My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1606: The Successor, I will never be tempted by him

Chapter 1607: The Successor, I will never be tempted by him

Seeing the pheasant appear, Jia Zhuangsheng did not hold out much hope. In this overgrown jungle, it was definitely not an easy task for two big men to catch a pheasant with wings. No, it was not easy, but it was not easy at all. impossible.

However, just when Jia Zhuangsheng had this idea, Zhan Limo suddenly pounced forward, as fast as a cheetah hunting its prey. Jia Zhuangsheng felt something flash in front of his eyes, and Zhan Limo had already pounced the winged pheasant under him.

Damn it!

The magic of love is so powerful!

Mr. Zhan actually jumped into the weeds to catch pheasants for Zhuang Momo!

If this news got out, the team would probably gossip about it for months.

Jia Zhuangsheng was stunned by Zhan Limo's bravery, leaving him without any reaction for several minutes, until Zhan Limo held the pheasant and put it in Jia Zhuangsheng's hand: "Kill the chicken and make chicken soup for the sick, don't say I caught it."

Jia Zhuangsheng said with a smile: "Mr. Zhan, you were the one who caught this pheasant, so it's not good for me to take the credit. If you care about Zhuang Momo, just say so. If you dare to do this, don't you deserve it? How can any man deserve it?" What does it look like?”

At the end of the war, he said angrily: "Since when have I cared about that heartless man?"

Jia Zhuangsheng said: "Okay, you didn't care about her. I was blind and made a mistake."

At the end of Zhan Li, he looked at Jia Zhuangsheng coldly: "Jia Zhuangsheng, when did you become so talkative? If you say one more word, I will cut off your tongue and stir-fry it."

Jia Zhuangsheng quickly took a few steps back, and then said, "I always talk so much, haven't you noticed?"

Zhan limo glared at him: "go quickly."

Jia Zhuangsheng: "Aren't you going back?"

At the end of the war: "Why are you talking so much nonsense? Just go back when I tell you."

This man must have had some gunpowder today, he is always vicious.

Jia Zhuangsheng was nagging in his heart, but he didn't dare to say more. He went back to the camp with the pheasant in his arms, leaving Zhan Limo alone to sulk: "Damn it, that woman Zhuang Momo doesn't want to eat seafood, it's none of my business, my young master." Why should you care about her? If she doesn’t eat, she’ll starve to death.”

He said this, but Zhan Limo did not delay his action. He quickly threw the shrimp shells that Jia Zhuangsheng had obtained into the jungle, and then hid aside. Even though he did not see the shadow of the pheasant for a long time, he did not see him either. There is impatience.

Jia Zhuangsheng returned to the camp with the pheasant in his arms and said happily: "Two beauties, take a look and see what I caught?"

Zhuang Momo and Hu Qiaoqiao, who were whispering, turned around at the same time when they heard Jia Zhuangsheng's voice. They saw that he was holding a pheasant in his hand. They both showed admiration. Hu Qiaoqiao was the first to say: "Wow, Xiao Jia , How can you be so awesome and come back so quickly with a pheasant that has wings and can fly?"

"Yeah, I'm just that good..." Jia Zhuangsheng didn't catch this pheasant, and he felt a little guilty when he was bragging. He thought that if he didn't talk about it now, everyone would know it sooner or later, so why not confess it honestly now, "Actually, , I didn’t catch this pheasant, Mr. Zhan caught it.”

"Tch..." Hu Qiaoqiao said and rolled his eyes, "I'm just telling you, when did you become so good at catching pheasants with your bare hands? In fact, even if you don't admit it, I know this in my heart. Mr. Zhan caught the pheasant."

Jia Zhuangsheng said dissatisfied: "Hu Qiaoqiao, don't look down on me. Can't I catch pheasants?"

"It's not that you can't catch pheasants, it's just that your motivation is not as strong as that of Mr. Zhan." Hu Qiaoqiao blinked and motioned to Jia Zhuangsheng to look at the silent Zhuang Momo, "Xiao Jia, I believe I don't need to tell you. I understand."

Jia Zhuangsheng nodded repeatedly: "I understand, I understand."

Zhuang Momo was puzzled by the two of them: "Why are you looking at me like this? What do you know?"

Hu Qiaoqiao came closer to Zhuang Momo and said with a gossipy face: "Momo, let me ask you, what do you think of Master Zhan desperately catching pheasants?"

Jia Zhuangsheng also looked at Zhuang Momo with a gossipy face. He hoped that Zhuang Momo could praise Mr. Zhan. After a while, he passed Zhuang Momo's words of praise to Zhan Limo to Zhan Limo. Zhan Limo was probably so happy that he grew a child. A pair of wings flew up.

Zhuang Momo, however, looked calm: "At the end of the war, I got tired of eating seafood. It's normal to catch a pheasant. What can I say?"

Not hearing what he wanted to hear, Hu Qiaoqiao looked disappointed: "Forget it, I can't explain it to an inexperienced guy like you."

"I don't want to say anything anymore. There are some things that people around you can't rush. It's up to the person involved to understand." Jia Zhuangsheng added water to the pot as he said, "Qiaoqiao, help me boil a pot of water. Let's Let’s scald the chicken and make soup for the future Mrs. Zhan.”

As soon as he heard this, Zhuang Momo became anxious: "Xiao Jia, you can make any joke with me, but don't make this joke. I don't want others to misunderstand me. I, Zhuang Momo, may have other abilities No, but it’s important to have a reputation for self-awareness.”

Who is Zhan Limo?

He is the only son of the head of the Jiangbei Military Region. Everyone knows that he will take over the Jiangbei Military Region in the future. For such a man, the Zhan family has probably already chosen his future marriage partner. How can he allow other women to have feelings for him? Unfair thoughts.

Zhuang Momo knew Zhan Limo's identity very well, and he also knew his own identity very well. Apart from the difference in status, the more important thing is that it is absolutely impossible for her to have male-female feelings for Zhan Limo. No matter how good he is, he can never belong to her.

Everyone is a soldier in the same team, and she and he are members of the same team. They usually look up but never look down. If such rumors spread, not to mention that Zhan Limo would not like her, and she would feel uncomfortable herself. , so Zhuang Momo solemnly emphasized again: "Qiao Qiao, Xiao Jia, I tell you very seriously that this joke cannot be made again. I, Zhuang Momo, will never be tempted by Zhan Limo, and will never..."

"Haha..." Zhan Limo's sneer suddenly came from behind them. They all turned around and saw that Zhan Limo was holding a pheasant in his hand. He just stood there with a gloomy face, " Zhuang Momo, do you think I, Zhan Li, will have feelings for you?"

Zhuang Momo didn't mean this, but he didn't know how to explain it, so he stood there awkwardly.

Hu Qiaoqiao and Jia Zhuangsheng immediately stood up and smoothed things over: "Mr. Zhan, please don't misunderstand me, maybe that's not what I meant. It was just the two of us joking with her that she said this. It's all a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, you have nothing to do with it." Don't be angry."

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