uncomfortable for the two of them to think of a solution together than for her to hold it in her heart alone: ​​"Qiaoqiao, let me ask you something. Ah. What would you do if you accidentally found someone of the same sex around you?

Hu Qiaoqiao said indifferently: "What's wrong with homosexuality? Today's society is so open and homosexuality is normal. Men and women can fall in love normally, men and men can fall in love normally, and women and women can still fall in love normally."

Zhuang Momo: "Do you really think so?"

Hu Qiaoqiao: "Ah, I really think so. There is a very loving male-male couple in my neighborhood. They often say hello when they bump into each other when they go out. In fact, as long as they don't destroy other people's families and as long as they are in love, they should be punished. Blessed.”

Zhuang Momo asked again: "What if..."

Seeing that Zhuang Momo was hesitant to speak, Hu Qiaoqiao asked anxiously: "What if?"

Zhuang Momo added: "Oh, let's forget it. If I tell it, people will definitely think that I don't like him and deliberately gossip behind his back."

Hu Qiaoqiao suddenly realized: "Momo, you don't want to tell me that Mr. Zhan you are gay, do you?"

Hu Qiaoqiao and Zhuang Momo were chatting animatedly and did not notice anyone else behind them. In addition, Hu Qiaoqiao's shout was loud, so her words were all heard by the people next to her.

Someone exclaimed: "What? Mr. Zhan who lives in the same house with me is gay? Oh my god, did he do anything to me while I was sleeping at night? I'm young and don't even have a girlfriend yet." It’s too late, but my innocence can’t be ruined.”

Someone else answered: "That's right. If he is really gay, he will probably be the first one to do it to you sleeping next to him."

Zhuang Momo and Hu Qiaoqiao: "..."

It’s over!

It is estimated that Zhan Li will eventually eat them.

As expected, it didn't take long for Zhan Limo to find him.

He was so aggressive that he kicked open the door of Zhuang Momo and Hu Qiaoqiao's dormitory without even knocking. Hu Qiaoqiao was so frightened that she hid under the quilt and didn't dare to raise her head.

At the end of Zhan Li, he pointed at Zhuang Momo: "Man, get out of here!"

Zhuang Momo was calm and calm: "What? You dare to do it, are you still afraid of what others say? I thought you were no good at the end of the war, but at least you were upright. Since you have the courage to hook up with our Captain Liu, you have to Have the courage to admit it.”

Zhan Li was so angry that he almost vomited blood: "Zhuang Momo, you damn man, what are you thinking about all day long? I live an upright life and do things upright, when did I use my body to seduce our Captain Liu?" ?”

Zhuang Momo: "I heard it all that day."

"What day?" At the end of Zhan Li's life, he suddenly remembered the day when he received a call saying that his sister-in-law and children were fine. That day he hugged their captain when he was excited, and then saw Zhuang Momo, a manly woman with strange behavior. She looked at him with eyes, and then stayed away from him, "Zhuang Momo, you are just talking nonsense. You talk nonsense when you open your mouth to talk nonsense. Sooner or later, I will make you pay for your nonsense."

If it weren't for the fact that Zhuang Momo, a man-in-law, was still a woman, Zhan Limo felt that he would definitely tear Zhuang Momo to pieces with his own hands.

Zhuang Momo: "If it really doesn't happen, just explain it properly. Why are you excited?"

At the end of the war: "Zhuang Momo, I also saw you having an affair with our captain."

Zhuang Momo jumped up in anger: "At the end of the war, you are so bloody mouthful."

Zhan Limo smiled coldly and returned everything Zhuang Momo said to her: "If it's really not true, just explain it carefully. Why are you excited?"

Zhuang Momo: "You..."

Zhan Limo: "I'm warning you, if you dare to say a bad word about my reputation in the future, I will make you suffer."

When the two of them were quarreling, the emergency horn of the troops suddenly sounded. This was the horn that there was an emergency and an urgent gathering was needed.

At the end of the war, he wanted to say nothing, but turned around and ran away. Zhuang Momo and Hu Qiaoqiao grabbed their coats and put them on while running. In less than five minutes, all the team members appeared at the meeting place, lined up neatly, waiting for instructions from their superiors.

Liu Jinshan said: "I just received the order. Less than 100 kilometers away from the Jiangbei waters, a cruise ship carrying hundreds of people hit a reef and sank. Now the life and death of the people on board are unknown. All members of the Flying Eagle team brought their equipment and rushed to the incident immediately. Rescue at the launch site.”

In emergencies, there can be no delay for a moment. The more timely they appear, the greater the possibility that ordinary people will be rescued. At this time, everyone put aside their personal emotions, and the entire team rushed to the scene of the incident in a helicopter in unity.


What is a soldier!

In peacetime, they protect the country, let the people live and work in peace and contentment, and maintain the country's security. Whenever something goes wrong, soldiers are always the first to rush to the front line to participate in rescue operations. Therefore, in many places, you can see the priority window for soldiers.

In the past, Zhuang Momo didn't understand. When he went to buy train tickets, he saw the preferential treatment window for military personnel, disabled people, pregnant women and the elderly, and silently complained in his heart. Compared with these people, military personnel are so healthy and strong, why should they be given priority?

Since joining the army, she has understood that priority is given to soldiers, not just at the ticket window, but more importantly when the country is in trouble or the people are in trouble. Soldiers always appear on the scene as soon as possible and do their best to save the country and the people. Minimize loss of life and property.

When the Flying Eagle team arrived at the scene of the incident, the nearest military and civilians were already involved in the rescue. However, because the incident occurred in the deep sea and dozens of kilometers away from the nearest island, the rescue was very difficult and dangerous. The Central Military Region and the Jiangbei Military Region became rescue teams. Responsible for discussing rescue plans, the Flying Eagles are mainly responsible for receiving orders from above and conducting rescue operations.

Six people including Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo were divided into a group and they went to the sea to find out the situation.

Zhan Limo had obtained his diving license a few years ago, and it was no problem for him to go into the sea. However, Zhuang Momo's diving training was all done in the military area, and he had not experienced any actual combat. She felt very unsure, so she used all her strength to Pinch yourself to calm yourself down.

Now that there are so many compatriots waiting for their rescue, she must not hold back, let alone make fun of the lives of her compatriots.

After thinking this way, Zhuang Momo had calmed down a lot. She and Zhan Limo and the others quickly entered the water under the command of the captain and kept sinking. They probably sank several meters deep. Finally, they saw the sunken cruise ship, which was just approaching the cruise ship. , the life detector on her body sends out a signal, proving that there is life around her.

At the end of Zhan Li, he was next to Zhuang Momo. He also received the signal. The two of them looked at each other across the water. The tacit understanding of training together for many years made them understand what the other wanted to do. One of them sent a distress signal to the top. One person continues to detect life.

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