My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1630: The Successor, I’m worried about him because I have him in my heart

Chapter 1631: The Successor Chapter, I’m worried about him because I have him in my heart

At the end of Zhan li's life, he spoke out the words he was holding in his heart, thinking that he could breathe a sigh of relief. However, Zhuang Momo walked away without looking back, leaving behind a few words before leaving. talk.

"Mr. Zhan, it's because your previous girlfriends were always obedient to you. They followed you in everything. They were gentle, considerate, and affectionate. They were whatever you wanted. Maybe they were missing. As a woman like me who looks neither male nor female and always goes against you when doing things, you see that I am a little more wild in my bones than other girls, so the male desire to conquer flowing in your body is causing trouble, making you I think you are interested in me, but you are not at all. When you calm down after a while, you will know how impulsive you are now."

Zhuang Momo's speaking voice is no longer the rough and slightly masculine voice of the past, but has a gentleness unique to women. Every word of gentleness is like a drop of water tapping Zhan Limo's passion. A surging little heart.

After saying that, she smiled at him and added: "Mr. Zhan, impulsiveness is the devil. This is not said to a certain person, but to each of us. I hope you will keep it in mind and don't I'm confused again. Goodbye, troop!"

At the end of Zhan Li, he was almost dumbfounded when he heard Zhuang Momo's words. Indeed, he admitted that his interest in Zhuang Momo was probably because of Zhuang Momo's uniqueness.

But what Zhuang Momo didn't know was that it was her unique temperament that deeply attracted him and made him unable to extricate himself.

After a long time, Zhan Limo realized that his first serious confession to a woman was rejected.


He was rejected by that tomboy Zhuang Momo.

At the end of the war, he felt that he wanted to die.

"Damn it! Why! Why does that manly Zhuang Momo reject such an excellent young master?"

Zhan Lim asked in a roar, but no one gave him the answer, not even himself.

However, the rain continued to fall outside, and Zhuang Momo was only wearing a bathrobe. Where could she go?

At the end of Zhan Liming, he quickly took out his mobile phone and called Zhuang Momo, but the other party had already turned off his phone. He was so angry that he smashed the phone out: "Damn man, are you running around in the wind and rain? Do you hate life?" It’s been too long, I’m looking for death!”

Because he was worried about Zhuang Momo, Zhan Limo didn't care about his injuries. He turned over and climbed up, dragging his legs with limited mobility to go out to look for Zhuang Momo. However, as soon as the ward door opened, he saw Zhuang Momo sitting there. On a chair by his door.

Zhuang Momo was also surprised when he saw him coming out. When he looked up at him, a bright light flashed in his eyes, but Zhan Limo, who was too worried, didn't notice it.

The worry in his heart was quickly replaced by anger. He thought she had been teased by this man-in-law: "Zhuang Momo, what the hell are you playing with me?"

The light in Zhuang Momo's eyes faded little by little, but she still smiled softly: "Playing? Mr. Zhan thinks he is playing with me?"

At the end of the war: "I..."

Zhuang Momo's words sounded strange to Zhan Limo, but he didn't find out what was wrong for a while. He wanted to say something but stammered and couldn't say a complete sentence.

"Mr. Zhan, you're still injured, go back and rest. I'll sit here for a while. When the rain stops, I'll go back." Zhuang Momo said again, with a light tone, which made Zhan Limo feel extremely uncomfortable. , why does he care so much, but this man can be so calm?

Yes, why should he, who is so good, be bullied by a man who is neither a man nor a woman?

The pride in his bones made Zhan Limo unable to swallow this breath. Maybe it was not the pride in his bones. He just followed his inner thoughts and simply wanted to keep Zhuang Momo, and wanted to imprison her by his side to make him want to She was able to see her when she was there.

He wanted to hug her even more...

So, when Zhuang Momo was unprepared, Zhan Limo suddenly bent down and picked her up by the waist. His speed was so fast that Zhuang Momo couldn't stop him, and so fast that he couldn't even stop him. I believe that Zhuang Momo is already firmly in his arms.

When Zhuang Momo reacted, he struggled hard: "Zhan Limo, what are you doing? Let me go!"

However, as soon as she moved twice, she heard Zhan Limo's voice mixed with pain: "Zhuang Momo, listen, I have wounds all over my body. If you move, I will tear one of my wounds. If you think that your comrade will never be able to return to the army and never go to the battlefield, then no matter how hard you struggle, the wounds all over his body will be torn and he will never recover. "

I'm afraid no one knows how badly Zhan Limo was injured than Zhuang Momo, who saw him injured with his own eyes. Now every time he thinks of what happened that day, and how he almost died under the gunfire of thugs at the end of Zhan Li that day, Zhuang Momo still gets palpitations.

She is afraid!

As a soldier, she should have suppressed all her emotions, but at that moment, she was really scared. She didn't even dare to think about what would happen if Zhan Limo also died.

"I won't struggle, then you let me down." Zhuang Momo compromised and tried to talk to him properly, hoping that he could let her go.

However, at the end of the war, instead of letting her go, he hugged her and dragged her injured leg towards the room.

"At the end of Zhan Li..." Because he knew how serious his injuries were, and now he was holding such a "heavy object" like her, Zhuang Momo not only did not dare to struggle, he was even too nervous to speak loudly, "Zhan Li Finally, can you put me down and I can go back to my room?"

"No!" Zhan Limo decisively gave her two words of rejection. No matter how badly he was hurt, he still had the strength to hold a woman. But what he didn't expect was that the woman Zhuang Momo looked at her She was strong, but not heavy in his arms, especially since she had just taken a shower, and she still had a faint scent of shower gel, which floated into his breath, making him feel uneasy.

damn it! damn it! No woman has ever been able to do this to him.

"I promise you, I won't leave again. Just put me down and I'll walk by myself..." His injury was so serious that if he tore the wound because he hugged her, she would feel guilty for the rest of her life.

But at the end of the war, as if he hadn't heard anything, he held her and walked firmly back to the room with unsteady steps.

In the ward, that bed was the most suitable for one person. Zhan Limo put Zhuang Momo on his bed without thinking at all.

Zhuang Momo seized the opportunity and rolled to escape. However, Zhan Limo was faster than her, and he caught her back with a stretch of his long arm.

Immediately afterwards, he rolled onto the bed and held Zhuang Momo tightly in his arms.

Zhuang Momo was so anxious that he wanted to hit him, but he heard him say in a low voice: "You go ahead, I'm injured and I can't beat you anyway."

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