My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1638: The Successor, Not Connected

Chapter 1639: The Successor Chapter, Not Connected

Zhuang Momo has no relationship experience. Zhan Limo claims to have many girlfriends, but they have never made any substantial progress. The biggest breakthrough is just to accompany him for a drink. Now two people with zero relationship experience are ready to date. At the beginning, we encountered something that no one wanted to give in to.

Let yourself think about the girl day and night, thinking about the girl beside you. Zhan Limo can't wait to knock her down immediately and do everything he wants to do to her.

However, because Zhuang Momo was born in a very traditional family and received a very traditional education since childhood, if he wants to fall in love with her, he must take his time step by step. If he wants to develop qualitatively, he must wait until the two get married. The day you get your certificate.

Upon hearing the condition of "marriage", Zhan Limo was so anxious that his eyes turned red at first, but soon he had a new idea: "Well, since you think marriage is the only guarantee, let's go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the marriage certificate right away. .”

Just after Zhuang Momo sent Hu Qiaoqiao back to the room, while there was no one else in the ward, Zhan Limo felt itchy in his heart and couldn't wait to taste the sweetness of being someone else's boyfriend. However, the fragrance was not stolen by Zhuang Momo. The right eye was swollen with one punch.

Now, he is her boyfriend, but he can't even get a kiss.

Being beaten by his girlfriend, as a dignified man, he couldn't fight back at the end of the war. He could only look at Zhuang Momo with an aggrieved face, "I was beaten by you, you must double the compensation." I.

Under his pitiful and helpless gaze, Zhuang Momo gave him this answer: "At the end of the war, our family has a strict tutor. Before you get the approval of my family, we should restrain these things first. one time."


How to restrain yourself?

He is a grown man, and the girl he loves is right in front of him. He just wants to kiss her, but she asked him to restrain it. Does she really think that he is worse than a beast? "Zhuang Momo, I am your boyfriend now." , I wanted to kiss you but your right eye was swollen. If I made more extreme demands, would you kill me?"

"Zhan Limo, if you are sincere to me, then just wait. If we can get a marriage certificate, you will have many opportunities in the future. After we get married, you can do whatever you want." Zhuang Momo didn't want to hit him. It's just that she has been practicing martial arts since she was a child. Except for family members, as long as other people with her exceed the safe distance between people, she will involuntarily wave her fists.

She had just decided to date Zhan Limo. They used to be just comrades-in-arms, and their relationship was just comrades-in-arms. Now that their relationship suddenly changed, she still needed time to get used to his breath.

So, after Zhan Limo got excited, he came up with the idea of ​​grabbing Zhuang Momo to get the certificate. Because he was serious about pursuing her as his girlfriend. He had never been so serious in his life.

But his statement frightened Zhuang Momo: "Zhan Limo, do you know what you are talking about?"

"I know very well." Zhan Limo was rarely so serious. "Back then, my uncle and my aunt registered for marriage after only a few days of knowing each other. They were very loving and happy. I believe that a flash marriage will also be happy. Besides, we two know each other. We have been together for more than a year. After such a long time, we can clearly see the good and bad things about each other. After knowing each other so well, we decided to date. Are we still afraid of getting a marriage certificate? ?”

"At the end of the war, let me tell you, in today's society, it is very simple to get married and divorce. If you get along, you get married, and if you don't get along, you break up. It's like a common occurrence. But for our bankers, marriage is for a lifetime. If the man wants to divorce after marriage, My grandpa will definitely break his legs and let him crawl out of the banker's house. "Zhuang Momo just said that she wanted to get married, but she was embarrassed to tell Zhan Limo her true thoughts and worried that he would be jealous. , who would have expected that this man really wanted to drag her to get a marriage certificate, but now she can only say some cruel words to see if she can scare him.

"What does that have to do with me?" He decided to marry Zhuang Momo. He must have thought about it well. If he wants to divorce in the future, there is no need for Zhuang Momo's grandfather to do anything. Their elders can interrupt him. leg.

"Aren't you afraid?"

"Why should I be afraid?"

"Okay, okay, stop messing around, and go to sleep when you're full." Not being able to scare him, Zhuang Momo had no choice but to change the subject, hoping that Zhan Limo, a stinky man, wouldn't be too persistent.

However, at the end of the war, you and Zhuang Momo were competing: "Zhuang Momo, are you trying to test me? And you have never thought about marrying me?"

This man was really smart, and he guessed right. Zhuang Momo had to tell the truth: "At the end of the war, we have just started dating. I haven't digested the relationship yet. How could I think of getting married in such a short period of time?" things.”

"It seems that you still have concerns." Zhan Li finally understood. It was the bad impression he had left on Zhuang Momo before. It was the words he had said before that hurt Zhuang Momo. Now with such a simple statement He confessed that he just wanted such a good girl to marry him. He was really just dreaming about it. It was so beautiful.

"Marriage is a big event in life, it's better to think about it more." What Zhuang Momo wants is a sense of security, and this sense of security cannot be fully given to her at the end of the war.

She has to wait until the day she wants to marry him and be his wife. I hope she can wait in the near future.

"I was too impatient. Sorry!" Zhan Limo said suddenly, which scared Zhuang Momo again this time. In Zhuang Momo's impression, Zhan Limo was so arrogant that he could I don't just apologize to people casually.

She was a little worried: "Are you okay?"

Zhan Limo said: "Actually, my injury is not a big deal. Just have doctors and nurses look after it. You can go back and rest first."

Zhuang Momo quickly reached out and probed Zhan Limo's forehead: "Mr. Zhan, are you talking nonsense, or did I hear it wrong?"

"Go back. Remember to call me when you get home." Look, look, the most common apology seems so incredible to Zhuang Momo, but think about how bad the impression he left on Zhuang Momo before .

At the end of Zhan Li, he secretly made a decision. In the future, he would change and learn from Old Man Zhan. If his girlfriend said one thing, he would never say another. He must make Zhuang Momo look at him with admiration.

"The end of the war..."

"I'm really fine. You go back and rest first. You're going to be tired, and I feel bad for you." Well, he heard Old Man Zhan say these words to Qin Xiaobao, and every time Qin Xiaobao heard it, he looked very happy. He estimated that these love words would definitely be effective in dealing with girls.

"Then I'll leave first." As soon as he finished speaking, Zhuang Momo ran out like a gust of wind.

Mom, Zhan Limo behaved so abnormally just now, and he was probably thinking of ways to punish her. If she stayed here any longer, she would be played to death by that bastard.

She had better retreat first and go back to calm down, so that no matter what Zhan Limo does in the future, she can deal with it calmly.

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