My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1584: The Successor, Big Misunderstanding (2)

Chapter 1585: Successor Chapter, Big Misunderstanding (2)

She couldn't say any more words, but vaguely heard the sound of her own heart breaking. Their family had raised their sister as a boy since she was a child. Now it's better, but there must be a problem with her upbringing. Just now she said she would help her find a solution, but it was just a lie.

Now that the truth is before her eyes, what should she do?

I risked my life for my little sister's happiness.

However, their banker's thinking is more traditional, so I'm afraid it will be difficult for them to accept the matter of my little sister.

Zhuang Yindi was very entangled, so entangled that she didn't know what to do, but more importantly, she felt distressed. She felt distressed about how this sister would go in the future.

"Second sister, things are really not what you imagined. Don't worry blindly. I'm leaving first." Worried that Hu Qiaoqiao would talk nonsense again, Zhuang Momo pushed Hu Qiaoqiao outside with a mop. As soon as he walked away, Hu Qiaoqiao said to Zhuang Mo Mo smiled and said, "Momo, how about it, I behaved well."

Zhuang Momo was so angry that he could almost spit out fire. He couldn't help but raise his voice: "Hu Qiaoqiao, you are going to kill me, and you still behave well."

Hu Qiaoqiao scratched his head: "What killed you? I was trying to help you."

Zhuang Mo Mo Huo Daodao: "You help me? How can you help me?"

Hu Qiaoqiao hugged one of Zhuang Momo's arms and shook it gently: "Momo, your second sister wanted to dress you up beautifully and arrange a blind date for you, but you didn't want to, so you lied that you were Gay. Once I knew you had this idea, I deliberately made my second sister misunderstand that we were actually related, regardless of my personal reputation. You said I wasn’t helping you, so how could I harm you?”

Zhuang Momo really wanted to bite Hu Qiaoqiao: "Who told your second sister that she was arranging a blind date for me?"

"Isn't it?" Hu Qiaoqiao smiled sheepishly, thought about it carefully, and then said, "Momo, if the second sister didn't want to arrange a blind date for you, why would the second sister be busy helping you dress up and give you gifts as soon as you came home? Give this to that?”

Zhuang Momo: "Because my second sister loves me more than anyone else. She wants to give me all the good things in the world. How can she be willing to force me to go on a blind date."

Zhuang Momo will not understand the second sister Zhuang Yindi's intentions, but she has the lifestyle she wants, and it may not be what the second sister thinks is good for her.

Hu Qiaoqiao finally realized that he seemed to have done a disservice and scratched his head in embarrassment: "Momo, I accidentally heard your conversation with the second sister just now, so I thought she was forcing you to go on a blind date. I know you definitely don't I’m willing, so I thought of a way to help you. I’m sorry!”

Zhuang Momo nodded Hu Qiaoqiao's forehead: "Hu Qiaoqiao, your brain is really wasted if you don't become a screenwriter."

Hu Qiaoqiao giggled and said, "Really? After I retire, I will switch careers to be a screenwriter."

Zhuang Momo: "Hu Qiaoqiao, you must be angry with me on purpose."

Hu Qiaoqiao hugged Zhuang Momo: "Momo, I was wrong about this. I should be punished if I am wrong. Just punish me to help you wash your clothes for a week."

Zhuang Momo: "Okay, it's settled."

Hu Qiaoqiao: "It's a deal."

What to do, she suddenly felt like she had been cheated by Zhuang Momo.

I don't know if it was fate, but Zhuang Momo and Hu Qiaoqiao met Zhan Limo and others on their way to join the army.

Xiao Jia beside Zhan Limo enthusiastically asked Zhuang Momo to take a ride with them. In order to save money on gas, Zhuang Momo and Hu Qiaoqiao did not refuse. They got into Zhan Limo's car generously.

After getting on the bus, both of them crowded towards Xiao Jia, leaving Zhan Limo alone next to him. He said unhappily: "Two ladies, I'm such a big person, why can't you see me?"

Hu Qiaoqiao said: "Mr. Zhan, you are so bright. Sitting in this car, the sensors can blind our eyes. How can we not see you?"

Zhuang Momo nodded and cooperated.

At the end of Zhan Li, he glared at Hu Qiaoqiao and then looked at Zhuang Momo fiercely: "Zhuang Momo, I have something to ask you."

Zhuang Momo said: "What's the matter?"

Because of the previous incident of rescuing and condolencing bereaved families, the relationship between Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo had eased a lot. When the two met again, they were able to say a few words politely without quarreling.

At the end of Zhan li, he stared at Zhuang Momo for a long time, and then asked slowly: "Zhuang Momo, do you have an older sister?"

Zhuang Momo looked at Zhan Limo warily: "Why do you ask this?"

But Zhuang Momo's vigilance was of no use at all. Hu Qiaoqiao next to him answered quickly: "Momo has two sisters, both of whom are super, super beautiful beauties. Men can be so excited when they see them that they can devote themselves to them." All that beauty.”

It's not that Hu Qiaoqiao is exaggerating. In her opinion, Zhuang Momo's two sisters are indeed so beautiful, especially the way they walk, the elegance, the beauty, the temperament. If Hu Qiaoqiao is given another hundred years to hone, she will probably I can't develop that kind of temperament either.

At the end of the war, he suddenly became excited: "Really? Do you have any photos of them?"

Zhan Limo was excited this time not because he was excited about hearing about the beauty, but because one of Zhuang Momo's two sisters was most likely the beauty he met in the hospital during his last vacation.

He returned to the army before he could find the woman last time, and later asked someone to help him investigate, but after so long, the person never contacted him, and he almost forgot about it. Not long ago, about half an hour ago, the person he entrusted to her suddenly called and told her that the beautiful woman's name was Zhuang Momo.

Not only the name is the same as Zhuang Momo, but the home address is also the same as Zhuang Momo... But Zhan Limo remembers very clearly that the beautiful woman he saw that day had long flowing hair, skin as good as snow, and her face was as tender as if it had just been broken. Like hard-boiled eggs.

Look at Zhuang Momo again, her hair is cut shorter than his own, her skin is dark, and she has a strong body. She doesn’t look like a woman in any way, and she has no resemblance to the beautiful girl he saw last time. , so the two Zhuang Momo just have the same name, the two Zhuang Momo are definitely not the same person.

The same name, the same home address, but completely different looks, so they are definitely not the same person. After much deliberation, Zhan Li came to the conclusion that it was probably Zhuang Momo's sister who signed her name with Zhuang Momo's name. In fact, the beauty was not Zhuang Momo at all.

After having such an idea, Zhan Limo couldn't wait to confirm it with Zhuang Momo. He happened to meet Zhuang Momo on the way back to the army, and the opportunity came to his door. Zhan Limo didn't want to miss it, so he asked Xiao Jia to call Zhuang Momo The two of them got in the car and walked together.

Hu Qiaoqiao said regretfully: "There are no photos...but next time the army is on holiday, I can ask Momo to take you back to their home to have a look."

Zhuang Momo knew that Zhan Limo was a lecherous bitch, not only for women but also for men. Now she wanted to stretch her claws on the heads of her two sisters. How could she let Zhan Limo get what he wanted: "Mr. Zhan, I Both sisters have their own sweethearts. I advise you to give up your thoughts as soon as possible, otherwise I will not be polite to you. "

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