My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1608: The Successor Chapter, the hero saves the man-in-law

Chapter 1609: The Successor Chapter, the hero saves the man-in-law

"Zhuang Momo..."

Zhan Limo had quick eyes and quick hands, and stretched out his long arm to pull back Zhuang Momo who had fallen down.

Zhuang Momo pulled him back, but because he used too much force and because of Zhuang Momo's own weight, she pressed straight towards him. Zhan Limo instinctively wanted to hide, but if he did, Zhuang Momo would If you fall on a rock, you will be seriously injured even if you don't die.

Without any extra thought, Zhan Li didn't move even half a minute, just letting Zhuang Momo rest on him.

There was a hard rock behind him. The moment Zhuang Momo pressed down, he groaned in pain.

Zhuang Momo came back to his senses, quickly put his hands on both sides of Zhan Limo's body, and said worriedly: "Zhan Limo, I didn't hurt you."

There was a burning pain on his back, and he was probably injured by a rock, but at the end of Zhan Li he didn't say a word of pain, and he still spoke in the same style as before: "Zhuang Momo, who do you think you are? You can hurt me like this." ?”

His expression looked normal, but her entire body weight had just fallen on him. Was he really not hurt? Zhuang Momo still didn't quite believe that Zhan Limo was fine. She wanted to take off his clothes and take a look. But she was worried that Zhan Limo would think too much, so she quickly got up and said, "I really didn't hurt you?"

Zhan Li stood up quickly and did not appear to be injured at all. Zhuang Momo was relieved: "It's good that you're okay. If something happens to you, I really don't know what I should do."

At the end of Zhan Li, he endured the pain and waved his hands as if he didn't care: "Go back to the camp and help them make chicken soup. Xiao Jia and Hu Qiaoqiao are both messy. If no one is around to watch, I'm afraid they don't know what to do. Remove the feathers from the pheasant and stew it.”

Zhuang Momo laughed out loud: "At the end of the war, when it comes to harming people, if you admit that you are second, I guess no one will dare to admit that you are first."

At the end of the war: "I always tell the truth. When did it hurt others?"

In his eyes, Hu Qiaoqiao and Jia Zhuangsheng are really such careless people. They can even help a little when doing big things. Don't put too much hope in them for small things.

"Okay, okay, what you said is true." Zhuang Momo glanced at him again to confirm that he was really fine, and she said, "Then I'll go help first."

At the end of the war: "Yeah."

As soon as Zhuang Momo walked out of Zhan Limo's sight, Zhan Limo took a breath. He once suspected that Zhuang Momo's dead woman did it on purpose. She knew that he was injured, but she still dragged him away, letting Mingming know that he was injured. It hurt so much that he still pretended to be nonchalant.

"Damn woman, you are really my nemesis." Zhan Limo took off his shirt. There was something sticky on the shirt. When he washed it in the sea water, he saw bright red blood. Fortunately, he was not wearing a white shirt. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to pretend even if he wanted to.

There were blood stains on his shirt, so the injury on his back must be serious, and he couldn't deal with it by himself, so he quietly walked around the cooking camp, returned to the cave where they lived temporarily, found another piece of clothing to change into, and put on his clothes At the time, Zhan Limo cursed again: "Damn woman, one day I will put this debt on your head."

Ever since he was a child, he has never been hurt by others, and he has never done anything like kissing someone to take drugs for others. However, this kind of thing that seems to only happen to his closest relatives happened to him no matter how he looked at it, and he didn't like it. On Zhuang Momo.

Fortunately, Zhan Limo was young and strong, so a few skin injuries were not serious. He could still walk among them as if nothing had happened and said, "It's been so long. Is your chicken soup ready?" "

Hearing Zhan Limo's voice, Jia Zhuangsheng looked up and saw that Zhan Limo's mood seemed to have improved a lot. He thought that the power of love was indeed powerful. No matter how they tried to persuade him, it was useless. Zhuang Momo tried to persuade him. , It would be great if the war is over, and I dare to say that it is not interesting to others.

He understood in his heart, but Jia Zhuangsheng did not dare to expose it any more, otherwise Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo would join forces and tear him apart: "Mr. Zhan, did you come at the right time to see us finish the ironing? , showed up on time.”

At the end of the war, he ignored Jia Zhuangsheng and sat down far away from Zhuang Momo: "When it's done, bring it up. I'm so hungry that my stomach is growling."

Seeing that Zhan Limo had saved him twice, Zhuang Momo was enthusiastic this time and took the initiative to pick up the coconut bowl and serve Zhan Limo a bowl of soup first: "Mr. Zhan, you caught the pheasant with your own hands. , The three of us cooked it. This is the result of the joint efforts of the four of us. You old man, try it first. "

At the end of the war, he did not reach out to take the soup. Instead, he looked at Zhuang Momo with a critical look: "Zhuang Momo, have you ever heard of the proverb that showing courtesy without anything is either a traitor or a thief?"

"Forget it if you don't want to drink it. I don't want to give it to you yet." With good intentions, but being treated as a donkey liver and lungs by Zhan Limo, Zhuang Momo brought back the soup he sent out, and took two sips from the bowl himself, which was normal. Chicken soup, but after eating seafood for two or three days, it tasted delicious. She sighed with satisfaction, "After drinking this bowl of chicken soup, even if I were to die now, I wouldn't have any complaints."

Zhan Limo said disdainfully: "Zhuang Momo, where is your future?"

Zhuang Momo said: "What do you care about?"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Hu Qiaoqiao hurriedly came out to smooth things over: "Xiao Jia, hurry up and serve Mr. Zhan a bowl of soup. Drink this soup while it's hot."

Jia Zhuangsheng immediately served soup to Zhan Limo: "Drink soup, drink soup."

Minluo City.

Jirou slept late last night, so she took a nap today. When she woke up, the seat beside her was empty and the temperature had already gone. This proved that Qin Yinze, the man, had been gone for a long time. Jirou suddenly A bit lost.

Maybe it's because it's easy to think too much during pregnancy, or maybe it's because Qin Yinze will wait for her to wake up no matter how late she gets up in the past few months, so that she can get used to seeing him when she opens her eyes in the morning. She didn't see him today. I felt a little lost.

But soon, Jirou knew why Qin Yinze didn't wait for her to wake up today, because her child was already more than seven months old, and the due date was only two months and eight days away. Jianran, who was far away in Jiangbei, had already She started to worry, so she came to take care of her. Qin Yinze personally drove to the airport to pick up Jianran early in the morning.

Seeing her mother-in-law, whom she hadn't seen for more than two months, Ji Rou ran over excitedly: "Mom, you're here."

However, before she fell into Jianran's arms, she was hugged by Qin Yinze who rushed up. He had a gloomy face and his eyes were full of worry: "Ji Rou, don't you know you have a big belly?" What should I do if I hurt my fetus by running around like this?”

Ji Rou stuck out her tongue cutely: "Young Master Qin, don't worry, I cherish your son and I won't hurt him."

Qin Yinze's face was even more ugly. He was more worried about her comfort than the child in her belly, but this woman said it as if he only wanted the child and not her.

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