My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1640: The Successor, the Second Sister’s Test (2)

Chapter 1641: Successor Chapter, Second Sister’s Test (2)

At the end of Zhan Li, he always felt that Zhuang Yindi had no good intentions, but since everyone was talking about it, he couldn't pretend to be confused because he understood. Pretending to be confused was actually giving in.

He had never seen any big scene in the past few years since the end of the war, and he had never been threatened by anyone. He had always threatened others, except of course Qin Yinjian.

He said: "I don't want to pursue Momo, but I am already pursuing her. Second sister, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. We are all young people, there is no need to beat around the bush."

"Second sister?" Upon hearing this title, Zhuang Yindi was stunned, and then smiled softly, "Just because you call me second sister, I have to have a good chat with you about our family's Momo."

At the end of the war, Zhuang Yindi's first impression was quite good. She didn't put on airs like the second generation ancestor, and she didn't think she would have ideas when she saw a beautiful woman.

Especially now, he calls her second sister sweetly, which is so sweet that people like him. If he hadn't come to test this boy on behalf of his little sister Zhuang Momo, she would have wanted to clap her hands and recognize this brother-in-law.

Therefore, men are really scary creatures. They are not sweet-tongued and don't like to talk. In the eyes of girls, they are cold and cold. They can also attract a group of innocent girls to yell at them. This sweet mouth is even more terrifying. Just a few coaxing words with a nice voice can turn your girlfriend into a little bird waiting for food.

"Second sister, do you want to check for Momo to see if I am worth entrusting to you?" The words were questions, but at the end of Zhan Li's words, he was quite sure. Zhuang Yindi's thoughts were written on his face, and it was not difficult to see.

Zhan Limo's words sent shivers down Zhuang Momo's spine. This guy was really a master and could see through her thoughts at a glance.

It seems that their Momo is like a silly and cute little white rabbit compared to this kid, and people won't even notice if they eat it.

This is the plan in her heart, but Zhuang Yindi will not be stupid enough to admit: "What is there to control or not? Our family Momo is young and not very sensible. Someone suddenly said that they want to chase her. As an elder sister, I have to look after her. "

Zhan Limo said: "Second sister, Momo is young and I know it. You should help her check it out. That's what you should do. I just hope that if you have any questions, second sister, you can ask me directly without being secretive."

At the end of Zhan Li's words, Zhuang Yindi was also happy: "Okay, let me tell you straight. You, Mr. Zhan, are well-known. You have had at least as many girlfriends as a volleyball team in the past few years. You Why do you want me to believe that you are serious about our Momo? Why do you want us to believe that you won’t go behind Momo’s back to find another woman?”

Zhan Limo knew that his reputation in the past was not very good, but he had nothing to do with those women, so he just said empty words, "It's useless what I say, second sister, please watch my actions in the future."

Zhuang Yindi looked at Zhan Limo with doubtful eyes: "Prove it with actions, but I also want to remind you that our family Momo is relatively slow and naive about feelings. When you pursue her, don't push her too hard. , otherwise it will be counterproductive.”

"Second sister, I'm not forcing her, I just want to see her." They were fine that day, but this girl ignored him after returning home. Could he not be anxious?

"Okay, come back with me and you can see her." It's hard to say whether Zhuang Momo is at home or not. Anyway, Zhuang Yindi just wants to take Zhan Limo home and avoid any awkward moments on the way home. Zhuang Yindi added, " Originally, I didn’t want to tell you the truth, just because your second sister’s name was so sweet. I couldn’t hide the fact from you that Momo was at home and didn’t want to see you.”

At the end of the war, he said anxiously: "Why doesn't she want to see me?"

Zhuang Yindi shrugged: "As I said just now, she is emotionally slow. You have to give her time to get used to you, otherwise you will scare her away."

"Is she, Zhuang Momo, such a timid person?" She promised him personally, and now she has no chance of going back on her word.

"She's just so timid." Zhuang Yindi sighed, "Mr. Zhan, do you want to know the secrets of our family Momo? If you want to, just ask, and I promise to tell you everything."

"There are no secrets between Momo and I. She told me everything." Zhan Limo wanted to know very much about Zhuang Momo, especially whether she had liked any other man before, but I feel that it is not good to ask such things from Zhuang Yindi. It would be better if Zhuang Momo is willing to tell him everything, but obviously it is not possible yet.

That woman Zhuang Momo didn't even want to see him. He could still expect her to tell him her past secrets.

"I don't know anything about Momo, but since Mr. Zhan is not interested, just pretend that I haven't said anything." Zhuang Yindi smiled secretly. Zhan Limo was too young to deceive her.

"I'm interested in Momo's affairs, but..."

"But you can't help but ask me?"

Zhan Li nodded at the end.

Zhuang Yindi added: "That proves that you don't like her enough."

"How do you say this?"

"If you like her enough, all you can think about is her. How can you care about your face?" Zhuang Yindi glanced sideways at Zhan Limo and said, "Mr. Zhan, I'm right. right?"

At the end of Zhan Li, he wiped his hands with cold sweat.

He had always felt that his eloquence was unmatched, especially in front of Qin Yinjian, but he did not expect that he would lose to Zhuang Yindi in just a few sentences of conversation.

It seems that all the women in the dealer are really extraordinary.

"If you don't speak, you agree with me." There are some things that Zhuang Momo will definitely not tell Zhan Limo. Zhuang Yindi feels that she should do it and let Zhan Limo know what Momo has suffered and how tired he is. Only then will he love her more, "My grandfather is very patriarchal. He always dreamed that my father could give birth to a son, so as not to cut off the businessman's business. Who knew that my father gave birth to three, and all three were daughters. In the end, my father I didn’t want my mother to be hurt anymore, so I thought of a way to deceive my grandfather and raise Momo as a boy. So my grandfather had high hopes for Momo since she was a child. But when the incident happened, I can’t imagine how bad her situation was.”

"Second sister, I will love her in the future." Zhan Limo had never heard of these things about Zhuang Momo. He really didn't know that Zhuang Momo grew up in such a family environment. He always thought that Zhuang Momo Strength is just a personal trait.

"Do you love her?" Zhuang Yindi smiled, "Everyone can say nice things, but few people can actually do it. What kind of man do you think you are?"

At the end of the war: "..."

He was speechless again.

Zhuang Yindi's words hit the nail on the head, and every sentence hit the point. Commitment is easy to say but difficult to keep.

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