My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1660: The Successor, finally seeing a living one

Chapter 1661: The Successor Chapter, finally seeing a living one

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Zhan Limo had never seen Qin Xiaobao look like this. He stretched out his hand and waved it in front of her eyes with some worry, "Mrs. Zhan, are you okay?"

"I...what can happen to me?" Qin Xiaobao's eyes fell firmly on Zhuang Momo next to Zhan Limo. At first glance, she thought Zhuang Momo was very beautiful, and when she looked closely, she was also beautiful. Heroic.

This girl's hair was cut very short and her skin was pink and tender. She looked like a heroic beauty. Qin Xiaobao praised in his heart that his son was really discerning and the wife he chose was no worse than her.

Well, they are just not worse than her, but they are not more beautiful than her. They are all beauties, each with their own beautiful characteristics: "Stinky, oh no, Li Mo, why don't you hurry up and treat such a beautiful girl Introduce me to your father."

Qin Xiaobao was talking to Zhan Limo, but his eyes were still on Zhuang Momo.

"Dad, Mom, this is my girlfriend Zhuang Momo." Zhan Limo said softly, and then said, "Momo, the handsome man in front of you is my dad, and this looks like The beauty who stutters when you look at me is my mother-in-law.”

Qin Xiaobao immediately stepped forward to hold Zhuang Momo, took a closer look at the girl, and said with satisfaction: "Momo, I'm glad you can come to our house as a guest. You must come often in the future."

"Hello, aunt!" Compared to Qin Xiaobao's familiarity, Zhuang Momo seemed much more reserved, "Hello, Chief Zhan!"

"This is at home, not in the military area. From now on, we will be a family. Don't be too formal. Just call me uncle." Zhan Nianbei didn't act as enthusiastic as Qin Xiaobao, but what he said was for Zhuang Momo. The affirmation of identity is more pleasing to the ear than any nice words.

"Yes, chief!" Zhuang Momo instinctively performed a standard military salute.

Zhan Nianbei: "..."

Seeing how upright and cute this girl is, Qin Xiaobao wants to laugh, but she resists it. This is the first time a girl comes to their house. She must not show her true nature and scare the girl away, especially such a cute and fun girl. She is even more I can't bear it.

Instantly, many pictures came to Qin Xiaobao's mind. If that brat Zhan Limo really had the ability to marry such a beautiful and lovely girl home, and she could tease her daughter-in-law no matter what, then their family's life would be more colorful in the future. .

At the end of Zhan Liming, he quickly pulled Zhuang Momo and whispered in her ear: "Old man Zhan is not as scary as you think. Just relax and treat him as an ordinary middle-aged man."

"I..." Zhuang Momo also thought, but the tall and handsome middle-aged man in front of her was the biggest leader of their military region. Usually it was difficult for her to even look at him from a distance. Now she was so close and still in such a way. How could she, a little soldier, not be excited and nervous when her identity appeared in front of the chief.

"What are you doing? Okay, I'll introduce you to the other members of the family." Zhan Limo took Zhuang Momo's hand and introduced the people present and absent to Zhuang Momo one by one. Mo had some knowledge of the people in their big family.

Qin lelan and Lu Xi both said hello to Zhuang Momo. Everyone had a good impression of her and sighed in their hearts that Zhan Limo finally calmed down.

Perhaps only a handsome and handsome person like Zhuang Momo can make him feel at ease.

"Momo, let's go sit in the house first." Qin Xiaobao greeted her affectionately, for fear of tiring her daughter-in-law.

At this moment, Jianran and Qin Yue came back from the hospital with their two little guys. When the little guy Lele saw a beautiful woman coming to the house, he pulled Lu Lu Lu and ran quickly to Zhuang Momo with a sweet mouth. Said: "Sister, you are so beautiful, can we be friends with you?"

The first time she met Zhan Limo's parents, and they were from such a wealthy family, Zhuang Momo instinctively couldn't let go. Now being asked by two such cute children if she wanted to make friends with them, her nervousness unknowingly disappeared. Disappeared.

She knelt down and tried to look at the two little guys at eye level: "Well, you are Lele, and you are Lu Lu. I just heard Zhan Limo mention you two, and I didn't expect to see you so soon."

Lele and Lu Lu: "Then sister is willing to make friends with us?"

Who would be willing to refuse such a cute little guy? Zhuang Momo nodded: "Of course. I also want to make friends with you."

Lele and Lu Lu immediately put their mouths together and kissed Zhuang Momo's left and right cheeks respectively: "Sister, we kissed you and you are our friend. You can't regret it."

Zhuang Momo said happily: "Of course. We are lifelong friends."

"You two villains, let her go quickly." Seeing his woman being kissed by two little guys, Zhan Limo felt very uncomfortable. He had never kissed Zhuang Momo's face. Why did this little guy take the lead?

He wanted to pull the two little people apart, but the two little people reacted faster than Zhan Limo and hid in Zhuang Momo's arms before he took action: "Sister, we like you, please hold me Hug us."

Zhuang Momo protected the two little guys like calves. Without her having to say anything, just a look made Zhan Limo take his hand back obediently.

This is not the most irritating thing. The most irritating thing is that the two villains in Zhuang Momo's arms secretly gave him a proud look, indicating that they had won this game again.

These two villains, he swore, he would beat their little asses hard one day.

"Lele, Lu Lu, why don't we invite sister to the living room first? If you let her squat here, she will be tired. Can you please invite sister in and entertain her well?" Before his daughter-in-law entered the door, Qin Xiaobao started I feel sorry for them.

"Okay, okay, sister, let's accompany you into the house." Lele and Lu Lu pulled Zhuang Momo.

Jian Ran and Qin Yue also arrived. Qin Yue was still the same, his expression was indifferent, and he could not tell whether he was happy or angry. He didn't look at Zhuang Momo much, but Jian Ran quietly looked at Zhuang Momo.

Not to mention that her first impression of Zhuang Momo was very good, just because the two little guys liked Zhuang Momo so much, they knew that this girl must be a good girl.

Children are actually better at judging people than adults.

At the end of Zhan Li, he quickly grabbed Zhuang Momo: "Zhuang Momo, don't leave with these two villains first. I have elders to introduce you to them."

Introducing the elders is one thing, but he also wants to take back Zhuang Momo's "ownership".

"This is my aunt and uncle." Zhan Limo said, and Zhuang Momo became nervous again.

The two noble couples in front of her were the pioneers and wives of the Shengtian Group. She had heard many good stories about their couple, and today she finally saw them alive.

Zhuang Momo suddenly felt that her life seemed to be complete.

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