My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1656: Heir, not ready to meet the parents yet

Chapter 1657: Heir, not ready to meet the parents yet

At the end of the war, he said, "Zhuang Momo, I will take you to meet a group of people before you go to play."

"Who are you meeting?" Zhuang Momo seemed to have guessed who Zhan Li was going to take her to see, but he didn't want to believe it.

"Of course it's to meet the parents!" At the end of Zhan Li, he put Zhuang Momo into a taxi and said to the driver, "Master, the north gate of Xishan Villa Area."

"But... but..." Zhuang Momo had guessed it, but he was still a little confused when Zhan Limo said it himself, "No, Zhan Limo, I'm not ready yet. I really can't do it now."

Hearing Zhuang Momo's words, the driver glanced sideways at the two of them. His eyes looked like Zhan Limo was looking at a heinous bad guy.

"Don't talk nonsense." Zhan Lim hugged Zhuang Momo, "People who don't know think I'm kidnapping a good family woman."

Zhuang Momo hesitated and said: "It's only been half a month since we decided to date. We haven't watched a movie together or gone out to play together. We haven't done many things that a couple should do. I really I'm not ready to meet your parents yet."

Zhuang Momo just wanted to follow his heart and have a love with Zhan Limo that he would not regret. He really didn't want to meet his parents, let alone think that he and she could go on forever.

Now Zhan Limo suddenly said that he wanted to take her to meet her parents. She was immediately panicked and a little at a loss.

It's not that I'm unwilling, but that I have too many scruples in my heart.

If Zhan Limo's parents don't like her and prevent him from dating her, then she may not even be able to have a good relationship with him, or even have the chance to hold his hand and watch a movie with him. , thinking of this, Zhuang Momo felt a lot of reluctance in his heart.

"Zhuang Momo, it's okay. I'll make up for it after meeting the parents. Let's go play in the afternoon and go to the movies in the evening. It only takes one day to make up for the things you want." Zhan Limo He had grown up among women at home, and it was easy for him to read women's thoughts.

For example, when Qin Xiaobao frowned in the past, he knew why Qin Xiaobao was angry, but he didn't know why he was so sure about other women, but it didn't work when he got to Zhuang Momo.

Zhan Limo, who had always been clear-minded, never thought that he actually didn't understand Zhuang Momo's thoughts. The main reason was that the authorities were confused and the onlookers could see clearly.

He thought that what Zhuang Momo cared about was that the two of them hadn't started dating like a normal couple, and he didn't know Zhuang Momo's inner worries and fears.

Perhaps in his opinion, Zhuang Momo is still that powerful man-in-law, and no one can defeat her.

Perhaps he was too eager to bring Zhuang Momo to meet his parents, so he forgot that love does not follow a step-by-step procedure.

What do you want to make up for what you want... Zhuang Momo was very unhappy with Zhan Limo's words: "Zhan Limo, I think we have some different views. Let's calm down and think about it carefully, and don't be so impulsive."

"Impulsive? Why did you use the word impulsive?" Zhan Limo didn't realize what he said wrongly. "I've already met your parents. Now you go to meet my parents. Why are you so impulsive?"

He only wanted to introduce Zhuang Momo to his family, so he ignored Zhuang Momo's inner worries and scruples.

"I just don't want to meet your parents." But Zhuang Momo has too many worries. His family background and hers are really from two different worlds. Even if he doesn't care, what about his parents? Where are his relatives and friends?

Zhuang Momo had never thought about it so much before, until he proposed to take her to meet her parents. These differences flooded into her mind like a tide, and there was no way to stop it.

Zhan Limo said angrily: "Zhuang Momo, I will make up for what you said. You are still unwilling to meet my parents. What are you thinking in your heart? Have you never thought about it at all? Do you want to have a good relationship with me?"

Zhuang Momo was already nervous because of worry, but now he was angry and anxious when Zhan Limo said this. He was so angry that his body was shaking slightly and his palms were sweating. Zhan Limo noticed: "Zhuang Momo, what's wrong with you? Yes?" Isn’t it uncomfortable somewhere?”

Zhuang Momo shook off his hand: "I heard that you were going to take me to meet your parents, but I was really not ready yet. I was worried and scared, and I became like this when I was nervous. It was not what you said I didn’t think about getting along with you, otherwise I wouldn’t have come to Minluo City to find you.”

"If you are not ready yet, then we will not go to see your parents. We will go together when you are ready." Perhaps he was too impatient and misunderstood her. Zhan Limo felt guilty and distressed, "You flew away You must be tired after several hours. Let’s go to the hotel to take a rest. Once you’re done, I’ll go shopping with you later.”

"Zhan Limo, it's really not that I don't want to meet your parents. Please give me a little more time." Zhuang Momo looked at Zhan Limo and saw his brows furrowed, "If I don't go to see your parents, you Are you unhappy?"

"You're stupid!" Hearing what she said, Zhan Limo's heart softened. He rubbed her head, "It must be voluntary to meet your parents. If you are not ready yet, I will wait for you to be ready. The reason why I am anxious is to tell you that I am absolutely serious about this relationship, and you have to believe in me and yourself."

In the past, in Zhuang Momo's mind, Zhan Limo was just a second-generation ancestor who knew nothing. He relied on his father's identity to get into their Flying Eagle group. Later, as they got along, she gradually discovered that Zhan Limo actually had many advantages. .

He has his abilities, he has his charm, and he has many, many advantages, so many that she fell in love with him without knowing it, and because she was moved, she was afraid that she would not be able to compare with him, that she would not be good enough. This relationship has been lost since the beginning.

Zhuang Momo was very happy that he also had her in his heart: "At the end of the war, I will do it, and you have to believe in me."

Zhan Limo smiled and said: "In the Flying Eagle team, you are no worse than any other male player, and you are even very good. Of course I believe you,"

When we were talking about love, Zhuang Momo didn't want to mention his heroic deeds anymore, so he immediately changed the subject: "At the end of Zhan Li, do you know why I came to Minluo City to find you?"

"Because you miss me." Zhan Limo has always been so confident. To put it bluntly, it might be called thick-skinned, "Zhuang Momo, if you dare to say that you didn't come here because you missed me, I will make it hard for you. Walk."

"It's true that I miss you more than you think." Zhuang Momo looked at Zhan Limo and raised the corners of his lips slightly, "I haven't seen you for only two days, but I miss you more than I do." I imagined it, so I secretly bought a plane ticket behind my family’s back and flew to Minluo City to find you.”

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