My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1616: Successor, don’t do things that make people misunderstand

Chapter 1617: Successor Chapter, Don’t Do Things That May Misunderstand People

Zhan Limo still gave such a simple answer, which made Zhuang Momo really uncomfortable. She was about to leave, but before leaving, she remembered one thing that she wanted to make clear to Zhan Limo: "We have sent Xiao Jia back." He has been buried in his hometown, and his uncle and aunt are taking care of him, so you can rest assured."

Mentioning Jia Zhuangsheng, Zhan Limo's mood finally fluctuated. He looked up at Zhuang Momo, and after meeting her eyes, he quickly looked away and said a few words lightly: "Thank you for your help! Xiao Jia can feel at ease in heaven."

Zhuang Momo said: "We are all Xiao Jia's comrades, and we should do these things. You don't need to thank me."

Zhan Li stopped talking again. Such Zhan Li made Zhuang Momo feel... out of reach, yes, out of reach. The uneasy feeling at a loss in her heart suddenly became stronger: "Zhan Li "Mom, I'm sorry, I came to see you without telling you in advance, am I disturbing you?"

She asked carefully and a little nervously, for fear that Zhan Limo would say that she was just disturbing him...

Zhan Li was very irritable at the end of the war. This irritability came from Zhuang Momo. He clearly had feelings for Zhuang Momo that were different from others. He knew it, but his proud temper was unwilling to admit that Zhuang Momo was the one. The type of woman he likes.

After thinking about it, Zhan Limo still felt that his current state was because he hadn't seen a beautiful girl for too long and hadn't gone out to drink wine with his little girlfriends for too long, which made him feel that Zhuang Momo was actually very good. . He thought that as long as his life returned to what it was before, he would probably have to remove Zhuang Momo from his mind, and that would only take a matter of minutes.

After thinking about it like this, Zhan Lim couldn't wait to clear up the relationship with Zhuang Momo: "Well, you didn't say hello to me before you came. It came so suddenly that I was not prepared at all. In the future. If you want to come see me, just come with other comrades. We all have company together, and I don’t have to entertain you separately.”

Zhan Limo's words made Zhuang Momo feel cold. What he meant was that he clearly told her that her position in his heart was the same as that of other comrades, and that she had overestimated her position in his heart. Location.

Zhuang Momo felt astringent in her heart and couldn't explain why she had such emotions. Perhaps it was Jia Zhuangsheng's words before his death that made her think that Zhan Limo had a crush on her, and she didn't want to miss such an excellent man. Only then did I think that I should work hard and take a step forward.

After all, life is only a few decades. It is really short. Sometimes it feels like decades are gone in the blink of an eye. In particular, Jia Zhuangsheng's sacrifice hit Zhuang Momo hard. Such a young life was gone.

I just suddenly saw through many things that I couldn't see through before, so Zhuang Momo wants to make good use of these decades, cherish the good days he has now, cherish the outstanding people around him now, and don't wait until he misses it. regret but too late.

Now seeing Zhan Limo's attitude towards her, Zhuang Momo knew that she was overthinking it. After all, she and he would always be on two parallel lines and there would be no intersection. It's because she thinks too much and she wants to reach high.

It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be... After thinking about it clearly, all Zhuang Momo's impulses slowly returned to reason. She quietly clenched her fists and tried her best to smile politely at Zhan Limo: "Mr. Zhan, I'm sorry to disturb you. You, I won’t do it anymore.”

Zhuang Momo smiled at Dian Limo, turned around and left, but Zhan Limo stopped her again: "Wait a minute!"

Zhan Limo wanted this result. However, when Zhuang Momo treated him politely and strangely, he felt that Xiao Jiujiu was in his heart again. He felt that even if he rejected her, she should not be so decisive to him. There was no trace of surprise at all.

This will take a huge hit to his manly self-esteem.

Hearing Zhan Limo's voice urging him to stay, Zhuang Momo thought Zhan Limo was going to change his mind, but then he heard Zhan Limo say ruthless words in his nice voice: "Zhuang Momo, take the flower ribbon you bought." Let’s go, don’t buy me these things again. It’s not like you don’t know what sending roses means. Don’t do such misunderstandings again.”

Zhuang Momo froze, and suddenly felt cold all over. She looked at him, but she was too cowardly to look into his eyes. She walked over a few steps and picked up the flowers she put on his bedside table: "Sorry, yes I was inconsiderate and I won't be again."

Never again.

Will you never do anything that makes him misunderstand again?

Or will you never treat him a little better than others?

Various thoughts came to Zhan Limo's mind. He even wanted to keep Zhuang Momo to ask clearly, but he lacked the courage.

Seeing Zhuang Momo pick up the flowers and leave, Zhan Limo stopped her again. He didn't ask what he wanted to ask, but he said hurtful words. He knew it was hurtful to say it, but he still said it. Regarding Zhuang Momo, he didn't want to leave any room for himself.

He said: "Zhuang Momo, since you just heard it outside the door, why did you come in again?"

Zhuang Momo was confused. What did she hear outside the door?

In her confused state, Zhan Limo said again: "Yes, I admit, sometimes I think you are quite good, and sometimes I suddenly think about what would happen if this person became my girlfriend. , but those are all strange ideas that pop up occasionally.”

Without even giving Zhuang Momo a chance to buffer, Zhan Limo continued: "My reason tells me that you are not the type of woman I like, and my reason also tells me that I will not be with you. So please don’t think too much and don’t have any hope in me. If you can see clearly and understand, we will still be good comrades. If you don’t understand, we may not even be comrades in arms.”

Zhan Limo said it simply and directly, piercing Zhuang Momo's heart. It was a bit astringent, painful and a bit sour, but Zhuang Momo didn't show it at all, and even raised a nice smile: "Mr. Zhan "What you said is so arrogant. If you don't like me, you won't be with me. Do you think I like you and want to be with you?"

The corners of her lips raised slightly, and her smile became brighter: "Let me tell you, if you stop being so arrogant and self-righteous, we will still be comrades in arms in the future. If you continue to be so self-righteous and think that all women in the world will revolve around you, Then none of our comrades will have to do anything anymore.”

Zhuang Momo has never been a character who gives up easily. Even if she loses, she will not show it. Her character makes her act indifferent. Her character makes her proudly return everything Zhan Li said to her. The war is coming to an end.

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