My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1610 The Successor Chapter, there is no distinction between men and women on the battlefield

Chapter 1611: The Successor Chapter, there is no distinction between men and women on the battlefield

"I'm worried that if I don't say it now, I won't have the chance to say it again in the future." Jia Zhuangsheng didn't want to say such depressing words, but when going to a place where riots broke out, the future is uncertain and no one can predict what will happen. It's always good to be prepared for everything. .

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Zhan Limo glared at Jia Zhuangsheng fiercely and said, "We are here to help deal with the aftermath of the riot, and we are not really going to fight. Why are you worried? Take a step back and say, Even if we go to war, there are so many of us, how can we be afraid of anyone?"

"I don't care, anyway, I want to leave a message first. Ask someone to tell my parents that their son loves them very much. Also let them know that their son is no longer the timid and fearful person before. Let them Don't worry, don't worry about me anymore." Maybe it's the fear of the unknown, or maybe it's a bad premonition in his heart. What Jia Zhuangsheng, who has not yet married, is worried about is his aging parents.

He was the only son in the family, and his mother tried her best to stop him when he insisted on joining the army. Later, it was Jia Zhuangsheng's father who persuaded his mother to let him go to serve as a soldier. So now Jia Zhuangsheng is most worried about his parents at home. He thinks that if something happens to him, his parents may not be able to bear it.

"Jia Zhuangsheng, you have to say these words to your parents in person, so that they can know that you have really grown up. Don't let them worry." If you had heard Jia Zhuangsheng's words normally, Zhan Li would definitely have to take care of Jia Zhuangsheng's behavior at the end of the war. But today I don't know why, he didn't, and even kept Jia Zhuangsheng's words firmly in his heart.

At the end of Zhan li, his eyes turned to Zhuang Momo unconsciously. Seeing that she looked calm and not afraid at all, Zhan li was relieved a little and said secretly in his heart: "A man's mother-in-law is indeed a man's mother-in-law. Men are afraid of it." She’s not afraid at all.”

But Zhan Limo didn't know that Zhuang Momo was not unafraid, but as a soldier, it was his bounden duty to protect the people and the country, and she could not tolerate being afraid. If even soldiers like them are afraid, what will the people in the riot areas do?

After several hours of flight time, they arrived at their destination. After getting off the plane, they got into a chariot specially prepared for them and rushed to the place where the riot occurred without stopping.

The riot area was in a mess, with corpses strewn all over the ground. Local houses, stations and other places were all destroyed, and the losses were very heavy.

Zhuang Momo was frightened but remained calm.

Soon, the temporary captain issued a new order to them. The reactionaries were blowing up bridges and roads in nearby cities and had occupied the entire city. A team of personnel was to be sent to lead the charge and rush over first to rescue the trapped people.

The vanguard force was not arranged by the captain, but was chosen voluntarily. Zhan Limo was the first to sign up. After he signed up, Zhuang Momo and others also signed up. Zhan Limo stared at Zhuang Momo fiercely and whispered: " Zhuang Momo, you are a woman, why are you making fun of yourself? "

"Then do you think those rioters let them live just because they were women and children?" Zhuang Momo's eyes returned from the two corpses, one large and one small, not far away. "They didn't even let women and children live." Don't let go, so there is no difference between women and children on the battlefield, only the difference between comrades and enemies. "

At the end of the war, there was nothing to refute Zhuang Momo's words. The rioters were so inhumane. There was really no distinction between women and children in their eyes. The best way to punish them was for everyone to work together to catch all the rioters.

"Zhuang Momo, be careful now. If you want to save the masses, you must save your own life." Before leaving, at the end of the war, he still couldn't bear it. He came to Zhuang Momo and whispered, but who would have expected that Zhuang Momo was just cold. She gave him a cold look and got into the car without saying a word. Zhan Limo gritted his teeth in anger and really wanted to step on her.

The roads and bridges heading to City T were all bombed. They could only take the old path. It was not easy to walk, so it naturally took a lot longer than usual. When they entered the war zone, they saw a bunch of people who were tied up, surrounded by people. There were explosives and signs.

The sign read - Anyone who dares to move, we will blow them up.

The team leader was a senior soldier who had been to other countries for support before. In other words, he had actual combat experience. However, when seeing such a situation, the team leader was also a little at a loss. At this time, Zhan Limo stood up: "Leader, I have a suggestion. Our troops should be divided into two groups. One group should go to distract the enemy's attention, and the remaining group should go to rescue the kidnapped people. What do you think?"

The team leader nodded: "Okay, let's do it like this. I will lead people to distract the enemy's attention, and you will lead people to rescue the kidnapped people."

At the end of the war, he refused such an arrangement: "Leader, it doesn't require technical skills to divert the enemy. This can be left to our recruits. The purpose of rescuing hostages is to ensure the safety of the people, and the task is more difficult. I will leave this to you with experience." Veterans and careful female soldiers do it.”

The reason why Zhan Limo made this choice was because the group of people who wanted to lure away the enemy had to let the enemy discover that when the number of people was very different, it was very dangerous for them to act as bait. At least it was more dangerous than rescuing the hostages. Danger.

The team leader originally wanted to take the people on an adventure, but saving people was the most important thing, so he had to grit his teeth and agree with Zhan Limo's opinion.

Zhuang Momo also understood that Zhan Limo did this because he didn't want her and Hu Qiaoqiao to take risks. This should have Zhan Limo's personal feelings, but at this time, she couldn't follow her own temper. She would do whatever the superiors ordered her to do. How to do it.

Therefore, the result was that Zhan Limo and Jia Zhuangsheng were divided into the group that lured away the enemy, while Zhuang Momo and Hu Qiaoqiao stayed to rescue the hostages.

When there was a noise over there, the rioters guarding the hostages all rushed over. When the guards left, the team leader led Zhuang Momo and others as quickly as possible to rescue the trapped people. Just as they were about to When the people were almost rescued, gunshots were heard in the distance. The gunshots came one after another, which made people tremble with fear.

Hu Qiaoqiao was frightened: "Momo, will Master Zhan and Xiao Jia be okay?"

"It'll be okay." Zhuang Momo was also worried about the safety of the two of them, but what's the use of worrying at this time? Quickly rescue the hostages, send them to a safe area, and then go to support Zhan Limo and his team. is the most correct approach.

Because he wanted to help Zhan Limo and the others, Zhuang Momo acted even more neatly. Some people had their legs and feet injured. Zhuang Momo just carried them out without saying a word. After all the hostages were rescued, Zhuang Momo Following the leader, he ignited the explosives on the ground and blew the enemy's camp to pieces.

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