My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1582: The Successor, eating from the bowl and looking at the pot

Chapter 1583: The Successor Chapter, eating from the bowl and looking at the pot

It's been a long time since he saw his little girlfriends. Zhan Limo was surprised that he didn't contact them immediately during this vacation. If Qin Xiaobao hadn't mentioned it, he would have almost forgotten about it: "Mom, did they stay?" Name?"

Qin Xiaobao twisted his ears: "You kid, it's time to calm down and find a girl you like to get married. Stop eating from the bowl and looking at what's in the pot. Such a man not only hurts others but also hurts himself. You should take good care of yourself. Think about it."

At the end of the war, he escaped and said shamelessly: "Mom, to be honest, I have never understood why my father, uncle and brother were willing to hand over their beautiful lives to a woman so early. , There are still a long few decades in life, how can I bear to face the face of a woman who is getting older. "

Qin Xiaobao wanted to hit Zhan Limo on the head with chopsticks: "You know, you are a typical scumbag who can say this."

"Mom, life is only a few decades long. You must know how to enjoy yourself in time. Don't put your life in the hands of a woman early, otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your life." At the end of Zhan Li, he turned his head and looked at the man who had been there all along. Zhan Nianbei said, "Dad, you have been here before. Do you think what I said makes sense?"

Zhan Nianbei is not stupid, how could he jump into the hole dug by this boy? He said: "That's because you haven't met the girl you really like yet. When you do, you will definitely not think like this anymore. , you will think of a way to marry her home to avoid being snatched away by others. "

Qin Xiaobao was very satisfied with Zhan Nianbei's answer: "Bad boy, let me tell you, your father loved me to death back then. He was always worried that other men would snatch me away, so he married me early. Entered the house."

Zhan Limo smiled and said, "Really? Mom, I heard before that you were the one chasing my dad, and it took a lot of effort to catch him."

"Which bastard told you? Tell me, I have to catch him and beat him up and make them talk nonsense." Qin Xiaobao looked at Zhan Nianbei, "What exactly is going on? Zhan Nianbei, are you? One of the people involved, you must know it, tell this brat."

Zhan Nianbei: "I prove that I was the one who chased your mother back then. I stalked her and chased her shamelessly."

No matter how I heard this, I felt a little uncomfortable. Qin Xiaobao looked at Zhan Nianbei: "Zhan Nianbei, what do you mean?"

Zhan Nianbei said: "I worked hard to catch you back then. Have you forgotten?"

Qin Xiaobao punched him: "Fuck you."

Qin Xiaobao has not really forgotten what happened back then. She can deceive her son and others, but she cannot deceive herself.

When the two of them were arguing, Zhan Limo thought of another serious question: "Mom, Dad, tell me, do I have a mental illness?"

Qin Xiaobao and Zhan Nianbei asked at the same time: "How do you say this?"

Zhan Limo added: "I have so many girlfriends, but none of them make me want to marry her home and hide her. Is it because I don't love them, or is there something wrong with me?"

Zhan Nianbei and Qin Xiaobao said at the same time: "Smelly boy, there are many scumbags, but it's really rare to find scumbags like you. You can't imagine it."

Zhan Limo scratched his head and looked like he was asking for advice humbly: "Then tell me what true love is? Like you and your wife? If it's really like you, I think I'd better forget it. I don't want to find someone. A fierce woman is my wife and she still quarrels with me every day.”

Qin Xiaobao glared angrily: "Zhan Limo, I owed you something in my previous life. You actually said such words that hurt your mother."

"Don't be angry, don't be angry. It's not okay to be angry with a bastard like him." Zhan Nianbei comforted Qin Xiaobao and said to Zhan Limo, "You brat, you will understand when you meet the right person one day. What does it mean to truly love someone."

Zhan Limo said disdainfully: "Dad, if you don't understand it yourself, just don't understand it. Don't pretend to be incomprehensible to me."

Qin Xiaobao: "You kid, you said you had grown up just now, and now you are hurting your father and your mother like this. Have you grown up?"

Zhan Limo answered: "I know that no matter when I offend one of you two, the other one will definitely stand up and help the other one bully me. It seems that I was paid for by the two of you. "

Of course, this is just a joke at the end of Zhan Li's life. Their family of three has always gotten along like this. If they suddenly change the way they get along, everyone will feel awkward and uneasy. Zhan Limo is still familiar with Zhan Limo, who always insults his parents, and Zhan Limo is familiar with parents who bully him all the time.

The three of them often quarrel, but they also love each other, and no one can replace their place in each other's hearts.

Vacation time always passes quickly. After lunch, Zhan Limo chatted with his parents for a while before packing up and getting ready to go back to the army.

Before leaving, Qin Xiaobao took Zhan Limo's hand and told him: "Son, the army is dangerous. You must take good care of yourself and stop scaring your mother."

Thinking of Zhan Limo's injury last time, Qin Xiaobao still had lingering fears. What's even more hateful is that Zhan Nianbei actually prevented her from entering the military area to see her son, so that she still doesn't know how injured Zhan Limo was at that time. It was precisely because she didn't know the situation that she thought about it every day and worried about it.

"Mom, in fact, the army usually just does some regular training to strengthen physical fitness. It's not as scary as you think. Don't think too much. I'm about to leave. You and my dad go back. The weather is getting cooler now. Remember to put on more clothes. "Don't catch a cold." Training is not as easy as Zhan Limo said. On the contrary, some extreme training in the Flying Eagle team may lead to injuries and loss of life, but it is good that Zhan Limo knows about these things and can no longer let his mother worry about him.

Qin Xiaobao couldn't bear to leave his son: "Son, you have to promise me anyway and ensure your own safety."

Zhan Nianbei dragged Qin Xiaobao: "My son is going to the army. Seeing how nervous you are, people who don't know may think our son is going to fight."

Qin Xiaobao said: "What do you know?"

Zhan Nianbei: "I don't understand, do you understand?"

Qin Xiaobao: "You think it's great that you, Zhan Nianbei, are the head of the Jiangbei Military Region and in charge of the entire Jiangbei Military Region, and you understand everything."

Zhan Nianbei: "Qin Xiaobao, if you don't mess with me for a day, you will feel uncomfortable, right?"

At the end of Zhan Li, he left home and returned to the army amid the quarrels of his parents. However, their quarrels not only did not bore him, but made him feel that their parents' quarrels were the best sounds in the world.

As long as their quarrels are heard, their home will remain the same home, a home that is often noisy but still very loving.

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