My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1644: Heir, I’ve kissed someone like this before

Chapter 1645: Heir Chapter, I’ve kissed someone like this before


Wasn't he drunk? How could he still kiss her?

All Zhuang Momo's questions were silenced by Zhan Limo. She could only passively follow him to experience a stormy world that she had never experienced before.

This overbearing and powerful kiss lasted for who knows how long. When Zhuang Momo felt that he was about to suffocate, Zhan Li finally let her go.

But she just got a chance to take a breath, and before she could finish her breath, she was kissed hard by Zhan Limo again.

This time he kissed her more eagerly and passionately, as eagerly as if he had never kissed a woman before. She felt that her soul was about to be sucked away by him.

Like never kissed a woman?

This sentence suddenly flashed into Zhuang Momo's mind after being kissed in a daze. Why did she say "like"?

By the way, she remembered that the reason why she said "like" was because she had too many girlfriends before Zhan Limo, and she probably kissed a lot of women.

Thinking that he had kissed other women so eagerly, Zhuang Momo suddenly felt sour in his heart, and instantly felt that such a sweet kiss was not very good.

She didn't know where she found the strength, so she pushed Zhan Limo away and pursed her lips that were red from his kiss: "Liar!"

She knew she shouldn't care about his past. After all, he hadn't dated her at that time. It was normal for him to kiss another woman, but the thought of him being so close to another woman made her feel uncomfortable.

At the end of the war, he grabbed her hand and pressed her down again. He half-squinted his eyes and looked at the face in front of him that he missed day and night: "Zhuang Momo, tell me, if I don't pretend to be drunk, what else can I do? Let you show up?"

His voice was hoarse and low, which made Zhuang Momo feel a little distressed. She couldn't bear to push him away: "You are a liar anyway."

Zhan Limo gritted his teeth: "Do you want me to get drunk by your second sister?"

"That's not what I meant."

"what is that?"

"No, it's nothing..." Zhuang Momo felt a little embarrassed by him and tried to look away, but was stopped by Zhan Limo as soon as he made a move.

Zhan Limo slowly approached her, so close that they could feel each other's breathing, he stopped: "Zhuang Momo, I have lived for more than twenty years, and I have never thought of a woman this way. "

"You lied to me again."

"You..." He suddenly felt that he could no longer communicate with this woman.

"Your mother is also a woman. You dare to say that you have never thought about her."

"No." This sentence is true. Other children cling to their mothers, but he is different. When he was a child, he wished that Qin Xiaobao would go out to film every day and not go home, so no one would bully him. "I only want you."

"Who believes you..." Zhuang Momo's words had just finished, and Zhan Limo's kiss fell again. This time the kiss was different from the hot and urgent one just now, but gentle and lingering, which made Zhuang Momo so happy. She had no strength, and naturally no intention to think about anything else, so she couldn't help but follow him to a world that belonged to them.

When the kiss actually ended, Zhuang Momo had forgotten the unpleasantness just now, and looked at Zhan Limo who was still holding her with a blushing face: "I'm telling you, if my second sister knows that you are pretending to be drunk, there will definitely be trouble." You feel better."

"I'm your boyfriend, you will protect me, I'm not afraid." Zhan Lim remembered what she said not long ago. Nothing made him happier today than knowing that she had him in her heart.

As long as Zhuang Momo has him in his heart, he is confident that he can pass a hundred tests, let alone two tests.

"Shouldn't you protect me?" When other people were in love, boys told girls that they would protect her for the rest of their lives. How come when it came to the two of them, it was she who protected him?

"You just said you wanted to protect me, so I'll let you protect me." Zhan Lim smiled and bit her, "What? Did you forget what you just said not long ago?"

"I just didn't want my second sister to make you drink again. How could I take it seriously?"

"But I take it seriously." Zhan Limo locked eyes with her, "Zhuang Momo, I know you are serious, and you have to believe that I am serious about you, so don't play missing games with me in the future. have no idea?"

"I don't."

"You didn't? Then tell me, why have you avoided seeing me these three days? Why didn't you answer my call?"


"Okay, you don't need to explain. I don't care what your reasons are. As long as you don't make this kind of mistake again in the future, I won't care about you."

"I...well, whatever you say is what it is."

"Finally, I have what a girl should look like." Seeing Zhuang Momo reply with a blushing face, Zhan Limo held her in his arms with satisfaction, "There are some things you can't figure out, then ask me."

She murmured: "How do you know I have something that I can't figure out?"

"You wrote it all on your face, and you asked me how I knew." Zhan Lim pinched her face and said, "I know you have your worries and you have your fears, but you can try to let go of your Be on guard and trust me wholeheartedly, do you understand?”

"I believe you." If she didn't believe him, she wouldn't stand up to save him.

"It's not enough." He took her hand and put it against her heart. "What I want is your heart. What I want is that you believe in me wholeheartedly."

"At the end of the war, it's not that I don't want to believe you wholeheartedly, but that you have to make me believe in you." She believed in him, and he was doing what she believed in, but there were still some gaps between them. Some inexplicable things, these things require time.

They all understood, but Zhan Limo couldn't wait. He had never liked a woman so much. He had never experienced this feeling before, so he was really impatient: "Okay, I'll wait for you."

"You should sleep for a while first. There will be a test waiting for you when you wake up."

"Not sleeping."

"How can you have the energy to cope with the test if you don't sleep?"

"With you here, I can't sleep. If you let me hug you, I will be a hundred times more energetic." Zhan Limo said with full confidence because he didn't know what kind of test he would face.

Soon after, when he sat on the card table and was surrounded by the banker's parents and Zhuang Yindi, he didn't realize that this was the second test Zhuang Momo said.

At the end of Zhan Li, he met his parents before he was ready to meet them, and the second elder was very polite to him: "Xiao Zhan, our second sister said that you were a guest at home, so we couldn't wait to come back to see you. There’s nothing to do when we meet, so let’s play cards and chat.”

The words were spoken by Zhuang's mother, her voice was gentle and pleasant, and it was hard for Zhan Limo to refuse: "If uncle and aunt are so interested, I will accompany you."

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