My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1662: The Successor, men love to be jealous

Chapter 1663: The Successor, men love to be jealous

"Everyone says I'm cute, but I don't want to be cute at all now." Lele put on a very distressed look and looked at Zhuang Momo intently.

"Why?" Zhuang Momo chuckled, are all children today so unpredictable?

Lele said: "You can't have a girlfriend just because you are cute."

Zhuang Momo was amused again: "Lele, do you want to have a girlfriend at such a young age?"

"A girlfriend as beautiful as my sister is something that all boys want to have." Lele leaned into Zhuang Momo's ear, "Sister, look at my little cousin, he looks so scary, it's just because you hugged me. Hug him."

"Who said that?" Zhuang Momo glanced at Zhan Limo. The smelly man really looked like he wanted to eat people, as if she would do something if she hugged Lele.

Lele added: "Sister, when a man behaves like this, he is jealous."

Zhuang Momo: "Little guy, do you understand? Who told you?"

"My mother told me."

"Your mother still tells you this?"

"Yes, because if I keep pestering my mother at home, my father will be like this. At this time, my mother will tell me that my father is jealous." Lele shrugged, looking like a little adult, "Sister, I You’re still so young, and you can’t really compete with them for your wife, so why do you think they are so stingy?”

"That's because maybe they just like to be jealous." Listening to Lele's explanation, Zhuang Momo finally understood why Zhan Limo kept showing a bad face after Lele arrived.

This man doesn't eat when he should be jealous, and acts jealous when he shouldn't. How stingy!

"Little guy, since you know I will be jealous, why are you here to fight?" At the end of Zhan Li, he pulled Lele out of Zhuang Momo's arms again, "Bad boy, you better go back and pester you." Mom, let your dad be jealous. After all, they have been married for so many years and don’t care if you take up more of their time.”

"No! I want to play with my beautiful sister." Lele refused. It was because he insisted on sleeping with his parents last night. His father didn't give him a good look today. At this time, he still had to leave more time for his father. Mom lives in a world of two. This is how smart children behave.

At the end of the war: "You..."

Zhuang Momo: "At the end of the war, please stop being so stingy. It's so boring for the two of us to play together. Wouldn't it be more interesting to have one more cutie? Let Lele stay."

Lele: "Thank you, sister! Kiss!"

Lele leaned in to kiss Zhuang Momo's face secretly, which made Zhan Limo's eyes turn red with envy.

His girlfriend, he kissed her like a thief, why should this little girl kiss her whenever he wanted?

At the end of the war, he quit, turned around and left with Xiao Lele in his arms: "Zhuang Momo, wait for me here. I will send this kid to his mother and come back to you."

At the end of Zhan Li, he was about to leave with Lele in his arms. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed another head peeking out from under the big tree where Lele had just peeked. This time it was none other than Qin Xiaobao, who was instructing Lele: "Qin Xiaobao, You are about to marry your daughter-in-law, and you still do some sneaky things, and you are not afraid of being laughed at? "

Discovered by Zhan Limo, Qin Xiaobao simply stood up and looked at the blue sky, then at the flowers and plants in the garden, and finally looked at Zhan Limo and others: "Hey, what a coincidence, you are here too Want to see the scenery here?”

Zhan Limo gritted his teeth angrily: "Qin Xiaobao, stop pretending."

Qin Xiaobao coughed lightly: "Well, Mr. Zhan, please pay attention to how you address your elders in front of your girlfriend."

"Look at you, how do you look like an elder?" His mother is already dozens of years old, but she is still so childish. If he could, he would really like to have another mother.

"You are allowed to come to the garden to see the flowers, but I am not allowed to come?" Qin Xiaobao squeezed to Zhuang Momo's side and held Zhuang Momo's hand affectionately, "Momo, don't you think so?"

"Auntie, you are right." Zhuang Momo wanted to laugh. Everyone in this family was different from what she imagined. She originally thought that Chief Zhan's wife must be dignified and serious, but she didn't know that she was such a natural person. A guy with funny attributes.

"Auntie, I didn't tell my little cousin that you and I hid behind the big tree and saw them kissing." Lele felt that she was awesome because she kept her aunt's words in mind and didn't betray her.

"Lele, my aunt will take you to find your mother." Yes, this little guy didn't betray her just now, but now he has revealed everything in front of her. Where can she put her old face in front of her daughter-in-law? ?

She'd better take Lele out of the way before Zhan Limo gets angry, otherwise this guy will definitely think of some ways to confront her again.

When he was very young, he dared to send women to his father's bed, which really made him anxious, and he did even more extreme things.

After watching Qin Xiaobao take Lele away, Zhuang Momo, who had been holding back for a long time, couldn't bear it anymore. He held his belly and laughed loudly: "Mr. Zhan, I finally know why you were so perverted before."

There is such a wonderful mother in the family. She must have been pranked since she was a child. She only gets pranked at home, so when she goes outside, she thinks of perverted ways to prank others.

"Zhuang Momo, try smiling again." Zhan Li was so angry that his face turned green, but Zhuang Momo didn't mind at all. It must be fun to marry into such a family.

For the first time, she had the idea of ​​marrying into the Zhan family, but not because of Zhan Limo, but because Zhan Limo's mother was fun. If Zhan Limo knew about this, the consequences would be...

"Auntie, did Lele behave well just now?"

"Well, very good. But there is still room for improvement."

"Dad, Mom, are you here to see Lele?" Lele noticed with keen eyes that the two people walking in front of her were her parents, she quickened her pace and ran into her parents' arms.

Qin leran asked: "Lele, where did you run just now?"

Lele said: "I went to do something big with my aunt."

"What's the big deal?" Qin leran looked at Qin Xiaobao, "little aunt, could you have taken Lele to peek at Li Mo and what they were doing?"

"This is the first time that boy from Zhan Liming has brought his girlfriend to meet his parents. I guess he must be serious. I wanted to give guidance and guidance, but I didn't know that boy didn't appreciate it. In this case, we will come back first." Qin Xiaobao She had thought about coaching Zhan Limo, but she found that the boy was so powerful and domineering when he kissed a woman, that he had the same demeanor as his father. It seemed that he didn't need any guidance from her, he was already a teacher.

"Little aunt, my uncle is looking for you. You should go back to accompany your uncle. He is the one who needs your company most." Qin leran smiled and said, "Lele, brother Lu Lu is also looking for you everywhere. Go quickly Just play with him and forget about adult matters."

Lele said cutely: "But now Lele just wants to be with her mother."

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